ATA Assassin Training Academy!

Rio jumped in the Air he saw knives stuck into ground where he was laying. He sighed as three boys walked up to him. They smirked at him as the separated and surrounded him. Rio sighed and looked at them. " Guess i can't have a day of peace." The three attacked at once. Rio dived making the three hit each other and he quickly pulled out one of his swords and slashed at the three of them. They looked down to see their pants had been cut off. He kicked one of the guys away and dashed off. He ran through the halls with a small smile as the guys ran after him he ran off into a random dorm room only to see it belonged to Emerald. He looked at her and smiled as he held the door. " I promise you i'll be out your way in a minute." he explained as he kept his ear to the door.
(this is gonna be a dance off!) Nichole swayed to the beat and smirked. she sang dancing"~oh baby can't you see im calling a guy like you should wear a warning. its dangerous im falling..~" he smirked and walked up to her singing and dancing as well. "~too high can't come down its in the air and its all around~"
I watched the guy named Rio listening against the door as I was sharpening my sword, my eyebrow raised when I saw him... maybe I should start locking my door.

"There's an emergency exit behind my dresser... it'll lead you underground, there is a fork but you should go straight to get to the forest surrounding the school... unless you just want to continue to listening through a wooden door that's easy to break through... which I will change soon," I informed him with a small smile on my face and turned to continue sharping my sword, my guns still in the holster around my waist.
Nichole smirked as well. oh lavi was gonna learn his place. They soon finished and Nichole left lavi to shame! Nichole laughed putting her jacket back on and left lavi by himself. (his expression ----->:eek:)
(ooooooooh! booyah! score 100 for the awesome Nichole!) -Gets up and walks inside of the academy once more. She walks straight to the elevator and then too her dorm.-
Rio kept his ear to the door. He felt the wind of three people past and laughter trail off. " I'm guessing they're running with their pants down." He looked at Emerald. " Um thanks for letting me use your room as an hide-away. It's like everyone wants a piece of you." He sighed. " Nice Sword."
"Thanks..." I had no idea what he meant by that so I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you mean everyone wants a piece of me? Am I being hunted?" I asked him curiously as I placed the newly sharpened sword on a soft purple pillow.
" Well not you if i'm correct you go by the name of Gem. You're up there with a few others. " He sat down crossed his legs placing his swords on his laps. " Everyone who's new to this place has been targeted or the ones who returned think they are better then everyone else and rule out the rest."
"So basically there is a group of people who think they rule the school? Uh... am I supposed to join some sort of group against them or is it every man for themselves?" I asked with a small laugh as I sat in front of him with my legs underneath me.
Rio laughed. " I wouldn't say all that. But they really know they're stuff." Rio looked at his own blade. " But being powerful isn't everything when it comes to being an assassin. " He looked at Emerald. " Oh wow where are my manners. I'm Rio. " he replied with a smile.
I didn't know if I should shake his hand or greet him the way many of us on the island use to greet each other so I did what he did and smiled at him.

"I'm Emerald, nice to meet you... so I'm guessing those guys out there aren't you're friends, right?" I smiled sweetly and felt happy that there was someone to talk to, I wasn't this social when I was on the island because I always ended up to choked up in my training or my past... I could really smile now.
Rio ruffled his hair. " No, but if they wanted to be three daggers for the head isn't the best way to make friends. A simple hello would have been better. Well now they are running around with no pants so i guess all is well." He looked at Emerald. " Though i might have gone over board."
I laughed when I realized that he said their pants were down but than I stopped laughing and just smiled at him.

"That might've been just right... I think overboard would've been if you took a picture of them... and put it on the internet. Yea, the internet is overboard," I smiled at him with shake of my head, gathering all the strings of violet colored hair I put it into a messy bun and stood up.

"Question... what sort of person do I look like to you?" I asked, I wanted to know what I looked like to people so that I could make friends with people more but if I looked cold and empty than I wasn't going to try, I was just going to give up on that and continue my training alone.
Rio examined her for a moment. " Well for one you're very beautiful. I don't really since a cold feeling from you more like someone who just knows who and what grabs her interest. You have a very strong presence too. Not scary though more like ocean waves or a strong gust of wind. Powerful but also respectful. If you wanna make friends might as well go for it. And you don't have to train alone either cause i would be more then happy to train with you."
I blinked in surprise that he knew what I was thinking... was my face easy to read?

