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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Lol why? xD coz theyre both kinda cold?

I think the two would argue a lot. While Yagari isn't the most mannered person, he's not crude. Shio is crude and insults people. Yagari is very blunt and isn't afraid to tell people what he thinks of them. So, it wouldn't surprise me they would have an insult competition requiring someone to step in between them. Shio also likes to use people which Yagari doesn't appreciate.
Brinie said:
Two negatives makes a positive. ;)
Yeah, they'll both be happy doing… I don't know. Something. But that would be good for them. Depending on what they do.
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Hm.. I wanna interact with someone in the RP. Getting pretty anxious. I'll probably post tomorrow and get Shio to start annoying someone.
Brinie said:
Hm.. I wanna interact with someone in the RP. Getting pretty anxious. I'll probably post tomorrow and get Shio to start annoying someone.
Same here. I don't mind if he interacts with one of my characters. Either one would work in my opinion.
Leo296 said:
Same here. I don't mind if he interacts with one of my characters. Either one would work in my opinion.
With Hikaru I can have the bandit that Shio was chasing trail off through the market he's in. Maybe the bandit pickpockets Hikaru whilst Shio is after him?

I can also have him be in the same town as Yagari then. And he can enter the tea shop to take a brief break in hunting the bandit and maybe stir up a little trouble?

Either choice sounds like fun to me.
Brinie said:
With Hikaru I can have the bandit that Shio was chasing trail off through the market he's in. Maybe the bandit pickpockets Hikaru whilst Shio is after him?
I can also have him be in the same town as Yagari then. And he can enter the tea shop to take a brief break in hunting the bandit and maybe stir up a little trouble?

Either choice sounds like fun to me.
I like both as well. Hikaru would probably end up tripping as well and Shio could insult his clumsiness. Yagari, would be pretty annoyed I will say. I really don't mind which one happens. So, I asked lepolarleopard. So, how about Shio and Yagari?
Leo296 said:
I like both as well. Hikaru would probably end up tripping as well and Shio could insult his clumsiness. Yagari, would be pretty annoyed I will say. I really don't mind which one happens. So, I asked lepolarleopard. So, how about Shio and Yagari?
Ok, so Yagari then? I just thought of the worst idea for it too...(} :) )
Brinie said:
Ok, so Yagari then? I just thought of the worst idea for it too...(} :) )
Alright then. I can't wait for to see what happens *Smiles*. I wonder what it is…
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Leo296 said:
Alright then. I can't wait for to see what happens *Smiles*. I wonder what it is…
Didn't quite come out how I thought it would, hope you can still make something out of it. xD
OH i forgot to ask, is swearing okay in this roleplay or not? I may have swore a bit in my post, i'll edit it just in-case it's not.
Brinie said:
OH i forgot to ask, is swearing okay in this roleplay or not? I may have swore a bit in my post, i'll edit it just in-case it's not.
I don't know actually. If it isn't, you could always edit it out. I'll ask the owner of the RP.
Brinie said:
OH i forgot to ask, is swearing okay in this roleplay or not? I may have swore a bit in my post, i'll edit it just in-case it's not.
I'm not going to make it a regulation, as long as it is not directed at a user.

Thank you for asking.
@Leo296 @Brinie

Please remember to follow all of the rules. If you are interacting with another character, make sure to tag the user(s) in each post. If not, no one will no whether your character is free to interact with.

Thank you, and for more info, visit the RULES in the OVERVIEW tab.
Artemistel said:
I'm not going to make it a regulation, as long as it is not directed at a user.
Thank you for asking.
He is in an unnamed village in the Earth kingdom with Yagari. Since it is unnamed, we can just make it the same village as your character.

Woops, forgot, I edited his name in.
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Brinie said:
He is in an unnamed village in the Earth kingdom with Yagari. Since it is unnamed, we can just make it the same village as your character.
Woops, forgot, I edited his name in.
@Brinie: Don't worry about it. Just edit the posts your character has been interacting with Yagari.

@Leo296, if you don't mind, you too.
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki, I noticed for dialogue and thought Ulva (whom you didn't name in her last post), has Blue #1 for her color. I assigned you Blue #2. If you would like me to change it, please let me know before changing it in roleplay yourself.

Thank you!
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UPDATE: I was thinking of requesting a new tab for something a little more immature: Q&A [like a would you rather and other mini games for our OCs and for ourselves to further their character development] and possibly even a shipping poll. Like/respond if you think I should go through with it and you might want to participate. (music) I will only request a new tab if everyone wants to take part in this, so please let me know.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296 @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @Brinie
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Artemistel said:
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki, I noticed for dialogue and thought Ulva (whom you didn't name in her last post), has Blue #1 for her color. I assigned you Blue #2. If you would like me to change it, please let me know before changing it in roleplay yourself.
Thank you!
Sorry barely noticed the difference, will fix.
Artemistel said:
UPDATE: I was thinking of requesting a new tab for something a little more immature: Q&A [like a would you rather and other mini games for our OCs and for ourselves to further their character development] and possibly even a shipping poll. Like/respond if you think I should go through with it and you might want to participate. (music)
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296 @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @Brinie
Sounds like a good idea. I'm not quite sure about the shipping poll. Isn't that jumping a little bit too early? Unless that arrives later, then never mind.
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Leo296 said:
Sounds like a good idea. I'm not quite sure about the shipping poll. Isn't that jumping a little bit too early? Unless that arrives later, then never mind.
@Leo296 Yes, hence the "immature" part, for both our characters and ourselves.
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Artemistel said:
@Leo296 Yes, hence the "immature" part, for both our characters and ourselves.
Alright then, I guess it makes sense. I wonder what kind of mini games would our characters have to endure.
Leo296 said:
Same here. I don't mind if he interacts with one of my characters. Either one would work in my opinion.
Would a bounty hunter notice Yagari's face or not? I noticed you mentioned it in your first post.

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