ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Nichole rubbed her eyes. "why are there 3 of you?" she was basically useless at the moment. she couldn't remember where she put them. "help would be nice please..."talking to the wall.
Rio looked back at Nichole and then back to Chan. " Excuse but i should help her back to her room." He saw Luke from the corner of his eye. " Looks like a friend of your is coming this way." He looked back to Nichole. " Come on i'll take you back to your room."
Chan nodded at Rio and then walked up to Luke. Even though Luke was much taller, he wasn't intimidating. Chan smiled a warm smile. He had hoped that he didn't wake Luke up when he was practicing with his Wing Chun dummy.

"Hello look. You better now? I have some things I need to talk about with you." he said to Luke kindly.
Rio took her hand making sure she wouldn't hit the wall or railings. " Now do you remember your room number or anything interesting that i can use as a landmark." He looked around still thinking how he hadn't found his room yet. " I'm pretty sure you can't be too far."
Nichole said"3..302?" trying to remember. woosh! Nichole froze and looked around. her eyesight might be bad but her senses were alert. "show yourself!"
"Let's keep this a secret between us. If it gets out, my life will be ruined and every student in the entire school will attack my at once, maybe except for you. China... is coming to the academy. They want to destroy it, simply because I'm here. I got a note saying it will be in a few months, but we must always be wary. Knowing myself and my culture, the Chinese are probably sending spies right now." Chan replied. "This is confidential. Nobody must know. Not even the Head Master. You with me on this?"
-Rose walked into the building and went up the elevator and saw a guy helping her roomie to their dorm. She walked past them and into the dorm that she shared with Nichole. Rose smiled at them and thought about helping them out with the direction of the room.- She is my roommate so uh.. her and my dorm is right here. -Rose pointed through the dorm and smiled before walking in and lying down on her dorm bed.-
I looked around to see all three guys lying flat on the floor, each still breathing and somewhat wounded as well.

"Next time you should get more men," I sighed before walking over their bodies and making my way toward my dorm once more with my sword in its sheath.

"Man, I am so tired..." Mainly because of the fact that the burn on my side usually takes up a lot of my energy when I try to deal with it.
Rio looked at the man and then to Nichole. " I take it you two know each other. " He looked to his side wishing he had his swords it would make things a little more comforting knowing he wouldn't have to improvise again. He looked down the hall and whispered. " Listen Nichole your room isn't too far from here. You can make it."
Nichole nodded and ran past the man. he grabbed her wrist and flipped her on her back."not so fast you brat i came to finish what i started! remember your mommy?"smirking. "well you're gonna join her soon enough..." this was her mother's killer!
Rio grabbed the man by the collar and and pulled him off Nichole and ripped a sleeve off his shirt. He quickly kicked the man off the railing and wrapped his hands on the bottom rack pinning him. " Yeah you just sit tight and we'll get back to you. He looked at Nichole. " Get moving I'll take care of him."
Nichole nodded and ran. the man growled at rio. "shes not getting away this time!" BANG "...gasp..." Nichole looked down at her abdomen falling to her knees. sirens started to go off.
"So they're coming to get you? And no one must know about this? I think I can handle that. If they send spies I can get some daily practice." Luke said barely caring that it was something serious.
"No, not me! There destroying the academy because everyone is associated with me. Innocent lives with be taken. And not just here! China will be using a mini-time bomb which will wipe out anything within 4 kilometers! Seriously you should care about it. I'm not trying to make you do something, but at least show some concern." Chan shot back.
-Rose heard a bang and ran outside to see what was going on. She was frightened to see Nichole on the floor, holding her abdomen. She ran over to her with her widened eyes now in a frenzy. She didn't know what to do at all. But one thing she could do was to call for someone who could help her.- Help someone! She's Shot! She's Shot! Someone Help!
Sirens went off and Riza ran down with security behind her. "Move! move! move!" "man down code red code red!" Nichole held her abdomen crying.
Rio looked at Nichole and picked her up. He kicked open a door and slammed the door behind him. " Hey hey...don't you go out on me. I'm gonna get you out of here. He looked to the window. "I'm going to get you to your room okay ?"
"Ah the academy. Let them try and attack this place." Luke said turning away. "Have you no confidence we can fight back and win?"

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