ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Sora was on the school roof looking down at all the other students in the academy with Storm, his pet crow, resting on his shoulder. Sora liked being in high places and the roof was one of the most isolated and high places in the whole academy. He did see people on the roof now and then, but usually it was his place. He pulled out a book from his over sized, black trench coat where he kept all his equipment and started reading up on the new skill he was trying to master "A Masters Art: Destroying the mind".

Sora was a more than capable fighter, his past experiences were more than enough to verify that. However, his jobs always turned out messy, with lots of blood everywhere and he always thought it was a pain to clean up afterwards so he decided that he'd find a less messy way of killing people. Hence why he started studying psychological attacks and poisons.
"Louisiana...that's nice." Luke said as he thought of the place. "Is this your first year at the academy?"
"Interesting." Luke said. He got up and stretched. His eye patch slumped, revealing part of his right eye. He turned away and re-adjusted it.

"I'll be heading back to my room now. See ya around."
Chan stood up and face the Wing Chun dummy. The wooden frame matched his height, and Chan got in a Wing Chun stance. First, he continuously struck the dummy around its leg with his feet and attacked the arms with his hands. He slowly got faster and faster, and he switched to chopping at the shoulders. Now Chan was striking everywhere at almost inhuman speed, but there was power in his attacks.
Luke opened his door and walked inside, nearly bumping his head on the hanging light.

Luke went into his room and laid down. He closed his eyes and was asleep immediately.
Sora had finished his book and decided to walk around the academy a little bit to digest everything he had learnt from it. He had walked down through all the classrooms, and past the dorms onto the courtyard. He found a nice tree and decided to sit there for a little while and just watch all the other students. He sat in a meditative pose with his head bowed down slightly which made his hood cover his eyes. He thought that while he was there he ought to get some more training done. He told his bird Storm to circle the courtyard from the sky. The crow did as instructed. Once it was high enough, Sora closed his eyes, took a deep breath in and exhaled so as to clear his mind. He then muttered the words "oculus coniungere" and reopened his eyes. This time though, he was no longer looking at the students directly in front of him. Instead, he was looking through Storms eyes and watching them from above. He watched the students from above for another ten minutes before he closed his physical eyes in pain. He yelled in agony, probably too loudly.

'I pushed it too far,' he thought to himself 'But I managed to at least increase the time for "oculus coniungere" now by a whole five minutes. I at least made some progress.'

Storm flew back down onto his shoulder.

'I should probably get out of here,' he thought as he saw people looking at him strangely 'I probably yelled a bit too loud.' He tried getting up but found his body unable to move.

'Right, I forgot, my stupid body can't handle the new strain from the increase of that technique. Great, I'll be here for at least an hour,' he thought rather annoyed.

'This is just perfect.'
(Sorry for not doing this in hours and I, weirdly, had to go hang with my dad the rest of the day after I was done testing! Sorry!)

After baking the brownies we sat down eating them and I couldn't help the happy that I had a new friend, we ate the brownie in silence just when I felt a sharp pain in my side so I dropped the brownie and stood up quickly... I forgot what time it was!

"Uh... I have to go, sorry!" I told Rio before ran out of the lobby, running toward my room and the moment that I entered I made sure that I locked it before taking my shirt and pants off just to see a red mark in the shape of a dragon but I knew this wasn't natural.

When my village was attacked and I had tried to save it, I was pushed onto a corner of hot coals and now it tends to really hurt around a certain day twice a week. I bent down when I felt the first ripple of hot heat on my hip, my mouth opened up but no sounds came out... not even a tear.

It hurt so much that I could barely hear that my phone was ringing but I left it along... I need to be alone right now. Biting my bottom lip I let myself fall on top of the bed, no sound ever left my mouth as I lay in my bra and underwear.
Rio stood and watched her leave. " Uhh...okay i- " he stopped seeing that she had already left and sighed. " I hope she is alright. " he finished his brownies and bagged the rest for later. As he cleaned up the mess the three boys from earlier walked into the Kitchen and glared him down. Rio looked at them and then to his side. His swords were still in Emerald's room. " Hello boys." he replied. " Could i interest you in a few brownies." he held up the bag only to see a dagger rip the bag open dropping the brownies on the ground.

Rio frowned. " Now that wasn't very nice. My friend worked hard on those and they were really good." The boys separated and surrounded him again this time with weapons in hand. Rio smirked. " Alright if you wanna play let's play. The first one in front of Rio came first slashing wildly at him. Rio swiftly stepped to the side and side kicked him in his gut. The boy heaved over as Rio chopped the back of his neck. The boy fell forward as the other two stepped in. Rio jumped on the counter top and grabbed to Skillet pans and held them at his side. He deflected there attacks using the pans and threw one at the Second boy . The boy fell back dazed as Rio worked on the third. Rio quickly disarmed the Third and threw his weapon away from him. The boy punched at Rio only to hit the pan he quickly grabbed his hand and Rio Swiped him with the flat of the pan. The boy fell on his back unconscious.

