ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Sora laughed heartily. He suddenly thought this whole thing was a game.

"Round up ey?" he said looking at the now empty hallway. "I like the sound of that. Looks like I'm going on a mutant hunt!" he declared and made a mad dash down the hallway leaving the mutant to chase Rio.

'It'll be more efficient if I let Rio handle that one. I'll go find my own and bring it back to the lab.'

He had run a little while until he got to the training courtyard where a mutant was attempting to take on a couple of freshman.

Sora smirked again. He jumped from where he was and landed directly on the mutants shoulder. He brought out his katana from what appeared to be thin air and stabbed the mutants skull. He tore the sword out of the mutants head again and leaped back from it landing directly in front of the first years.

"Leave. Now." he said in a deathly serious tone. They didn't object and all scattered off.

The mutant was clutching its head in pain but apparently his attack didn't bring it down.

"Well now, that's an issue," he said lunging in and trying to attack it once more.

He sent cuts, kicks and punches at the best but all seemed to have little effect on the monster.

'Urgh...this is getting tedious. What was it again? Carbon Monoxide. I don't have that. That's in the lab. I know what I have to do but getting this stupid thing there is going to be more trouble than it's worth.'

He sighed. He jumped up again and kicked the monster in the face.

"Oi ugly! Follow me!"

Apparently his taunt had worked because as soon as he started running back for the school building the mutant started following him.

"Ok, so part A get: get the thing to follow me, check. Now I just need to get him up the stair without destroying too much, and then into the lab, then finally restraining him. Sounds easy enough," he said to himself with a half smile. However, no matter how easy he made it sound. It was going to be troublesome.
Hero walked swiftly into the academy, unsure of the things that would happen. But, she isn't a newbie, she's been training all her life and now can go to the Assassins Training Academy. She was excited, but soon she heard gunshots. She wasn't sure if it was training or what. So she took out her two Wakizashi's and peeked around cautiously. As she turned to the courtyard a mutant pounced at her. She was a little surprised, but not scared. She sliced the beast with one wakizashi, but it's skin was tough. Like armour. The thing stepped back as Hero back flipped, the mutant was angry with that little gash. It charged at her and she jumped, spun in the air and at the right time stabbed its head from the top. It sorta was a cushion for her when she hit the ground. It looked flimsy but not dead, paralyzed I guess. She stood up straight and saw no one. What is going on? 
((Just a note for everyone. According to Chan, the mutants can only be killed by Caron Monoxide.)

"You idiot!" Sora shouted at himself realising the mistake he made. He forgot that the hallway he was in was at the wrong end. Completely the other side of where he needed to be. He kept running though with both Storm, his bird, and the mutant following behind him. He ran swiftly through the hallway. Not stopping once. He looked out to one of the windows and saw someone on the roof attempting to shoot the mutants dead but it appeared as if it wasn't working.

'Just as I thought. They really do only have one weakness. Urgh.'
She heard gunshots once more, Hero looked up fast. She saw mutants around falling left and right. How can this happen? She thought. She started to see where they cam from. A girl at the roof was using a sniper to kill these guys. She slipped you wakizashis into their holds. She started climbing up the building, not as hard as she thought, eventually she flipped to the roof. She saw the girl laying down with her sniper. The only thing she can say was,"What's going on?"
(thanks sora ^-^) Nichole stood and said "ok we gotta find the best and fastest route to the science lab...mutants i dont know where they came from..."
The girl didn't reply, she just jumped onto the tree branch. "Well, I guess don't tell me." Muttered. She jumped off the roof and landed on the grass like a cat. These things aren't dying, what could kill them? Her eyes widened, carbon minoxide! so she knew exactly what to do and where to go. She studied the schools map enough to know where to go. She sprinted towards the science lab as she swiftly dodged some mutants
Sora accidentally tripped on what appeared to be a fallen book. He looked at the mutant that was now looming on top of him like a skyscraper.

'This is going to hurt,' he thought. Next thing he knew, he was landing on very ground and was back in the courtyard. He coughed up blood in pain and slowly got up.

'Dang it! That thing has one nasty punch!' he thought to himself 'If I could kill the thing I would but I'm trying to restrain it because I can't kill it. I really need someone else here to take this idiot on with me. Someone quick and agile to cut him so I can focus on getting my traps ready and then finally retraining the stupid thing.'
Nichole stopped in the middle of the hall to catch her breath. she saw three mutants walking around and calmed her breathing holding her breath. she snuck past one but got caught by the others.
Hero started slowing down as she got closer, she was there and went inside. She took a breather as she looked around she looked for the carbon monoxide, it was a gas of course so she needed a mask. She just used her shirt. She found the canister where there's a hole you can open it. But she got an idea, bombs. She found some sorta small water bottles from the garbage and dry ice from the freezer. She placed 4 pieces of dried iced in each 15 bottles. I could make more later, she thought. She placed some carbon monoxide in ther and some other chemicals, since carbon monoxide is deadly to humans as well she placed a chemical in there to destroy it in 1min and 45 seconds after its bombed. She then placed a pouch the the neck of the bottle, put some water on top(don't want the bombs to go while in my bag) so if she punches if it will go off a few seconds after. She attached some inside her jacket and bag and left 5 there. Maybe someone else could use em.
Sora dodged attack after attack

