ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Hero replied, "We'll, at least a newbie at this academy. But, I'm still expertly trained" She throws her carved rock into the air, caught and balanced it on her blade.
"Well impressive,I always dreamed about stuff like this when I was little,I knew I would do it but man its hard,especially with all these mutants around."He said,grabbing a rock and sharpening his sword with it.
-Tishi hears them talk and then joins in.- Well consider yourselves the lucky newbies. I had to figure most things by myself. Others I had been shown once and only once and then my parents expected me to get it right the first try because they thought that I was, 'oh so special that I can learn things in one glance.' Man where they wrong. -Tishi let out a sigh along with her straight face. She put her M9 Beretta 9mm away and then pulls out her katana from its holster. chops off a nearby branch and it falls onto another tree.-
"I never really had to think about stuff like that" Hero said, a little soft. "I've been disciplined and all I did was martial arts and such, it's hard to think about anything else..." She started fiddling with her fingers.

( Gotta go to bed, see ya! )
"Well consider you guys lucky,I was raised from dirt,don't got a family,name,nothing to claim but these weapons and my codename.I trained myself and was then later on only trained by the best,and yet im not the best yet."He growled and crossed his arms and closed his eyes in meditation.
(aw bye) -Tishi climbed down the tree and sat down with her legs crossed over each other in an Indian style and sighed.- Well when it comes to parents who were strict yet barely cared then you have to think, a lot.
"You know I always wonder if I had parents would any of this change.Would I be a regular teenteen,worrying about exams and all that,and each time I get the same was born for this so either way i'd still be doing it."He said and sighed lightly.
(um... I'll read over the story and tell you when I get back from school today okay?) 
-Tishi looked up at him and then sighed.- Yah know.... I kinda see no point for my parents to be my parents.. they were no good at training me or anything. I did basically everything on my own.
( okay i got a recap for ya. So far we lost the school to a mutant infestation courtesy of Chan cause he won't work for china any more. Although he told the secret of killing them was Carbon Monoxide he forgot to put in the part about a highly radioactive material known as plutonium. So having Carbon Monoxide in a school is highly dangerous to humans you guys made a run for in and evacuated the school. And this rp has made a unexpected turn.) 
Rio found a mask and decided it was best to put it on. The Mutant had gone dazed and disgruntle. " He looked around after hearing the message he sighed and headed for Emeralds room. He found his two short swords right where he left them. As he picked them up he heard the click of gun. He quickly turned and slashed the bullet it ricocheted off the blade and into the wall. He saw a man in black also wearing a mask in front of him.

" You're good." the man replied. " Maybe you would like to put what you have to good use ?"

Rio looked at the man. " I'm listening."

" You want you're school, We want Chan if you get my drift."

Rio laughed. " Thanks but i'll past. But i'll be back for the school." Rio headed for the window.

" Wait, if you change your mind." the man threw him pda.

Rio took it and headed out of the school. To try and find the others.
((Ok, thanks everyone.))

Sora slowly started to wake up.

'Damnit, it happened again, I didn't synch properly to storm when I did that technique. No wonder I blacked out. I wonder what's happened to everyone,' he thought as he slowly started to get his bearing together. Storm was still perched on his shoulder. He looked around. He saw Hero, the person he agreed to team up with next to him and two new people he hadn't seen before.

"W-what's going on everyone," he asked still in a half sleep state.
"Oh Sora you're woke good."Orion said and came over,switching his vision so that he could check on everything."Well you were out for some time had to carry you here from the academy."He said,going back and sitting down by his weapons.He whistled and a red eyed crow flew down and perched on his shoulder."Your lucky if it hadn't been for Hero your ass would be mutant chow."He said an chuckled then fed a cracker from his pocket to the crow.
Hero got up, and saw Sora was alive and awake, and she heard what Orion said. "Damn right" Hero said, "But, still" She lowered her voice and got a little gentle, "If it wasn't for Orion we'd all be screwed huh?" She started kicking rocks off the mountain. "Well, anyway, anyone got food? I can hold my hunger but if we're going to be here for a long time, we need to check our food supply" Hero reached for her pockets, "I have pieces of dragon fruit."
He rolled his eyes and fed the crow another cracker."I was just surviving and I wouldn't live up to a certain code if I had left you.“He said and whispered something to the crow and it flew off.
Hero smiled a bit, "I'm glad you did so" She opened her bag of sliced dragon fruit, "Wants some? It sorta tastes like a citrus soda(Sprite)" She took a little bite of her piece.
( we have product placement now )

Rio followed the tracks still wearing the mask on his face. He saw Sora with two more individuals. " Ah so more people did get out of the school. That's good." He pushed the PDA deep into his pocket. " So are their others are you all it?"
"I'm not sure" Hero replied "We didn't really focused who left or not" Hero started sharpening her blades and eating some dragon fruit, "Want some?" She asked.
"Hmm.....yeah sure a few wouldn't hurt noone."He said and walked over to her and sat down.He took a piece and popped it into his mouth."So Hero why did you become an assassin?"He asked and looked at her.
Hero looked back and answered, "I was just automatically raised to be one when I was little, I was told that a ruler killed my parents so I wanted revenge. But, as I got older my mind got more mature, and revenge was childish. Now, I want to serve for what is right. I complete for what I was given..." She took another bite, "Why did you want to become an assassin?"
Rio took the masked off. " No i'm fine." he thought about Emerald, Nichole and the others in the school. " I guess we have to hope for the best or try a different approach. Two attacks at once no one would have been fully prepared for that. He looked at the two and then rubbed his head. " Oh sorry where are my manners. I'm Rio."
Hero replied, "Hero, nice to meet ya" She took another nibble and found put how much she ate, so Hero out the fruit down. 
(( I gotta go this period is almost over and I'm in the library, catch you guys later! )) 
(( Hey I'm here))
-Rose/Tishi smiled a little and got up. She knew how to hunt a little considering that she hunted for her parents who spent almost all of their money of drugs and alcohol. She picked up her katana from her holster and slashed it at a thick branch. It sliced the branch right off. She smiled.- I think I can hunt. I'll come back in a few. -Rose slowly walks deeper into the woods to go hunting.-
Orion looked over at Tishi and called out,"Hey wait up ill come with you."He yelled and stood,grabbing his spear and jogging over to her."Sorry just ya know better everyone stay in groups until all this crap blows over."He said,strapping his spear to his back and gazed around.

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