ATA Assassin Training Academy!

(actually four counting Lona's character) the teen looked up and quickly let Nichole go. "i-os she a friend of y-yours?!" looking ready to piss himself.
-the headmistress looked at her with a pleasing look.- "You have done so well in the shadows. But you must know more about it. And you must know much much more then just plain flips and throws. Come here for a minute okay?" -Rose came over to her.- "Rose, I understand you are new but your code name is Tishi since I didn't tell you earlier." -Rose nodded and walked through her hallways to go to the dorm. She went up the elevator and stopped at the floor in which her dorm was to witness a fight right outside of the elevator. She sighed and then went to the shadows that was to her left and then after a few minutes she came out and punched the guy in the face.- Hi...Yah!! -Rose knocked him straight over. She nodded and brushed her uniform sleeves off before she kept walking to her dorm.-
(My character is one of the best of the best as well, I put that on when I signed up a few minutes ago:-D, are there dorms?)

I sat at a table outside and ignored everything, practicing on my meditation to practice. This usually helped me with breathing and keeping myself calm so I did it on a usual basis. The sound of fighting was clear to my highly trained ears but I didn't go to join in, I didn't fight unless I needed to.
"Friend? No. Is there a reason why I shouldn't interfere?" Luke asked leaning down, getting closer to his face. His piercing eyes glaring at the boy.
Rio only watched for a few seconds of Chans fight. After strike he knew who would be victor in the end. He could feel Chan's impulses take over. The others were just blindly striking hoping to get a hit. " Those who fight with no common will are just gonna end up dead." he sighed and walked away.
(yep there are dorms lona ^-^) the guy shook and actually did piss himself. Nichole said"ugh thats disgusting!" kicking him away. he ran off to his dorm. Nichole said"thanks but i didnt need it..." She sighed and cleaned the floor and traces of blood from her punch and roundhouse kick.
(( Pretty cool fight huh?))

Chan stood amongst the injured students, who had gone down like sacks of bricks. The crowd was silent, and Chan stepped out of the fighting area. Before anyone could say anything, he had went back to the dorms. There was Luke looking at boy, piercing his soul with his cold gaze.

"Now now, look. I believe there are more peaceful ways to deal with this." Chan said to Luke before turning to the boy. "Fighting is restricted to the ring only unless authorized by a teacher. What do you think you are doing?"
Luke stared at her and slowly smiled.

"Well this is nice. Usually people run away from me when they first meet me. Although you seem pretty scary too."

Luke turned to Chan and smiled. "What better way could I have handled it? I didn't do a thing to him. I merely asked him a question.
-Rose looked back and saw the guy piss himself and she said to herself in a disgusted way.- ew.. oh yuck! -She flipped her scene hair over to the right so it would stay and found her dorm, she opened her dorm, 215, with the key and walked into her dorm. All she did was lie down her gun and katana and jumped onto the bed, and with that she didn't even think about the door. So she left it open. Rose sighed and softly sang to herself after a long but kind of hard fight.- Why do I have to do that? Ugh.. I'm just gonna chill out now I guess. -She starts to sing Ignorance by Paramore.- [media][/media]
"Well, you didn't do anything wrong, but I suppose there are other things you can do then just stare through people's souls." Chan laughed. "You missed my fight, but I don't really care. Most people there were just silent after I basically disabled the students. Anyhow, why is everyone so afraid. They just simply need to respect you that's all. No need to cower in fear. I'm one of the top students along with you, Otto, and Emerald. We aren't Gods or anything, we just need simple respect."
"It's the...aura of my appearance. People don't bother to go past what they see with their eyes. I'm sorry I missed your fight. I might have joined in and beaten you." Luke said with a mischievous grin.
(I don't know who my roommate should be... -.- I was having a hard time with this haha)

I walked into my new dorm and closed the door silently, hoping that I didn't get into any fights to soon because I didn't need to be known as a troublemaker, I just need to get in and get out before anything bad happens.
((Heading bed. See ya'll tomorrow. Or morning. Or evening...or...well you know. Wherever ya live. xD ))
-Rose finishes singing and then looks over at her doorway to see she accidentally left the door open.- Darn it! -She went over to shut the door then looked over to see 2 guys talking near the elevator. She slowly walks outside and sits in front of her dorm, reading "The history of fighting skills." Rose sighed and read on in the book, learning where the skills came from and who made them up.-
Chan returned the grin. "Now now, your being irrational." he joked."Appearances can be deceiving. Of course you manage to enforce that by using that iron-y voice and cold gaze. If you want people to open up to you, act nicely."

Luke was one of the people Chan wanted to see fight. Of course, the Monks at the Shaolin Temple said fighting was never the answer. And Chan still upheld that, but he only fought because the called him up.

((Ip Man is an awesome move. You should watch the second one. I also have to go. When we get back you will probably get to ten pages or something.))
Rio laid out on the campus and looked up at the sky. He enjoyed watching the clouds fly by. It was his way of meditating. Just watching the clouds and feeling the energy around him. He smiled. " This may be alot more fun then i had imagined.
-Rose finishes reading a section of the book and walks over to the elevator and taps the button to go down into the main hallway. She wanted to calm down and at least get some peace. She passed the two guys and went down to the main hallway. Then she walked over to the front door and smiled as she smelled the flower/tree scented air. She walked out over to the woods and to a spot in the woods that had a big enough area for her to meditate. She sat down with both legs crossed over each other. She sighed and then closed her eyes. Rose started to meditate, she only meditated in the forest because there she felt at peace. She took deep breaths while meditating and sat there, meditating, for at least 10 to 15 minutes.-
My dorm was empty with no roommate, the only thing around was a bed, dresser and saw there wasn't a little kitchen in here like a regular apartment... the kitchen might be in the lounge or something.

With a shrug I walked out of the dorm and walked outside, looking around and wondering what there was to do here. Finding a large open field in the school field, I took one of katanas from the holster on my back and began to practice with the air.

I breathed in slowly and let it come out when I felt I as at peace... I felt free, and I always will feel this way if I continue with the things I believe in and do.
Nichole unpacked then went to the training room. she plugged up her radio and smiled. then turned to see her Ex Lavi Bookman. (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-34.jpeg.f5e5207ff40a3d7f44b2b38f7187788e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-34.jpeg.f5e5207ff40a3d7f44b2b38f7187788e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>) they glared down at eachother. lavi thought she wanted him back. he smirked and said"long time no see huh my little koi..." she glared and said"lets fight if that is what you want!" they went to their stances and "mr.know it all" played. they fought hard and Nichole took off her jacket. instead of a fight it was turning into an intense dance. the song switched to "toxic" and lavi smirked.



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