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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Brinie said:
What's up? (o'v'o)
Well, coming up with ideas for the plot. You may want to figure out how your character meets up with ours. Don't worry if you don't have a solid plan yet. I don't for Yagari. I'm sure that we'll have to improvise along the way.

I guess we're just hanging out as well.
Brinie said:
... You want us to fight? I prefer not to waste my energy doing that. I fight enough without physical fighting. It's more entertaining to see in person. *Shrugs*.
Leo296 said:
We're on the internet. How are you going to slap me anyway? Why don't we just come up with some ideas.
@Leo296 Then stop wasting mine and everyone's time with STUPID QUESTIONS!!! (>8U)(>8U)(>8U)

*Ahem* anywho, @Brinie , my new pal, do you have any suggestions? ( :) )
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Lepolarleopard said:
@Leo296 Then stop wasting mine and everyone's time with STUPID QUESTIONS!!! (>8U)(>8U)(>8U)
*Ahem* anywho, @Brinie , my new pal, do you have any suggestions? ( :) )
*Cricket chirping* We'll take any as we don't have much now. But, that's the fun of it I guess.
Maybe there's like an evil spirit thing that's going around possessing people / making brainless followers or something involving an evil spirit? I don't know honestly. I'm a bit confused with the timeline so I dunno what's lore friendly and what's not. xD
Brinie said:
Maybe there's like an evil spirit thing that's going around possessing people / making brainless followers or something involving an evil spirit? I don't know honestly. I'm a bit confused with the timeline so I dunno what's lore friendly and what's not. xD
The idea that lepolarleopard had was that the group v.s. a group such as a radical nonbender group (or something similar to that). For this RP, this is before the Hundred Years War. So, the nations are fairly friendly with each other but hostile at times. Hopefully, that helps a little bit. If not, you could always browse the avatar wikia if you want. Or just ask lepolarleopard. My knowledge of the show is a bit fuzzy as of now.

Hmm... Not bad. That would be interesting.
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Brinie said:
Maybe there's like an evil spirit thing that's going around possessing people / making brainless followers or something involving an evil spirit? I don't know honestly. I'm a bit confused with the timeline so I dunno what's lore friendly and what's not. xD
@Brinie Hey thats not bad. Ok, from what our monitor told us, this is BEFORE the area of the fire nation taking over, which means that the nations are at peace with each other, and technology doesn't really exist. That also means that the spirit portals are still closed, so only certain spirits can cross over, like Hei Bi the pandalike spirit. Other than that, your idea is fully plausible! (:B)

@Leo296 yes thank you leo, for once your comments are not wasted on the youth
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Lepolarleopard said:
@Brinie Hey thats not bad. Ok, from what our monitor told us, this is BEFORE the area of the fire nation taking over, which means that the nations are at peace with each other, and technology doesn't really exist. That also means that the spirit portals are still closed, so only certain spirits can cross over, like Hei Bi the pandalike spirit. Other than that, your idea is fully plausible! (:B)
If used correctly, we could come up with something interesting. I'm not the best at plots as I prefer characters as well as character interaction.
Lepolarleopard said:
...never mind (-n-)
I can't see how we could use it to connect with the first idea. I'm not saying it's impossible. It may not be even connected. But, to get it to work either way, we'll need to think.
Leo296 said:
I can't see how we could use it to connect with the first idea. I'm not saying it's impossible. It may not be even connected. But, to get it to work either way, we'll need to think.
... that doesn't even warrant a reply wth? @Leo296
Leo296 said:
Anyway, will Ulva and Yula move further into the earth kingdom?
Yes we will, as soon as Ulva and Amira chat or something and decided where to go from there. I am but a humble, (but freaking powerful and awesome), follower :3
Well there was a roleplay I made awhile ago about a spirit called Akuma. Except it was after the war, and the spirit basically incited the earth nation to violence, which caused them to wage war on the fire nation in a twist of events. Except this happened after the events of the legend of korra... That's sort of impossible on this timeline, but maybe he can serve as a sort of antagonist some how. The spirit is similar to koh, except instead of stealing faces, he causes people to have visions that make them inherently more violent.

Perhaps that's what the spirit is doing? Maybe there is some sort of disease going around in the world that is making people behave more violently, and unbeknownst to everyone else, it is actually a spirit that is causing these sort of events/inciting anger.

We can even go forward and say that it is somehow what made the fire nation decide that they wanted to start a conquest against the world? I don't think that approach would work, just another idea.

I do think the original idea about the rogue group of benders would be better in this setting, just wanted to maybe provide an alternative.
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