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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Oh haha you were fast xD
Just posted it. Lol thanks ^_^

You did? Took me a while to come up with mine. But you did a good job.
Leo296 said:
You did? Took me a while to come up with mine. But you did a good job.
[QUOTE="Koi Miazaki]Oh haha you were fast xD
Just posted it. Lol thanks ^_^

Yea you were super fast! Nice job! I mean, mine took a whole day to type out... I'm still editing it too!

and no Leo, that was the intention, duh
Lepolarleopard said:
Yea you were super fast! Nice job! I mean, mine took a whole day to type out... I'm still editing it too!
and no Leo, that was the intention, duh
Uh… Sure…
Leo296 said:
Uh… Sure…
And I didn't state in that reply that I was still editing it. The only time I mentioned that was not to her but to everyone in a separate post. Which was only about one of my character's past.
Just a heads up, before you roleplay, please read the rules found in the overview tab! Thanks guys, and have fun!
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As soon as you guys agree to the rules (by replying in the overview tab), you guys are free to roleplay!


@Koi Miazaki

Please make sure to reply in the overview tab so I know you read the rules thoroughly. Thank you!
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Artemistel said:
As soon as you guys agree to the rules (by replying in the overview tab), you guys are free to roleplay!
ALRIGHT THAT SOUNDS GOOD! I have one concern however, which is how to format our parts for the rp. I kind of want an example of how they should look, if thats not too much to ask
Lepolarleopard said:
ALRIGHT THAT SOUNDS GOOD! I have one concern however, which is how to format our parts for the rp. I kind of want an example of how they should look, if thats not too much to ask
Sorry for not replying to this earlier! When formatting in the roleplay, look at your updated character bios, and I have assigned a color at the top of each. Using this you can make your character's dialogue and thoughts that color in the roleplay. Third person, and formal, as if you are writing a story. I hope this brief explanation helps, but let me know if you have any more questions!

@Lepolarleopard @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296

@Koi Miazaki, before resuming roleplaying, please make sure to reply your consent in the overview tab to let me know you have read and with abide by this thread's rules.

Thanks guys!
UPDATE: We have a new tab added! The Gallery/Maps tab is for many different things. You can post anything related to geography and planning where characters are, where they are going, or where they can meet. Have fun with that! I posted an example of a map that may help inspire your character's journeys. @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296
Artemistel said:
UPDATE: We have a new tab added! The Gallery/Maps tab is for many different things. You can post anything related to geography and planning where characters are, where they are going, or where they can meet. Have fun with that! I posted an example of a map that may help inspire your character's journeys. @Lepolarleopard @Koi Miazaki @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Leo296
SSSSOOOOOOO I was looking through the maps, and I figured that me and Ulva were somewhere near the Eastern Air temple, because Amita has found us just floating in the water on a man-bent iceberg. I don't know exactly how close or how far we are from the temple, I'll let Koi decide that, since she's the one who says her father lets her travel across long distances. Anybody else have any suggestions as to where they will be? (Also should I move this to the map section?)

@Artemistel @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki @Leo296
Lepolarleopard said:
SSSSOOOOOOO I was looking through the maps, and I figured that me and Ulva were somewhere near the Eastern Air temple, because Amita has found us just floating in the water on a man-bent iceberg. I don't know exactly how close or how far we are from the temple, I'll let Koi decide that, since she's the one who says her father lets her travel across long distances. Anybody else have any suggestions as to where they will be? (Also should I move this to the map section?)
@Artemistel @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki @Leo296
You don't have to move this to the map section, only items with geographical pictures or charts will be placed there. :) Thanks for asking though.
Artemistel said:
You don't have to move this to the map section, only items with geographical pictures or charts will be placed there. :) Thanks for asking though.
Ok thanks I'll remember that for next time! (its funny cause I was just about to move it!) So ok, will the port be near that lopping hole near Ba Sing Sei and Gensin Temple??

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Lepolarleopard said:
Ok thanks I'll remember that for next time! (its funny cause I was just about to move it!) So ok, will the port be near that lopping hole near Ba Sing Sei and Gensin Temple??
I was thinking her village could be at the southern tip of Earth Territory (where it meets the Eastern Air Temple)

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I haz come up with a general plot idea:

What if there were certain people apart of a much bigger group, such as the Amon revolution concerning equality, but it would be made of different benders not just non-benders and they were planning something big. Maybe something that has to do with animals or money or whatever, just something different. The "group" somehow comes together and finds out the secret, but when they tell the authorities, no one listens, and therefore, it is up to them to work together to bring down the goons and save the world!

Please let me know if this sounds good, we can figure out what the purpose of this evil group is if we mash up our ideas and put our heads together!​

@Artemistel @Leo296 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki
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As for my two characters, I have an idea where they'll be traveling. Hikaru is in the village where Ulva, Yula and Amita are at. The traveling circus (which he's a part of) is stopping there for now to restock on supplies. As for Yagari, he's heading there/meet the group shortly afterwards. He'll be heading towards them because of a mission.

Hikaru I think would join because he likes to travel and sight see. While Yagari would only join for two reasons. The first being that they hire him. The second is that he'll have a chance to have his revenge against the pirates who raided his village. Which in that case, would depend whether he would join for free or not.
And Miyuki would take any reason to go on a conquest greater than taking over her family's fish business.
Artemistel said:
And Miyuki would take any reason to go on a conquest greater than taking over her family's fish business.
Who wouldn't? I now have another idea why Hikaru would join them. He would join because he wants to go to the places that the books he read mentioned. As well as wanting to be like the heroes he read of.
Leo296 said:
As for my two characters, I have an idea where they'll be traveling. Hikaru is in the village where Ulva, Yula and Amita are at. The traveling circus (which he's a part of) is stopping there for now to restock on supplies. As for Yagari, he's heading there/meet the group shortly afterwards. He'll be heading towards them because of a mission.
Hikaru I think would join because he likes to travel and sight see. While Yagari would only join for two reasons. The first being that they hire him. The second is that he'll have a chance to have his revenge against the pirates who raided his village. Which in that case, would depend whether he would join for free or not.
For Yagari, he could be like Kai from Korra: he could act as a friendly stowaway, seemingly helping the group but in reality just wants something from them. And then he accidentally uncovers the secret of the bad guys with them.

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Lepolarleopard said:
For Yagari, he could be like Kai from Korra: he could act as a friendly stowaway, seemingly helping the group but in reality just wants something from them. And then he accidentally uncovers the secret of the bad guys with them.
Uh… I don't think he would interested in helping the bad guys unless they paid him. I was thinking that he was working for the bad guys but ends up joining the group somehow. But that would involve them paying him more than what the bad guys promised him. Unless they treated him badly then he would join for a lower charge.

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