ATA Assassin Training Academy!

((Hey Naga, want to have Chan and Luke room together? Getting a good bromance going on? x3))

Luke stayed as everyone else left. He crouched down and looked at the dead boy.

"Sucks to be you."

He got up and walked to the arena. He wanted to see if anyone was fighting.
Nichole finished her shower and put on some jogging pants, a tee, and her running shoes before going to the track. she ran around the track as she sang “what hurts the most” “~i can take the ran on this empty house! that dont bother me! i can shed a few tears and let them out! im not afraid to cry every once in while even though im going on but it still upsets me! every now and again i pretend that im ok! but it still upsets me! what hurts the most was being so close! and having so much to say and watching you walk away!~” she wiped away a stray tear. “~never knowing! what could have been!....~” 
(~i can shed a few tears now and then just let them out~ ~but thats not what gets me~ i had mixed up some lyrics ^-^')
((I'd love to!))

Chan watched as Luke came over to the arena. By this time, Chan was already fighting five students. He let out a barrage of punches up one student's body that eventually disable him. Four were left out of the eight that started. They all attacked him at once, but it was no use. Chan connected a chop to a part of one student's neck that caused the spine to lock up, and the student fell over. Next, Chan swiftly blocked a punch and thrust his hand in a spear formation at another student, which shattered the windpipe and made the student cough up lots of blood before falling over. Two were left. Chan launched into a hurricane kick which shattered the remaining students' jaws and sent them across the room.

Now that he was done fighting, Chan relaxed a little and sat down. However he wasn't tired.

"Well that is some of how I fight. Taking out the enemy as soon as possible." Chan smiled at Luke. But Luke had already started fighting a group of boys.

((Think of how fast Ip Man punches. That is what I mean by barrage.))
Luke walked into the arena and was immediately challenged by a group of boys. They were challenging everyone and Luke was their next *victim*.

They were apparently new or they wouldn't have challenged him.

Luke nodded and took his place.

There were 5.

"Weapons?" Luke asked quietly.

They all lifted clubs.

"What about yours?"

Luke replied. "I think I'll stick with my fists."

"Your funeral."

They took their place and rushed Luke.

"Seeing as your new. How about this. Go ahead and take the first shot." Luke said smiling.

They all charged without hesitating and slammed their clubs into Luke's stomach.

Luke didn't budge. He displayed no emotion or a reaction. Luke looked down at the clubs, then at the boys.

"That was really weak."

Luke took the clubs and cracked them all in half with his hands.

The boys all cringed and started to run. Too late. Luke grabbed one boy and slammed him into the ground. Grabbing two others he knocked their heads together and they slumped to the ground.

The last one jumped on his back and tried to choke him. Luke grabbed him by the hair and slammed his back on Luke's knee.

The last one was scared like no tomorrow. He recklessely pulled a knife and drove it toward Luke's face.


Luke slammed his mouth on the blade. He was holding the knife with his teeth alone.

He ripped the blade out of the boys hand flipped it into his hand.

"Such a shame. You really shouldn't have cheated." Luke said quietly. He threw the knife on the ground and drew back his fist. He slammed it into the boys chest. He went right through.

He left them all on the ground bleeding and unconscious.
(nope i was putting in the right lyrics naga)Nichole sat under the bleachers crying. her heartached it was her reflex that had kicked in when she killed lavi.“...sob..lavi im so sorry!”
((Well I just posted so I guess I'll post again.))

Chan was horrified by the way Luke fought. Sure, it fit him, but it was just so brutal. Not to say that Chan's wasn't, but still. The boys that Chan had fought were on the ground, unconscious and bleeding, and the exact same had happened for Luke's group.

"You fight well. I also found out that we are roommates. Would you like to fight?" Chan asked.
Luke turned and wiped his bloodstained hand.

"Sure. Think you can handle it?" Luke said smiling insanely.

Luke had absolutely no fighting style. The thing was his attacks were very slow but if you get hit by them, it's pretty much over.
Nichole hiccuped and stayed there a while. she sang as she rocked back and forth in the grass as tears streamed down her face.“hic~having so much to say..gasp.. and watching you walk away! never knowing what couldve been and not seeing that loving you is what i was trying to do!” Nichole's glasses lay beside her she only took them off for sleep,when she was in water, and killing.
"I can definitely handle it. At the Shaolin Temple, they broke metal, bricks, wood, anything they can find over my body. My bones are 4x denser then the averages human, and I can pretty much move faster then most humans. But I won't underestimate you." Chan replied. Then he got in a normal Shaolin position and waited for Luke to attack.

