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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Leo296 said:
Uh… I don't think he would interested in helping the bad guys unless they paid him. I was thinking that he was working for the bad guys but ends up joining the group somehow. But that would involve them paying him more than what the bad guys promised him. Unless they treated him badly then he would join for a lower charge.
...or he could just have a change of heart? (<X3)(^.^)
Lepolarleopard said:
...or he could just have a change of heart? (<X3)(^.^)
I was thinking if he does have a change of heart, it would happen later. Such as some other people offering to pay him more than the group promised him. To which he replies no after becoming closer to them and no longer caring about the money.

Unless they had a coin toss. If the coin lands on the side they chose, he joins them. But, I don't know how that would work.

Or they're heading somewhere near where the pirates that raided his village. He would join. If they offered him the chance to have his revenge against the pirates, he would join without pay. Being able to have his revenge for they stole from him would be worth more than any amount one could offer him.
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Leo296 said:
I was thinking if he does have a change of heart, it would happen later. Such as some other people offering to pay him more than the group promised him. To which he replies no after becoming closer to them and no longer caring about the money.
Unless they had a coin toss. If the coin lands on the side they chose, he joins them. But, I don't know how that would work.

Or they're heading somewhere near where the pirates that raided his village. He would join. If they offered him the chance to have his revenge against the pirates, he would join without pay. Being able to have his revenge for they stole from him would be worth more than any amount one could offer him.
Heh, that sounds cliche but cute nondaless! I wonder what the group will need him for... OR, hey, maybe they capture him as a spy! ooohhhhhh thats good too!

Hey dude! (@V@) Welcome to the club! (^U^) Read your bio, your OC is intense! (':3) Did you check out the rules under overview? Also, I should let you know that, unfortunately, you won't be able to join right away, due to our monitor being out for the weekend, so she can't approve of your character until she gets back, sorry. (' :| ) But hey, you can always chat with us in here, and figure out where your oc is going to show up for the RP! (OuO) We also don't have a permanent plot as of now, but we have a general idea, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to lay it on us in here! (OUO)

P.S. Dose your dude still have his Shirshu? If so, whats its name? (*U*)

P.P.S. Those animals are cool!!!! Can't wait to interact with it, if he does still have it! (:3)
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Lepolarleopard said:
Hey dude! (@V@) Welcome to the club! (^U^) Read your bio, your OC is intense! (':3) Did you check out the rules under overview? Also, I should let you know that, unfortunately, you won't be able to join right away, due to our monitor being out for the weekend, so she can't approve of your character until she gets back, sorry. (' :| ) But hey, you can always chat with us in here, and figure out where your oc is going to show up for the RP! (OuO) We also don't have a permittee plot as of now, but we have a general idea, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to lay it on us in here! (OUO)

P.S. Dose your dude still have his Shirshu? If so, whats its name? (*U*)

P.P.S. Those animals are cool!!!! Can't wait to interact with it, if he does still have it! (:3)
If you want to inform us anything else about your character, plot ideas or just about something, feel free to. Thank you for creating a male character as I was the only one who had any. Maybe he and Yagari would get along, to a slight degree. Though, they would probably have an insult competition.
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Oh. :(

That's unfortunate, and yeah he still has it with him.

Edit: The name of his Shirshu is Sansen.
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Brinie said:
Oh. :(
That's unfortunate, and yeah he still has it with him.

Edit: The name of his Shirshu is Sansen.
Dude, I am sooooooo sorry about this, but I promise we'll make it up to you somehow! Also, that name is epic!!! (> :D )(> :D )(> :D )
Leo296 said:
If you want to inform us anything else about your character, plot ideas or just about something, feel free to. Thank you for creating a male character as I was the only one who had any. Maybe he and Yagari would get along, to a slight degree.
Of course! He's a royal ass though, so Yagari would need to be pretty patient to stand him for long. xD

Yagari being a well-mannered perfectionist and Shio being so crude could be pretty funny.
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Brinie said:
Of course! He's a royal ass though, so Yagari would need to be pretty patient to stand him for long. xD
Yagari being a well-mannered profession and Shio being so crude could be pretty funny.
I would PAY to see that go down!!!!(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag) (B^D)(B^D)(B^D)

*ahem* excuse me, Im a bit phyco when Im not my OC... (' :) )
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Brinie said:
Of course! He's a royal ass though, so Yagari would need to be pretty patient to stand him for long. xD
Yagari being a well-mannered profession and Shio being so crude could be pretty funny.
I'll enjoy having him react against him. I wouldn't say that Yagari is well mannered though, he's rather blunt to people. And not afraid to say what he thinks of them, even if it's harsh. I like how they're kind of similar but different in some ways. Maybe, they might end up relating to each other in some ways.
Lepolarleopard said:
I would PAY to see that go down!!!!(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag)(bag) (B^D)(B^D)(B^D)
You want that to happen? Yagari would be Mr. Blunt, Snarky and Sarcastic. I don't see that ending well... Someone might end up having to step in between the two and spilt the two up.
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Brinie said:
Of course! He's a royal ass though, so Yagari would need to be pretty patient to stand him for long. xD
Yagari being a well-mannered perfectionist and Shio being so crude could be pretty funny.
Uh... the well mannered perfectionist would be my other OC Hikaru.
Leo296 said:
Uh... the well mannered perfectionist would be my other OC Hikaru.
Oh that was the first one that I saw your username with, so I just scrolled down to history and personality xD
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Brinie said:
Oh that was the first one that I saw your username with, so I just scrolled down to history and biography. xD
That's alright :) . I like your character and his bio. We have a limit of 2 characters and I had to delete one sadly. Your character seems very interesting so far.
Lepolarleopard said:
@Leo296 , everyone knows its U who is the perfectionist
Me? How am I perfectionist? For certain projects, I just do the simplest thing. Though for how I write (make my letters look perfect) or drawing to a degree, maybe.If you stretched it perhaps.
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Leo296 said:
Me? How am I perfectionist? For certain projects, I just do the simplest thing. Though for how I write (make my letters look perfect) or drawing to a degree, maybe.
llloooooooooookkkkk at whos talking!!! ( :P ) @Leo296

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