'This is getting me no where,' he thought. He had had enough of being on the defensive. He positioned his katana perfectly and pivoted so as to dodge the next attack. He then sent his katana forward impaling the beast into the tree behind him. Of course, being the mutant it was, didn't die. Instead, it tried to struggle free. Sora took a few deep breaths and looked around to take everything in. Everyone was fighting. It was either mutants or just normal men. It was almost like a war zone. He looked towards the science lab and saw a girl come out with what appeared to be bombs.

'could she have figured it out?' he thought to himself. He called out to her.

"Hey! Could you give me a hand with this thing!" Sora said rather cheerfully as he pointed at the monster.
Hero heard the boy, she was cheerful and pretty excited, "Gladly" she said with a smile. She jumped then spun as she tossed a bomb at the beast. Hero ran towards the boy and pushed him back, they both rolled and the bomb exploded. She rolled off of him as we see the mutant start to deteriorate, Hero smiled at how she perfected the bombs. "not bad..." She muttered to herself.
((Nichole flipped a two ton creature? Damn... -_- ))

Chan killed some more agents with his bare hands and then he fell onto his knees, realizing somehing. The monoxide wouldn't kill them! A certain element had to be added to it, and the school didn't have it! It would just poison the school. The mutants would still be alive. Then there was an explosion, and instantly the oxygen was gone from Chan's area, he choked and jumped out the window. However the mutants were fine. The element was plutonium. He ran to the loudspeaker and shouted as strictly as he could.

"Everyone, evacuate! I'm sorry for the misinformation. That poison won't kill the mutants, we need liquid plutonium as well. Unless you guys have any, GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THAT SCHOOL!" he yelled over the speaker.
Sora watched as the mutant went down

"Carbon manoxide," he whispered he whispered to himself. He then looked at the girl.

"That was pretty handy," he said getting up and offering her a hand up as well.

"I think we should team up for a bit, judging by your wakazashis, you're pretty quick and those bombs of yours are probably the only thing able to kill them. If I was smart enough, I suppose i could fill my bullets with carbon monoxide or at least add them in but I don't know how to do that without blowing something up so I think I'll stick with my original plan.

"I'm Sora by the way," he said with a smile, "and you are?"
She turns to him, and smiles "I'm Hero, and teaming up would be a great idea" she then heard the announcement and the mutant started to reform. Evacuate? I just got here, but I guess I gotta ask, "You think we should leave now? The mutants are reforming and we need liquid plutonium, which I unfortunately don't have..." She looked and back away slowly as the mutant starts to get angry.
Sora chuckled. "Hero huh? How fitting considering you pretty much just saved me there," he said giving her a foxy smirk. Then he too heard the announcement.

"Yeah, we probably should, but we'll have to head towards the mountains, according to earlier broadcasts from Chan, they're going to set off a bomb not too far off from here near the town,"

Storm his pet crow flew into the sky and Sora used his eye technique to find the quickest way out of the school. The bird then came back down and rested on his shoulder.

"Ok, so no matter how we go about it, we're facing enemies to try and get out of here. I say we go with hit and run. I get a feeling you're pretty quick and I'm pretty fast myself so if we go in with quick strikes, leave them stunned for a bit and then make a run for it, we have a strong chance. I'd rather not have to face a large battle when escaping. It goes against my assassination principals," he said in a matter of fact tone.
Hero gives a slight chuckle, "Why thank you" I give a little bow, then a nod, "Okay, just one more thing" Hero took her Wakizashi's out of their holders,the sleek, sharp steel shines in the sun. She then grabbed all her bombs and threw them all in the air. She jumped up and hit them all out into a 30ft radius with her Japanese blades. "Now" she said with a slight smirk "Now let's run" 
(Anyone here?)
Orion heard the announcement and sighed,"Great I just woke up and were evacuating,I hate my life."He said and stood,grabbing his weapons and ran out his room."Quickest way out......straight through,awesome!!"He ran out drawing his gun and walks slowly out.He hears a sound and turns roundhouse kicking a mutant."Ugh poor bastard."He turned and ran off the other way and looked around.He used his heat vision to search for anyone and found two near him.He ran quickly,putting away his gun and drawing his sword.He ran into a few mutants but ducked out the way.He came to where the heat signature were and called out,"Anyone over here."He yelled gripping his sword tightly.
"Over Here!" I yelled, keeping my feet steady as my ears ring from the xplosion. For some reason Sora blacked out, Mutants are every where and I drag Sora along as I quickly slice mutants, looking for a way out.

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