"Thank you Rio, I really appreciate it... so... how exactly do I make friends?" I asked him with a blank look, really curious as to how I was supposed to do that and let a person know their a friend and not an acquaintance.

"How do I let someone know their my friend and not an acquaintance?"
Rio looked up at the ceiling for a minute. " Wel- you's kinda like." Rio pondered the question for a while. " I guess it is better if i can show you. " Rio cleared his throat. " My name is Rio which you already know but most people know me by my code name Aero. I like to cloud watch and cook and enjoy all kinds of music. My partners and my most trusted weapon our my short swords. I was raised in a clan where i learned part of my training and was sent here to learn the rest." He looked back at Emerald. " Basically to make friends you try to find people who have a similar connection or share some bond that you would like to increase. In this i mean telling your likes or dislikes or just a little about themselves. After that you can do whatever you like."
"Oh... well than my name is Emerald but many people know me by the name of Gem, I am a master as swords and going to become a teacher after I get my diploma from here, I'm really good at guns but I prefer knives and swords... hmm... I love music that I can relate to, I lived on an island full of a lot of best fighters around but the island got blown up... I like to cook, draw, paint, write and sing... what else do I put?" I spoke just like he did but replaced his words with my own interests.

"I think you should be my teacher and help me with working... with people, please?"
Dark enters the academy as he looks around at the new faces. There was really nothing new about them except they are trained to be killers like him. He takes the elevator and presses a button. He waits for a moment and it stops as the elevator door opens and he steps out of it. He walks towards the headmaster's office and knocks. " Who is it ? " he low, dark, tone of an old man asks. " Dark " He simply replies his Codename. " Ah! come in " the headmaster greets him as Dark enters the office. " Well, It's been awhile Dark. How was the mission in Russia ? " He asks as Dark just nods. The headmaster know what he meant and nods as well. " Well, You should rest now. I'll let the trainers know you're back " He assures him as he sends him off and Dark stands and bows as he leaves the office. He goes back to the elevator and presses the button to the dorms a the elevator starts to move again. Then it stops and he walks out of it and heads to his room.
Rio laughed. " Whatever you like....but it may take a little more work then that thought. " He looked at her and held out his hand again. " I'll be more then happy to help out. But don't think of me as a teacher. Think of me as your first friend 'kay." He smiled at Emerald. " And let this be the start of many friendships to come."
Dark finds his room and opens it. There was really no change inside his room. The maid probably cleaned it because there's not a single speck of dust. He sits down on his bed and stretches. He really did need a rest and lays down. He thought of his mission back in Russia. How he needed to assassinate one of it's politicians. It wasn't easy, First he had to go through all of the security cams and makes sure they get a fake video. Next, he needed to memorize the outline of the place. And he needed Routes. After all that, He finally assassinated the Russian politician and head back here. He rests his hand on top of his head covering his eyes, As he closes his eyes and darkness took over and went to sleep.
I looked down at his hand for a moment in question... he wanted to shake my hand but usually on the island when people shake someone's hand it means its a challenge but obviously it was a greeting to me.

Slowly bringing my hand up I shook his hand, smiling at how warm it was.

"Sure thing, as a sign of our new friendship do you want to show me to the kitchen so that I can bake us some brownies?" I asked him excitedly, happy at the mention of one of my many hobbies
Rio smiled and nodded. " That sounds like and excellent idea. And i would be more then happy to help with that. And while we're at it you can tell me about the island you came from." he replied. Wanting to know more about emerald.
"Okay, well on the island was a small village and even though the village was small we all made sure we used half of the field on the island for practice, we use to practice night and day. I was the daughter of the chief and the best on the island. My little sister taught the younger children the art of war and fighting. The way we did things was called 'honor'," I explained to him as we walked out of my room, I made sure it was locked as well.

"We don't hurt those who are down, we give everyone a second chance if they deserve it, our respect it to be won over time or by a show of bravery. If our enemy gives up than we allow them to leave without any more harm done upon them. Now, since I was the daughter and going to take control after my father passed the crown down to me I had to make sure there was a lot of food and keep the enemies out..." I turned and looked at Rio with a worried look on my face.

"Am I talking to much about it? That's only the little details," I gave him an apologetic look.

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