ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Chan smiled but only for a second as he was lifted up from where he was and slammed into the ground extremely hard. No bones were broken, but he felt as if his body was going to die. But Chan wouldn't go down that easy. He popped up and struck Luke's spine with his elbow. In about five seconds, the nerves throughout Luke's body would freeze and make him collapse. But five seconds was a long time- long enough for Luke to get off an attack.

((After this post, make a single attack that will bring Chan to the ground and then make Luke fall over in pain, as he was paralyzed and couldn't break his fall. Also the sheer damage to his spine was also immense pain))
-Watches her roommate walk out the door. She sighs and then gets up to practice some more before her roomy gets back. Rose practices her high kick over and over until she perfected it. She could not perfect it then, but she kept trying her best. She stretched a little and then tried again, over and over she tried and tried but still couldn't get it right. She finally chose to stop for the day and sighed as she talked to herself.- Why can't I get that right? Is there a trick to it or no? Ugh I have no idea.
Luke grunted in pain. He lifted both of his arms and slammed his fists down on Chan's head.

Chan slammed into the ground face first.

Luke stood there for a moment.

"That was pretty good."

He fell over in pain and slammed into the ground next to Chan.
Nichole sat on the steps of the school by herself. Riza sighed sadly as she watched the screen. Nichole finished her snack and went to the shooting range. she put on the goggles and earmuffs shooting through the targets.she hit three bulls eyes but needed some work.
((I gtg after this post. See you later!))

Chan smiled at Luke. He had beat him, or it had come to a draw.

"Don't worry, I'll un-paralyze you." he said. Then he struck Luke in the back and rolled over.

"Your welcome." he said.
((See yaaa))

Luke slowly got up. "Ow. You did a good job. I haven't had a good battle..well since I got strong."

Luke smiled. "Your a worthy roommate."

Some doctors picked up Chan and Luke and ushered them to an infirmary. 
Luke was healed quickly and he got up, leaving Chan in the infirmary.

He was sore but he wanted to find Nichole, and chat with her for a bit.

He heard gunshots and headed for the shooting range.
Nichole jumped shooting the ceiling accidently. she took off her goggles and earmuffs. “please dont sneak up on me like that!” blushing some.“thanks...” she sat down on the bench with a sigh.
"Don't lie. If you keep everything held up inside, you'll explode on someone. It might be someone who you like. So either tell me now or risk ruining a good friendship with someone else." Luke said.
Nichole said“lavi and i used to be best friends then everything changed as we grew...we started dating and i just wanted to go back to being friends....”
"Thanks. I'll be glad to be a roommate." Chan said. Then he walked off to the infirmary with the help of some doctors.


Chan healed just as fast as Luke, but he had stayed in in there to focus his energy, meditating, to lower the soreness. He propped himself up and got out of bed. The black uniform he usually wore as still on him, as if the nurses were to scared to take them off. Walking out of the infirmary, he headed to the shooting range. The emotion and focus everyone had while shooting made Chan feel relaxed. He saw Luke talking to Nichole and walked up.

"Hello Luke! I healed just as quickly as you! But it is normal for me to meditate after a good fight to focus my energy. That was a nice battle."
Rio looked at Emerald. " Wow what an interesting place." He looked down and saw the three guys still looking for him. " Wow they should really give it up already." He looked back to Emerald as they made it to the kitchen. " So Brownies right.." he opened the door and looked at all the ingredients and smiled. " This is amazing. I will enjoy cooking here."
"I see. He has changed since you last met him. There was much malice in his heart. He may not have deserved to die, but he would have hurt someone else if you hadn't stopped him." Luke said to Nichole.

Luke turned to Chan and nodded at him. "Yes, it was a good fight. I'm glad to have a worthy roommate like yourself."
Nichole ate some more of her hersheys slowly. she put in her earbuds listening to some classical music. Nichole took out her clarinet and book. she laid the book against the wall and started playing. the melody came out beautifully this calms her down.
"I'll see you back up at the room, Luke. Rain Check." Chan said politely and then walked back upstairs one flight to his room. The Wing Chun dummy had been careful place and nailed into the ground, just the way Chan liked it. He sat down on his bed and looked at the majestic practice dummy.
Nichole blushed finishing with her clarinet and moved onto her violin. she needed to practice with both. her movements were graceful and in time with her part. she finished and put both away with a smile.
(I use to play violin) -Rose climbed up unto her bed and sighed.- I guess I'll never get that right.. -Rose gets up and heads for the shooting range for her daily aiming practice. She walked in and pulled out her pistol, checking the ammo before shooting. Then she took a deep breath then shot a few bullets, all except one hitting around the bulls-eye. The one bullet hit the bulls-eye though. She wasn't as good as most people, but she did try. Rose reloaded her pistol then aimed at another target to see if she would hit it. This time she closed her eyes and dreamed of the bullet hitting the target. She shot one bullet and it hit directly in the bulls-eye.-
Nichole looked at her roomie and said"watch this..." pulling out her other pistol. she put on the goggles and earmuffs. Nichole took aim and shot through three. she took off her gear and said"just work on your aim...calm down aim then shoot at your target just do your best!"
Luke never felt comfortable with guns. He preferred using his fists.

Luke turned to stare at Rose, with his glaring eye.

"Hello." Luke said in his steely, cold voice.

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