ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Rio watched them leave followed by a vibrating PDA in his back pocket he walked out and pressed the screen. It was the man he smirked as he looked at Rio. " You're good disabling the PDA Global tracking system so i wouldn't find you." the man replied.

Rio looked at him. " I'm not dumb so what do you want you got 10 seconds"

" We can't cha-"

" 5 seconds"

The man cleared his throat. " I was wondering if you changed your mind about the offer. I'm willing to include a cash settlement as well. You can become a very wealthy man....what do you say ?"

Rio looked at the PDA. " I say times up." He hung up the PDA. He walked back to the others and looked at Hero. " At this rate we'll be stuck here for days i don't quite see us heading back to the school anytime soon."
Chan watched Rio and the others from the trees. How had they not come back for him? That was real friendship(sarcasm). Anger boiled in Chan, but he had to stay calm. Jumping off the tree, he noticed that they were talking about something, and Chan wanted to know. Finally he came to their little area and opened his mouth.

"So, I believe none of you care about me." Chan said.
Rio looked at Chan. " Hey you weren't the only who got stuck in that school on your own. Some of us are lucky we got out." He was still thinking about the others. " Your little friends weren't too interested in taking Prisoners." He pulled a data chip from his pocket and threw it at Chan. " I believe you'll know the handy work."
Sora was getting a migrane. He didn't want to be in the middle of some argument. Rio was right though. It was do or die back at the school. They had to leave with who they were with that's it. But, he didn't want to be involved at the time so decided to leave them be.

"I think I'm going to go for a little walk," he said "I think I heard running water a little further up the mountain so I'll go see if I can bring us back some," and with that he took off leaving the Rio, Chan, and Hero there.
-Tishi looked at him and smiled a little.- alright. I guess so.. but first of all you have to catch up! -Tishi bolts to a tree and climbs up a little to reach the 4th branch. Then she starts jumping across the tree and landing perfectly and lightly on each branch. She barely made a sound.-
( okay i'm gonna see if i can bring you back in.)

Rio brushed past Chan. " Now if you can excuse me i'm gonna see if I can find anyone else." Rio jumped into the trees dashed off. He looked at the PDA in the pocket and pressed the button. The screen lit up and he tapped into the system he got an receiver as he pulled into the frequency he could hear the head mistress voice calling out.

" Hello calling all ATA students if they're are any students that are receiving this please respond." She called out.

" This is Rio one of the new students of the school i'm on a open frequency it's the only way i can hear you so i have to make it quick." he replied.

The Head Mistress sighed with relief. " So you are alright ?"

Rio gave a weak laugh. " Me and a few other yeah i'm going to search for others as well i'll open the frequency shortly and keep you posted on what's going on."

Rio turned off the PDA and dashed off within the woods searching for anyone that was still alive.
(I have posted this because I've been busy lately and now I come back and... okay Question, if I make my part is there anything important I need to put in this? Did we all separate?)
( okay i will give you recap. So far we lost the school to a mutant infestation courtesy of Chan cause he won't work for china any more. Although he told the secret of killing them was Carbon Monoxide he forgot to put in the part about a highly radioactive material known as plutonium. So having Carbon Monoxide in a school is highly dangerous to humans you guys made a run for in and evacuated the school. And this rp has made a unexpected turn. We have a small group of people together and i'm searching for any survior.)
Chan looked at the chip. It didn't look Chinese, but it looked familiar. There was something about it that made Chan feel weird. All of a sudden, he felt his mind drift back into the past, when his parents were attacked.


"Stay inside Chan, I'll handle this." Wong Yanchu, Chan's father, said to him worriedly as he stepped outside. Chan shivered under his bed, clutching his Chinese stuffed animal. There was a gunshot, and Wong fell over. Chi-Chi, Chan's mother, ran into her son's room and crouched down. She was then shot, but they didn't see Chan. That was when he saw it. A chip, that the attacker was using...


Chan snapped back into reality, realizing he was sweating and on the floor.
(Sure thing)

A gasp escaped my lips when my eyes opened up to the sight of the forest... how did I end up here? Images of fighting, screaming and blood rushed back to my mind and I remembered that the school had been taken over so I had fled from the school with 2 guys chasing after me.

I had taken a nap because I was running for way to long... I need to get a move on before one of them catch me, I wasn't invincible.

Standing up I noticed I was in a pair of pants and a sports bra... so much for clothes. Fixing the holsters around my waist I picked my sword up and started running when I heard the sound of footprints from behind the tree I was napping against.
Nichole panted and ran to her dorm to get ammo. she jumped onto the ceiling and swung from the vent opening getting momentum. "one..two...three!"
Rio pulled out his blade. Something was moving and it was close he put the mask back on to keep him self hidden as he headed for the tree.
I walked away from the tree with my bloody sword in hand and my attention on high alert, I felt someone's presence behind me and spun around, readying my attack.

"Whose there?" I spoke in a cold and empty tone, not wanting to give any weakness away if it was an enemy.
Rio stopped for a moment the voice was familiar to him. " Emerald ?? Is that you ?" he asked as he put his sword down a bit.
I blinked a bit when I heard Rio's voice and carefully put my sword back in its sheath.

"Yea, its me... are you ok?" I asked as my eyes moved around the to look at the trees and make sure there weren't any enemies around.
" Yeah i'm fine just got in a bit of trouble earlier. " He looked at her. " How about you ? " he looked at the blood that was one the tip of her holster. " It seems you have had your spill and thrills."
"Only what needed to be spilt... have you found any others?" I spoke as I grabbed a leaf and used it to wipe off the blood from my sword, I would have to clean it better when I get the chance because even though I'm confused on what's happening, I know I'll make it out alive because war was something I was taught.
" We have a few up in the mountain tops. I plan on going back to the school and seeing if i can find anymore survivors. And then.....I don't know ?" He put his hand in his pockets. I was able to reach the head mistress and....someone else."
"Someone else... is it someone who is against us or with us?" I asked as I walked up to him, stopping when I stood beside him, pushing my hair up into a ponytail as I waited for his answer.
Chan went off searching for Rio. A few moments later, he saw Rio chatting with Emerald. They liked each other probably. They just had some strange chemistry.

"Hello Emerald." Chan said. "I suppose you aren't contaminated?"
" I'll explain when we get back to the school. " He dashed into the trees and moved forward. He didn't want to explain anything till he knew that he was alone with someone he could trust. And so far Emerald was it. He kept moving closer and closer to the school he could see that everything was evacuated and no one was around. A few bodies layed motionless on the ground. He hoped there was someone alive anyone would be a good sign.

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