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Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his coin he always kept on him and showed it to Crystal, "Look. See this? You remember this coin? I always keep this on me at all times." He showed it to Crystal, "I want you to keep it safe for me, okay? You gotta promise me to stop throwing your fit if you want it."

Crystal looked at the coin, "Coin" she repeated, she remembered that coin because her brother would always carry it around. She wiped her tears out of her eyes, "Coin?" She asked confused, he never let her carry it. She had a small smile. @Crysalisis
"You know how much this coin means to me... keep it safe, okay?" He handed the coin over to her, "Im trusting you, sis."

Crystal sniffed, she looked up at Jon, "Bwo?" She said before standing up and giving him a hug, "Thank you" she said sweetly. She looks at the asylum, she really wanted to leave but if her brother was willing to give up his coin for her to calm down, the least she could do was keep calm for him. "Home?" She asked confused, pointing to the asylum.@Crysalisis
"For now, yes. But I promise, we will find a way.." He turned to Zara, "Well atleast we can try, am I right?" He sighed, before putting his hand in his pocket.

@NightSky @CelestialBunny
"Yes we can." Zara nodded her head confidently. "It's important not to lose hope." She said looking out to the sun which had risen quite a bit since she was on the roof. We'll get out of here somehow.. She thought to herself.

@Crysalisis @CelestialBunny
"Zara." He asked, "What is it that makes you special?" He asked out of curiousity.

Zara glanced over at Jonston a little taken back by his question but tried to cover that up with a slight smile. "I can see really far distances and through walls." She said before looking down at her hands. "However, I can only see in black and white." She added with a slight sadness in her voice.

"Interesting.. do you have any metal on you?" He asked, "I have a pretty cool power." He smiled.

"Yea, that'll do." Jon concatrated on the little silver necklace, seemingly without effort, he ripped the silver necklace in two symmetrical pieces. now, concetrating on both, he shot them like a rocket at a nearby tree, nearly cutting the tree completely in half. "Tah-dah!" He posed, "Its a simple but deadly skill I have. Its called metalmancy but I just called it metal manipulation." He said, "I can also predict a possible future outcome just by touching someone.


(Sorry got caught up with things almost forgot about this.)
"Sometimes, my emotions also strongly control my power aswell. For example if Im mad, nearby metal would begin collapsing. If im sad, nearby metal would begin to harden. So I try to keep a cool head." He said. "Its both a blessing and a curse."

"So... the blindness... where you born with it or did it happen randomly?" He asked, curious as to why such a useful skill was hindered by blindness.

Zara laughed softly. "I wouldn't say I'm blind just because I see in black and white, I've had it for as long as I can remember. So I'm guessing since I was born."

Aptual was newly brought into the asylum, she looked around with a smile, not understanding where she was. She thought about the interesting people she would meet and this made her smile grow. "Hello!" She cheerfully called out.

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Lexa woke up with the worst headache she had ever experienced. With a groan, she sat upright and looked around the small room she had been dumped in. It was bare, and cold. Lifeless. "You've gotta be kidding me..." Holding onto the wall, she slowly got up off the floor, stretching her tight muscles.

The door to the room was ajar, so she moved over to it cautiously, cradling her head with one hand. Outside was a dull corridor with scratch marks all the way down it, and although it looked terrifying she stepped out and started heading in a random direction, wondering if she could find anyone to tell her where on earth she was. By the looks of things, she might not really want to find anyone here actually as the place screamed 'dangerous'.
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<p>Aptual heard some groans from somewhere "<span style="color:#ff0080;">Ah! Zombie!</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She called out, turning she saw a girl "</span><span style="color:#ff0080;">Oh its fine, your not a zombie.</span><span style="color:#000000;">" Aptual skipped over to the girl "</span><span style="color:#ff0080;">Hey!</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She giggled "</span><span style="color:#ff0080;">I'm Aptual! What's your name?</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She questioned.</span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36528-nyxie/" data-mentionid="36528">@Nyxie</a></p>
Lexa jumped a bit at the outbust from behind her, spinning around with wide eyes. She backed up a little as the girl approached, looking her up and down suspiciously. "Urm, hi, I'm Lexa..." After a pause, she added, "Where the hell am I?"

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<p>Aptual paused for a second and started to scratch at her head "<span style="color:#ff0080;">I'm not sure, but I hopebI can meet lots of new friends here!</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She smiled again "</span><span style="color:#ff0080;">Lexa huh? That's a good name, however I shall call you Lexy! It sounds cuter.</span><span style="color:#000000;">" She innocently giggled.</span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36528-nyxie/" data-mentionid="36528">@Nyxie</a></p>
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Lexa smiled a little despite herself. It really wasn't in her nature to be friendly, but she thought that befriending this new person might prove useful in the future. "I suppose you can call me that if you want." She said, unsure of what to do with this girl. "Shall we try to see who else is around? You might want to be careful who you rush up to, this doesn't seem like a very nice place." As Lexa spoke, she didn't make any eye contact, so as to help limit any accidental suggestion.

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Fluer looked around the gournd with s bored and uninterested expression. When he was told he was going to be put in this place he was expecting something more exciting. On top of that he has no one to talk to. He began to whistle a very melodic and sweet tone. He was hoping to attract some people his location.
'You know, colorblindness can be cool sometimes. Like turn it into a positive, think about it, for you everything for you is a black and white movie." He said, "Us 'normal' people who see color are boring, but you, you are interesting." He smiled. His happiness made the steel beams in the building below them creak and twist ever so slightly.


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