((This has to come to a draw to be fair, I say it goes on for 6-8 posts and then our characters just collapse. Sound good?))
((That's fair :3))

Luke took his position and stood staring at Chan.

"Hmm. Why don't you take the first shot. Go ahead. I won't fight back." Luke said mysteriously.
-Rose sighed and was exhausted from her daily practice. She picked up a small towel and put it around her neck. Then she picked up her bottle of gaterade and drank some of it before screwing the cap back on and setting it back down. She then practiced her high kicks to see how high she could kick. She stretched her leg up and she stretched her leg up over her head. Rose smiled and then tried quickly kicking up above her head but fell over with a pain in her legs.- Ow... looks like I need more practice... ugh.
Chan just smiled and focused his 'Chi'. Chi was the life force that everyone had flowing through them, and some people, like Chan, could harness it to do superhuman things. The energy flowed through Chan's hand, and he let go with an explosive punch to Luke's stomach. Chan felt the Chi explode throughout Luke's body after it left his punch, making the taller boy stumble back a few feet and hit the wall.

"I'm not ask weak as those other idiots you fought." Chan said, ready for anything. He had a feeling this would come to a draw.
Luke grunted as he stumbled back.

He smiled.

He took a step and slammed his fist into Chan's head.

"Your fast but you have no power with your punch."
Crimson watched from the shadows. His long red hair was the brightest thing on him. The rest of his clothing was black. He simply let out a smile as he watched the surroundings. He could careless for the fighting, but he enjoyed friendly competition.
Chan grunted as the blow impacted, but he had felt worse things. No power? That made him angry, but on the inside. He had to remain emotionless if he was to win. Remaining silent, Chan moved quickly, but with power, and imagined that he was breaking a brick at the Shaolin Temple. He delivered a chop to Luke's ribs, which were surprising hard, but ultimately the ribs shattered like glass. While it was a gruesome blow, Chan knew that it would take more to take Luke down.
Luke didn't react but it definitely hurt.

Luke grabbed Chan by the throat and slammed him into the ground, cracking the ground around him.

"You got some skills. You might be able to hurt me seriously. Might."
(i feel bad for Nichole ;~ ;) Nichole went back to her dorm eyes red and puffy from crying. she laid in her bed hugging her pillow. she and lavi were childhood friends! they were inseparable! but now because of one mistake...he was gone.
((Flame in the Roses LOL))

Chan winced and grunted from the pain. Luke was very powerful, but Chan could use this to his advantage. From his position on the ground, he grabbed Luke's arms and put his feet on Luke's chest. Chan swung backward and let go of Luke, allowing the weight and momentum to make Luke sail across the room and then crash into the ground.

"You have skills to." Chan replied.
Luke landed on his feet and charged toward Chan and slammed his knee into his stomach, breaking his ribs.

"Now we're even."
(what? I am crazy but when it comes to blood battles...... SIGN ME UP FOR THE BATTLE!!) -Rose saw her roommate come in with red puffy eyes. She looked at her with confusion and sympathy.- What's wrong?
Chan felt the immense pain course through his body but stayed up, ready to attack. Luke must bust have been REALLY strong, as Chan didn't know anybody who could break bones 4x denser than brick, until now. He raced towards look and then slid past the taller boy. However only moments later Chan popped up and delivered a jump-kick to the back of Luke's head. Judging by the way the Chi was processed through Luke's body, Chan could tell that he had given Luke a concussion.
Luke's head swirled and his eyes grew blurry momentarily. That didn't stop Luke from grabbing Chan's leg and slamming him into the ground, again breaking the ground.
Nichole fell asleep memories playing in her head. she whispered“...lavi...” Nichole woke up and sighed going to freshen up and put her uniform back on. she walked to the elevator and leaned on the wall. Nichole held her necklace tight as she got off. she bought some chips and a soda from the vending machine also a hersheys to make her feel better.

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