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Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

"This place isn't that bad, I mean it's away from our families but we have freedom and social interactions with each other" Almost sifting off into a daydream he recovers his focus only to answer his question"Yes I'm fine, based on the way I took that medicine I should be felling better in a few minutes,plus as long as I don't get sick I'm fine." He shrugs his shoulders still not seeing the reason why some people try to escape.
"Yeah theirs a way to look at it, plus we all might get out of here by some means, wither its death or otherwise." The way he looked at it death was only natural, who knows when they'll run out of food, not only that but their was no one to complain to. "By the way have you had any injuries or sharp pains anytime, if so never forget I'll help you out anytime" Although it wasn't an official job, he considered himself a doctor of some sort.
@dragonsfire "Hey! How are you today, my good sir?" She did a mock curtsy at Elam and giggled. It was great having a friend in the asylum. It was so much better to have people around you to joke around with.

"Oh, Elliot. I feel like I don't get to see you too much around here. Which is surprising considering how small this place is. Are you good?"
Eve listened quietly to the conversation they were having, but deciding not to get involved. She didn't reminisce much in the past, content at the asylum. She decided maybe she could write about it in her journal later. She would also write about how she was worried about Elam. His cough sounded bad. Elliot already brought it up, so there was no point in talking about it again.
"Oh absolutely fine my mate" Doing his absolutely cringe worthy accent of a Australian man he tipped an invisible hat, everything was so much more tranquil and cheerful around her. He held in the same cough trying to not seem sick as he felt it made him look bad, "By the way, Eve.." Elam seemed to come to a complete stop when he was talking "Have you also been feeling well? Last thing I want is for you to get sick."

Smiling at her he begins to go deep in thought, why did she not use her powers more, from what he knows it had something to do with moving but he still couldn't remember exactly what, everyone else used them freely. Then again it was understandable we were brought here due to those powers, or strange things about us, so why do we simply flaunt them if we want to escape. Maybe that's why, she wants to conceal her powers to escape... his mind once again felt like it left earth and he began thinking of the millions of possibilities.
"Aye, well cheerio then," Eve played along with the accent, attempting a rather stereotypical British one. "Oh, you're such a sweetie. Checking in on your friends." She paused for a second before adding, "When am I anything but tip-top?" The last part was said going back to the accent. Eve laughed again.

She was curious as to why Elam asked. If anyone was sick it was him. But she figured he just was checking in.

Elam seemed spaced out, so Eve snapped her fingers in front of his face. "You okay there, buddy?"
Once again grinning Elam quickly snaps out of the trance like state, surprise by her "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry Eve, just wondering about useless pishposh" he states in the British accent similar to the one Eve made. Although he still seems to be somewhat dazed after hearing her say that, he still manages to let out a small laugh.
"Hmm, well, buddy ole chum, pal. Whatever you need, you can talk to me." Eve smiled at him before adding. "So I have a question? Does someone actually replenish the food here, or is it just like a, 'hopefully we don't run out' type thing? It seems like an odd system, and to be honest, I haven't eaten for the past two days cause I'm too scared to ruin whatever system might be set up."
"From my understanding it's pretty much a 'Don't run out and kill anyone wasting cause its dropped off in tiny miniscule portions once a month situation'. But hey, I could be wrong"He leans into her ear and begins whispering "Also if I am I've been trying to grow crops and stuff in a garden hidden behind some bushes just in case." He winks and waves goodbye smiling at her, it's not that he wouldn't share with anyone but he would need to grow a lot and if they were ruined or stolen all his hard work would go to waste.
"Oh, okay. Well maybe I will grab a cracker or something. Can't be good to go forever without eating." Eve mock gasps. "How scandalous! What's next a secret lover in the moonlight. Toodles, my good sire." Eve continued walking around the asylum. There may not be a lot to do, but that doesn't mean she couldn't find a way to occupy her time.
"Wait, vyou made snow appear, Crystal?" He asked not knowing about her abilities, "I wonder when those surfaced.." He said.

Crystal nodded, holding on to her brothers hand slightly tighter, and she looked up at him, "I miss you, bwo bwo" she said sweetly. "Why are we here?" She added confused on what was the purpose of being at the asylum. @Crysalisis
He shrugged, "I don't even know, I was kidnapped.. well my case is more man-napped." He held onto her hand, "I'd be careful here alot of the people here that give a bad vibe." He cautioned himself.


Ally decided to try to not even notice the noises outside her room. She always kept her door closed for the years that she's been here. She asked if she could be let out at night, when barely a soul was paying attention to the sounds the asylum made. That's why she hated it when it was daytime, because people always tried to get her out of her room.

Hugging her favorite stuffed animal, and facing a stone wall with marks and drawings made with her own bloody nails, she was exhausted, and almost tired of being alone for days and days on end. She barely ate a thing, and made it to where her room had at least a few beautiful vines and roses around. She made daily flower crowns for herself and her stuffed animal, and always talked to the animal quietly. It made her feel at least a little bit better about herself, even if the animal was stained with her own blood and tears.

Covered in dirt and her clothes ripped apart, she looked up outside her door. Something was going on, and it was grabbing her interest for the first time. She blinked slightly, wanting to know what it was. Standing up slowly, still not used to ever getting up a lot, she looked out her window and tried to listen carefully to what was happening. Her white eyes capturing every movement in the light of the day. They were lucky to even have windows, she thought.

Crystal nodded, remembering the day when her brother never turned up, she cried that night and the night after that for a whole month. "Bad pweple?" She asked, before getting nervous and the air around her grew colder, and her skin became cold like snow. @Crysalisis
Zara noticed the young girl becoming anxious by her facial expressions. She smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about bad people." She said softly to Crystal before feeling someone watching them. She turned around and spotted a female face with a dark color hair gazing down at them from a window. After a moment she turned back to the young girl. "There's just some people here who prefer to be alone."

@CelestialBunny @Shylynn Chan @Crysalisis
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Damn, she can mad it cold... Wait does the temperature change as her emotions does? This could be bad in any situation. He thought to miself, "Hey calm down, cub. Everything is going to be fine." He said in a comforting tone and hugging her, aside from the coldness of her skin. "Very bad people, yes."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a311ac4e0dcf39066c965211a7bceb93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a311ac4e0dcf39066c965211a7bceb93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Crystal nodded, she smiled at girl for saying that where were no bad people. "Okie Dokie" she said to Zara. She got a hug from her brother, and she hugged him back as the temperature returned back to normal. "So bwo, can we weave (leave)?" She asked her brother as she grabbed his hand, pulling him to what she believed was an exit. @NightSky @Crysalisis



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"Uh, not exactly, many of us tried to but... there's some kind of energy field keeping us here." He explained, trying not to upset Crystal.

Crystal refused to believe it, "I want home!" She cried, her eyes filling up with tears, she refused to believe that she couldn't leave and tug slightly harder on his hand. But she gave up on his hand, and sat on the ground crying into her knees. The floor she sat on quickly grew ice, and it spread to where her brother was standing. @Crysalisis

Jonston got on his knees and hugged Crystal tightly, "Hey, remember that old lullaby mommy used to sing to you?" He said softly, "How did it go again?" He tried to remind CRystal of the lullaby their mom sang to her.

Crystal shook her head, "No!" She said scared, "I want home" she said sadly, still crying. "No like this place" she said, she felt herself unwillingly calming down when her brother hugged her. "Stop hug" she mumbled, she wanted to leave this place and throwing a tantrum usually worked. @Crysalisis
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