ATA Assassin Training Academy!

"Of course I have confidence. But what do you think a bunch of fighters are going to do against a mini-time bomb? We could always defuse it, but I'm not sure anyone has any skills in that. All I am saying is be on the lookout for anything suspicious. The Chinese are very dangerous and are known to hire other people who are and aren't Chinese as spies. Before you jump to any conclusions, if I was a spy, why would I be telling you this? Now that we have 'I'm not a spy' out of the way, let's go back up to the room. I'm afraid there are some small details that we cannot risk anyone hearing." Jacob said. Then the sirens started to go off. "You don't think the Chinese are already here, do you?" he asked.
Rio looked around. " Stay with me okay." He opened up the window and placed Nichole on his back. H quickly began to scale the wall as he headed for her room. " He jumped from ledge to ledge doing his best not to slip off. He was getting closer to her room.
-Rose helped Nichole to the dorm also, making sure she didn't bleed horribly she wrapped a cloth around her abdomen and prayed in her mind. Lord please make her strong, please. She then saw Nichole becoming dizzy. There was nothing she could say that wouldn't make the situation worse. She bit her tongue and hoped, prayed that her roomie would be okay.-
Rio left Nichole with Rose and back with Riza and the Man. He was still unarmed but he didn't trust this guy for a second. He looked around. " I don't think he's the only one here."
Rio looked to Riza. " Excuse me Sir but i don't think he's gonna talk do you think we can try a more different approach." He looked to the man and smiled.
Chan immediately grabbed a loudspeaker on the wall and began to broadcast to the entire school. This was the day apparently. "Attention all students. This is Chan Yanchu! I have known about this attack for months. I may be Chinese, but I'm no cause in this attack. The Chinese want to destroy this academy because I'm here, but that isn't my fault. They just want me in China again. They plan to use a mini-time bomb to devastate the area. No time to explain, take to defense. Fight for this academy. Luke and I will be going on the offensive. I recommend you guys do the opposite and defend." After he said that, agents in black jumpsuits burst through the windows. There were three, and Chan had already killed one with am iron hard hurricane kick. The others charged at him and Chan froze one's nerves by striking him in the back. Finally, the last on had gone for a sweep, but Chan just delivered an uppercut to his nose sending the bone into his brain.
-Rose carried Nichole to their dorm and quickly got out the first aid kit, patching up her wounds to stop the bleeding for at least an hour or two, just enough time for professional help to come.-
-Rose's eyes widened to the announcement. She gasped and frantically panicked while staying next to Nichole, trying not to show her panicking. She pulled out her gun and placed her katana on the bed just in case so she could reach it. She was ready to fight, even though she was not the best at fighting, she did know how to use a katana and a gun.-
Rio looked around. " This is just splendid." He looked around at the students going hectic. " Looks like we got some things to take care."
((I'm focusing on the bigger picture.))

Chan rushed off to find the other agents. What could have happened to make it so soon? The Chinese said it would be a month or two. Of course, every country could lie. Three more agents stood in front of Chan, but he didn't care. They all rushed at him simultaneously, but Chan was ready. He destroyed the lungs of one agent by crescent kicking his back. The next agent jumped and kicked, however Chan caught the kick easily and slammed the agent out of the glass window, making him fall to his death. Finally, the last agent through a random punch, which Chan dodged quickly and the chopped at the agent's neck, killing him.
-Rose stood next to Nichole with ehr gun pointed down at the ground. She peered out her dorm and saw a few agents coming their way through the hall. She slowly shut the door and then put her left index finger to her mouth, showing that they should be silent. She then picked Nichole up from the floor and placed her on the bed and whispered in her quietest voice.- sh... It'll be okay we just have to be silent.
Rio saw a group of agents come this way. He kicked the first one back. And grabbed on to one of them and jumped off the railing. Rio flipped the man on his back and stepped smashed in the ground as he landed. He jumped back and looked at the agent and picked up his gun. " I'll take that." He ran out looking for Chan.
I jumped up out of my sleep when I heard the sound for code red I was quick to jump toward my weapons and hooked the holster and sheath I pulled my hair from its ponytail as I was dressed in silky shorts and my sports bra.

Leaving the dorm hall I dodged the three men in suits try to grab for me but I easily dodged them and looked around... it's hectic... It reminds me of... The attack on the island," A tea slipped down my face as I realized this was yet another war I was going to be involved in... war was with me everywhere I went.
(This whole double plot thing is confusing aha :P )

Sora heard the announcements from all around the school and instantly got on his guard.

'Ok, so I can finally move again but now this is happening?' he thought as he stood up from his spot and started running towards the school building followed by Storm.

'What is going on?' he asked himself. 'I need information, I guess the person whoever announced this would know. So I guess my first target is Chan.'

He started running faster towards the broadcasting room but as he did so he saw a few other men in suits who were armed running orderly and skillfully in the hallways.

'Now who are they? They look like some sort of mafia member. I thought the broadcast said China was attacking us, not some other country. What's going on? Could they be responsible for the other shout calling a code red?'

Sora ignored them and made his way towards the broadcasting room. When he got there he saw two people.

One was obviously Chan, the person who announced the attack and the other was Luke. He had seen him around the academy either training or something else.

"I want details on whats happening," he told the two seriously from outside the door where he stood.

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