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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

@Gabriel Leko

Yes! Your character has been accepted! (^U^) To tell you the truth, it was accepted only after a few minutes after posting, so congrats on a speedy acceptance!!! ( ;) ) This means, of course, that you are welcome to jump in and RP anytime you like! (Make sure you use the appropriate text color ((which can be found in your bio)) when your character is talking and/or thinking!)

Before you do however, take in consideration the places all of our characters are in as of now. If you go to the tab that says "Galley/Maps", you will see that there are two maps currently up that have the locations of all the places in the ATLA universe!

Currently, ALL of our characters are centered near the Eastern Air temple, 3 of them located on the island just above the temple, and 3 more (including me), in the waters near the island.

When you first role play, make sure you state that you are in earth kingdom territory, and find some way to interact with another character (by @ ing them, of course!) Also, don't forget to give him a motivation for being there!

Ok I think that's all that needs explaining as of now, except maybe the plot. We have some ideas as of now, but like I previously said, nothing set in stone. If you have questions about it, I'll send you a few posts with ideas for a plot.

And great! I always aim to please, your flattery equals my flattery x2 my friend! (=u=)

(And yes, the fire she breaths does have spiritual properties, as she is half-spirit and was given her night powers by her father, who is a spirit of the night and the shadows. Maybe the Eclipses spirits know of him, who knows?! ( :P ))
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Uh I may have posted something here that I meant to post in another RP by mistake. I deleted it already, sorry if I confused anyone. xD
Lepolarleopard said:
Thank you thank you no hold your applause until the end of the speech plz! (8))
Im JK everyone! ( :D )

All I wanted to say is that, yep IM THE NEW MODERATOR! So have any questions, (in which I'm sssuuuurrrreeeee you do), Feel free to ask meh! Unsure of something? Ask Meh! Want to just hang? TALK TO MMMEEEHHHH (@V@)

And remember... (read bellow)

Yeyyyyy congrats
@Brinie @Artemistel

Just an FYI you 2, @Leo296 will not be able to reply today, as s/he is in Disneyland until 8 PM. Knowing him/her though, s/he might reply later in the night, but I can't promise anything until at least tomorrow. Just wanted to let you 2 know! (' :) )
Gabriel Leko]Thanks! Not really sure where to start so I'll wait for any opening. If anyone wants to Rp however I'm here. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11775-gabriel-leko/ said:
@Gabriel Leko[/URL]

You can RP any time you like, just make sure you do it soon so you don't miss character interaction or get left behind in the plot! As for where you can start, it honestly doesn't matter, as long as your oc has some motivation for being in the earth kingdom (because that's where all the characters are located). For example, after reading your bio, he could be continuing to spread the word of the eclipses spirits or something of the sort, or perhaps looking for work, training and/or someone to train, ect. Really, almost ANYTHING will work.

Most of the RPers here reply on random times, unless you were talking about starting a separate one-on-one rp. If not, then don't wait for anyone and work on a post that will introduce your character into the story, so the other rpers can take the context and even plan to meet yours!

I hope that helped! (^.^)
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Gabriel Leko] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25274-lepolarleopard/ said:
Actually the meaning I was using it was another form amused, like a...really tame amusement. Like you find something funny, but not outwardly so.

...CLEARLY I am an uneducated sap. ( O.o )( :x )

*reads dictionary*
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Lepolarleopard said:

HOLD YOUR HORSES THERE PAL. That's my BFF you're talkin to!


so what you're saying is, that you two are an item... interesting, i wish you luck in your new relationship
Brinie said:
so what you're saying is, that you two are an item... interesting, i wish you luck in your new relationship

I says, BFF, which is an acronym for "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER". Jeez, get schooled a little! (>P)( >:( )

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Brinie said:
so what you're saying is, that you two are an item... interesting, i wish you luck in your new relationship
We're not, just friends. Besides, Lepolarleopard is not my type. Better off as friends.


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