Rio looked back at the second one who was now back on his feet. He threw the Pan back at Rio and Rio caught it by the handle. Rio charged the boy and stepped on his foot pinning him where he stood. He took the pans and swiped the boy twice with both. The boy fell back and Rio grabbed his collar keeping him on his feet. With one last kick Rio sent the boy flying into the first one. The three groaned in pain as Rio picked up the brownies from the ground. He sighed as he threw them away. " What a waste." He walked out the Kitchen leaving the three boys beaten and dazed.
-Rose looked at Nichole and smiled a little.- Thanks for the advise. -Rose aimed but could barely see the target since she was nearsided. Her target blurred a little when she shot a bullet and when her vision came right into focus she saw that she had missed completely. The bullet was right next to the target, indented in the wall. She sighed and put her hands on her head.- Ugh my stupid vision! -She quickly span around to look at the target and shot the target once. This time the bullet right the target in the middle of the bulls-eye.- Woah! Yes! Finally! -She reloaded her gun then put it away before jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face.- I finally hit the target with one bullet! yes!
I lay on top of my bed, breathing harshly from the pain that barely ended just now. Slowly pushing myself up from the wrinkled covers on my bed, I was quick to get dressed in a pair of shorts and a sports bra, I needed to practice.

I put my gun holster around my waist and slid the sword sheath onto my back before leaving the room and making my way to the field that I had been practicing in when I had first arrived to this school. Finally in the field I took my sword out and began to slice through the air with calm breathing, trying to calm down my racing heart.

"Whoa, its Gem!" I heard a man shout and on instinct my hand snatched a gun from the holster and pointed it at the head of a man with two others behind him.

"We know you haven't been here for to long but we know you're on of the few best of the best here... its time to choose... you either work with us, the best of all assassins or you die here and now.

Ah, these must be some of the people that Rio was talking about and I couldn't help with the cold smirk on my face before I pointed downwards and shot his foot.

"There's my answer," I laughed when his cries of pain flooded through the field, they were messing with the wrong person.
After a few minutes, Chan finished his training with the Wing Chun dummy. The wood was made from an entire tree, so it wasn't bruised at all after Chan's repeated striking. He exited the room, leaving Luke to rest. Some peaceful time for both of them would do well. Chan went outside to the courtyard and sat in the grass, putting his left foot on his right thigh and his right foot on his left thigh. That was the Chinese meditation position, so he closed his eyes and focused. He felt the Chi inside of him swirl around, getting faster and faster as he focused it. It went up through his body to his head and continued to fly inside his body. It felt good, rivaling some of the best pleasures.
(I already did one but I want to do another:-D )

One of his friends lifted the bat in his hands let out a war cry as he came toward me I easily dodged him and with one swift movement I was quick to knee him in the stomach, making him fall onto the ground.

Something shiny caught my attention and I dodged the sharp end of a sword from the other friend.

With a smirk I took my katana out and rolled my neck before getting ready for the sword fight, he chose the wrong weapon against me and he realized when he seemed to remember that one of the reasons I'm popular among the assassins was because I'm the best at swords/knives.
Nichole whimpered in her sleep. flashback after flashback of that horrible day played in her head. the screams, the man, blood, her mother.....
Rio walked around with his hands in his pockets. " I can't believe i left my swords" he laughed at his own stupidity. " Well i'll just ask Emerald i'm sure she'll understand. " He watched as people swarmed to the Kitchen. " Well i'm glad i'm out of that room." He made his way to Emerald Room and knocked on the door. No reply he sighed and continued walking through the halls.
Nichole woke up with a start clutching her shirt above where her heart was. she looked around then sighed walking out of the dorm down the hall. she needed some air. she walked into the wall by accident. "ow.."running her nose...she forgot her glasses she was nearsighted.
Luke woke up suddenly. He didn't know what time it was nor did he care. He flexed his arms.

"Weak." Luke muttered. He got out of bed and headed out the door.

He went outside and went to the training area.

He took some huge chains and hooked them onto a car.

He pulled the car around the track they had. Without any wheels to help. He pulled all with just his strength alone.
Rio looked at Nicole. " Uh are you alright there ?" He walked up to her with a smile. " Unless you meant to hit the wall that is." He put his hand on the wall. " I doubt there is a secret passage here."
Nichole sighed and walked around the sun was starting to set and dinner would start soon. she looked at it in awe. though her vision was a little blurry she could see the beauty. 
Nichole said"im im ok!" looking past rio not knowing he was in front of her.
Chan stood up from his meditation position and felt relaxed. He walked back inside the academy to see Rio talking to Nichole. Rio was a nice guy, and a worthy assassin. He wasn't one of the best like Chan, but Rio definitely had skills. There was a small silence before Chan walked up to Rio.

"Hey Rio. I saw you fight with those idiots. Nice skills." he said to Rio as he nodded respectfully. Chan may have been better then Rio, but you should always respect your peers no matter what.
Rio leaned. " Um did you lose something important. Like a pair of contacts or maybe some glasses." He looked at her. " Maybe i can help you ?" he looked around. " I mean if you i wouldn't want to be about a disadvantage in a place like this." Rio looked at Chan. " Thanks but they were asking for it. I was hoping not to fight but they sorta started."
Luke finally felt good again. He flexed his arms again.

"That's better." Luke said to himself. He went back inside the academy and saw Chan.

He raised his hand in greeting, also giving a small bow respectively. Chan and Luke's fight had given Chan, Luke's respect.

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