ATA Assassin Training Academy!

He heard and turned slicing a mutant and launching himself off its corpse.He landed near the girl who yelled and smirked."Need a little help."He grabbed the guy and tossing him on his shoulder looked for the safest way out."Follow me."He took off toward an eastern route only meeting small resistance before stopping.
Hero followed him, slightly cutting mutants in her way, oh no this place is going to explode. I smiled, I'm glad I have some help.
(I don't even lknow but right now a horde of mutants are attacking)

Orion looked around him then took out his pistol and reloaded the chamber."So before we continue whats your name,i'm Orion."He said,stuffing his pistol back in its holster then took out his spear and checked the guy he was carrying.
-Rose walks out of her room with her katana in its holster, at her side and her pistol in her hands pointed down at the ground. She spotted a mutant and shot it in the chest, then pulled out her katana once it came closer then slashed it in the throat.-
She smiles a bit, "I'm Hero, nice to meet you" she said, a little tired from running, but just a little.
"Hero huh,seems it should be the other way around."He said and turned,checking out the guy and shrugs."He's good mighta hit is head or somethin but for now we gotta keep moving but my way."He said,smirking and picked him up,draping him over his shoulder and looking around set off at a smooth walk.
Hero Chuckled, "good, we gotta get out of here. Sora here" she points at him, "said we could go to the mountains, Im a little unsure bur you know I just got here from another Academy. Hero looks and sees a mutant, she tightened her grip on her weapons and she jumps and stabs it in the eye, she pushes it off, "We should get going"
"Sora huh well then good,hopefully he doesn't mind."He smirks,searching the rooftops toward the mountain."I hope you can keep your balance."He said and vanishes,appearing on a rooftop nearby."Well lets get going!"He yelled and turned,dashing towards the mountains.
Hero smirked then rolled her eyes, of course she can keep her balance she learned this in Combat Preschool, she jump onto the roof, walked along the top. And runs to the mountains, she's pretty swift so when she gets there she sits alone waiting for Orion, she sharpens her Blades.
Orion walks to the mountains and sees Hero and smirks."Well showoff,I could've easily got here I just chose to run."He sat Sora down and leaned against a rock,looking toward the academy."Wierd,im new here really,haven't been here but a few days and im already run out of it....damn."He smirked miserably and looked out."Imma check the perimeter,make sure eveythings good."He said and jogged walked away,his sword and gun in hand.
-Rose quickly ran down the stairs and the outside. She shot some mutants in the face while running and kept her sword in her holster, ready to pull out. She ran into the woods and some mutants follow her. She swiftly ran and then took small chances by twirling around while running and shooting a bullet and then keep on running frontwards. The mutants would not go down easily but she ran faster then she has ever ran before (someone save her! x3 She's a newbie. x3)
"Uhm okay" Before he leaves she shouts, "I'm new here too! I just came from another Academy I moved up!" He leaves and she sharpens her blades once more, she gets sits next to unconscious Sora, "Please wake up..." She whispers. 
She sees a girl about to get attacked, "Oh God" she says out loud, of course SHE has to save her. Hero ran towards the forest and sees the girl. She pulls her away and stabs, and slices all the mutants, she pulls her all the way to the top of the mountain. "You okay?" Hero asks, a little more tired
He ran back to the mountains looking to find hero and another girl."Woah what happened?!"He asked and ran to the edge,looking out and growling."Damn mutants."He said in disgust and turned going to check on the two girls.
-Rose breaths with her eyes widened and then gets up. She brushes off the dirt from her arms and sighed, now a little bit more calm.- Yeah... but if you think being chased by mutants and all you have is a katana and a pistol is fine then yes I'm fine. -She says this sarcastically so that she could calm herself down-
"This girl!" Hero said, "Got herself in big trouble, this newbie almost died! I just got here and I don't what is going ON!" She lays back, tired from talking, Soras knocked out, I just met you and this girl almost died unless I saved her!" She calmed down and starting looking around, "We're safe up here" she muttered 
"Sorry for that little outburst there girly" Hero said, she put out her hand, "I'm Hero, and you are..?"
"Hey go easy on her Hero,look you guys get rest im gonna go down,see if I can set up some defensive traps."He said and walked toward the edge of the mountains.He went back several times to his roomes to get materials but in a bit he had trip wires,a few mines,and more than enough pits with spikes in the bottom.
She nodded, "What's your name newbie?" She asked the girl. She then checked to see if Sora was okay, glad he was. She looked around and started carving rocks
-Shakes her hand.- I'm Rose, but let's just stick to Tishi alright? -She smiles and then reloads her M9 Beretta 9mm Pistol. Then she fixes her her holster for her katana and keeps an eye on the treeline of the forest.-
Orion walked out the forest,his sword and other weapons all put away."Well that should be it for defence for now,as far as im concerned,none of those ugly fucks are comin here."He said,laying his weapons next to him and sat down.
-Rose (Tishi = codename x3) looked at the carving and didn't even bother to ask why she put, 'might for right' on the rock. She looked at a tree and the branches. It was perfect to climb up so that she could stay away from the ground, just to be careful. She started to climb the tree and reached the tenth branch up the tree. It was a tall tree. Rose rested on the branch and looked at her gun after settling on the branch. She carefully grasped the gun in her hands.-
Hero looked at Tishi climb a tree, not bad. She saw Orion sit and lay his weapons down, I guess it'd be great if they all just have a moment of silence for a little bit.
-Tishi then looked down to Hero and then at the tree. She finally felt a little peace what with the mutants and all. she sighed and sat there silently while breathing steadily so she could be at peace for the moment.-
Orion looked at Hero then at the newbie Tishi and sighed.He grabbed his magnum,checking the ammo and reloaded it,checking the stock and grip then put it away."I heard before I left to check around you said you were a newbie to."He said looking over at Hero.

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