ATA Assassin Training Academy!

"Your an idiot for thinking they weren't Chinese. Look at the hair and eyes. I already gave you information. Too much actually. This was supposed to be confidential, but I guess I couldn't keep it a secret for to long. If you are here to fight me, then just know that I'm not working for them and your psychological attacks won't work. I have meditated too much to be put down by that trickery. If you aren't, I already gave you the details. China is attacking because of me. They want me back in China but they aren't attacking ME. You may think these guys are pushovers, but when they bring in the mutants, you'll want to stay with me." Chan told Sora.
Sora didn't pay much attention to what Chan actually had said but there was something that definitely got his attention.

"Look, i'm not here to fight you," Sora began leaving out the part how Chan had somehow known about his latest skill.

'I'll have to look into how he found out later,' he thought.

"All I heard was that we are being attacked. I just want as much information as I can get about the situation and about my enemies so I know how to take them down." He told him seriously.

Then he had finally realised the last thing Chan said.

"Did you just say mutants?" he asked.
( okay i will recap this the best i know how. Basically Chan told Luke that this group from china wanted to attack the school and destory it Just to get to Chan on top of that Some guy also went and attacked Nichole saying something about destorying her family. Now we have two groups attacking the school at the same time.)
I looked at the man who had a gun pointed to my head, I was completely still as I had my hand behind my back with a throwing knife in-between my fingers.

"I can't wait to be the one to kill one of the best," The man in the suite chuckled but I stayed still, the sound of a twig snapped and his eyes flickered behind me and the moment that happened I threw the knife and it cut into his head.

Once I knew it hit the mark I snatched my gun from my holster and spun around, pointing it at the beginning of the forest around the school only to find that it was a rabbit eating a leaf.

"Great... saved by a rabbit," I mumbled with a frown before I turned and went to go help whoever needed it.
-Rose peeks out the door a little to see the agents walking up and down the hallway. Her stomach churned and then all the sudden felt very light. One of the agents saw her and she shot a bullet and it hit his chest, next to his heart. Then Rose shot at the other guy and hit him directly in the forehead.- (gtg you guys! I'll post back after the weekend.)
"Yes, I said mutants. China's latest invention are superhumans with incredible strength and durability. You need to know how China engineers things to take these mutants down, luckily, you have a Chinese martial artist standing right in front of you." Chan replied. He hoped they wouldn't get freaked out, as that was what a student that overheard the conversation did.
"Ok. Well, tell me how to take these things down when they come. It'll be better if we split up and take different defensive positions through the school and we need to be able to pass the information of the enemies weaknesses quickly through everyone who is about to fight," Sora said. Suddenly he heard another gun shot.

'That's the third gun shot i've heard' he thought to himself worried.

"I think China isn't the only thing we have to worry about right now," Sora said as he look back down the hall way.

"Ok, so I'll go check the school out and let everyone else know of the situation. I'll send you a messenger once everyone is armed and ready. But by how things are looking right now...I think nearly everyone already is," He stated seeing students running around with their weapons looking for the enemy.

With those final words, he gave the two students a quick bow before running off down the corridor to see if he could find anyone else that may know something about what is going on and what appeared to be a second enemy.
Rio was pinned down between two groups he was out of ammo he looked out from the wall. As they continued to Fire. " Well this is quite a mess." He looked out from the wall. He counted five including the one that was sneaking up from the side. He watched as something fly by the wall.

Smoke Gernade.

He watched it and smiled. Big Mistake. The Gernade set off and the room filled with smoke and smoke. A few gunshots were heard before nothing. Within Seconds multiple shots were fired at the group hitting their target on contact. Rio came from the smoke his shirt covering mouth. He grabbed two more guns and some ammo before heading back on his search for Chan.
Sora had continued running for a little while longer before he saw a room suddenly get enveloped in smoke.

'Smoke grenade?'

he then heard gunshots and saw someone run out with some what appeared to be a shirt covering their mouth to filter the smoke from the air.

"Hey wait!" he called out. He could tell he was a student from the school. It looked like he had already been a battle.

"Are you ok?" Sora asked him finally catching up next to the guy and now standing next to him.
Rio pointed the gun at Sora but after seeing the uniform he knew he was on his side. " Yeah i'm fine. They tried to ambush me but that didn't really fall in their favor. He looked at Sora.

" And how about you ? Besides the fact we're under attack by two threats doesn't seem to have you shaken the least." He spun to Sora sides and fired his gun killing the two agents that tried to rush in.
After what Rio said everything instantly clicked.

"So I was right. It was two different threats we're facing," he said aloud to no one in particular. He then looked back at Rio.

"We're trained to remain calm under pressure right?" he said to him lightly giving him a soft smile. Suddenly Storm his pet crow squawked and Sora's expression became serious once more.

"We better get out of this hall way. There are two squads of enemies closing in on us and we need to make sure no one else is hurt. I'm sure fighting is happening throughout the school and we could probably hold off one major threat but holding off two at the same time will be a challenge," he said. He then remembered what Chan had told him.

"Oh yeah. Some information. Apparently, we'll be facing mutants. I personally have never fought them before and I didn't give Chan enough time to tell me their weakness. But I thought I'd give you a heads up. Anyway, lets move," he said as he started running again..
Chan heard an inhuman roar that came from where Rio and Sora were. They wouldn't be able to take the mutant down because Chan hadn't told them what to do. He raced down the hallway and saw the mutant, a few meters away from Rio and Sora. Something wasn't right. This mutant wasn't attacking them. But why not? Chan stood behind the mutant and called to Rio.

"Their weakness is Carbon Monoxide! Fill the room with it, because I saw five more of these mutants on the way so good lu-" before Chan could finish, the mutant spun around and hit Chan in the face, sending him flying out of the glass window and down into the courtyard.
He looked at the mutant. Then back to what happen to Chan. And then finally to Sora. " Carbon Monoxide. If we fill this place up with that we would just end up killing off the school. Alright new plan." He looked around and saw the lab room. " He looked at Sora. " How fast can you run ?"
Nichole said"i can fight!" "No you can't go to your room that is an order!" Nichole walked past her and Riza picked her up and put her in the dorm locking the door.
Sora smirked.

"How fast did you want me to?" he said in a sly tone. The mutant in front of him was a grotesque creature. A sickly green colour and muscles that were horrendous. He dodged a rather large fist aimed to squash him with some quick reflexes and fine finesse.

"What's the plan?" he asked as he pulled out a kunai knife from his coats sleave and threw it at the mutants face, striking it in the eye causing it to roar in pain.
"We're gonna play a game of Round up." He pointed his gun at the mutant and fired off two rounds at the mutants face. " We find the five and get them to the Lab. We can produce the gas leak and close off the room they get weak and then we make it go boom." The mutant ran from Rio. " But first we got to make a run for it." Rio dashed off with the mutant behind him. ( i gotta go i'll reply later.)
Chan bounced to his feet moments later, wondering why he didn't dodge the attack. He had probably the best reflexes in the academy, so what happened? Jumping extremely high back to the level he was knocked off from, he noticed the mutant was gone. Rio must have taken off with it. Chan ran into another mutant, which he jump-kicked into the window and off out to the courtyard.

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