[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

yeah... the R&D is what seems a little daunting to me atm... but i'll just annoy the hell outta Lareo as i dive into that... :D
Contrition003 said:
yeah... the R&D is what seems a little daunting to me atm... but i'll just annoy the hell outta Lareo as i dive into that... :D
Think of it this way, for any thing really, just simply write a paragraph or so (so times you don't really need to but ill let Lareo explain that with do time) but wrire a paragraph of what you want to do such. Which will depend on the situation as it comes. Building new things such as a new weapon, new ship ect ect. Look in to the internet, find what you want and write something about it. Send it to Lareo and he will give you times, in about 2 - 6 weeks depending what it is, you will get.
its more the.... WHAT do i wanna research, the writing about it easy, if you ever see the histories i write i have no problem spinning story :P it's all good though, im sure i'll get it worked out :P im still just taking babysteps right now, this is my first nation builder game im playing :) i will have no shortage of questions lol :D
Contrition003 said:
its more the.... WHAT do i wanna research, the writing about it easy, if you ever see the histories i write i have no problem spinning story :P it's all good though, im sure i'll get it worked out :P im still just taking babysteps right now, this is my first nation builder game im playing :) i will have no shortage of questions lol :D
The 'What' can be difficult at times, but at least personally I find it easier to figure out, by just starting with general expansions and upgrading - As well as forming somewhat of a plan in your head, of how you want to go about achieving your nation goals and how you want to play your nation. E.g. If you'd wish to become a military superpower, then you should probably orient towards weapons research, or if you wanted to play it peacefully, social reforms, improved infrastructure, etc, would be the way to go.

I know that often the sheer amount of possibilities R&D-wise, can overwhelm (especially new) players, but honestly - Staying calm and being patient, is the best way to figure things out ;) And of course, you can always ask all the questions, either here or via PM to me! :D
oh, dont worry about that, you know that im never too shy to click that "start a conversation" button :P lol

and honestly im not sure what im thinking yet, i know how im playing them right now... but depending what you throw at me you evil grand story teller, will dictate how my people react and progress :P

im trying my best to keep looking at this game as a story based game and stop lookin at it the way i look at Civ5 :P lol
I'll just leave this here..


...Not that it's related to anything I'm planning or.. anything.. heheh.. heh.. heheheh.. not at all. :cool:
So here's the thing... Rampancy is effectively dead... so I have some free time... but not a lot because I have a shit ton of school and army-related stuff I'm having to do this semester... this means HDL has no time for a nation, but time to play just the same...

PM me if you want me to be an admiral, I'll design my own flagship and admiral profile, don't worry about that. This offer extends to you too Laero ;)

Fair warning though, January 2nd I ship for basic training and won't be back in contact for about 11 weeks.
Heheh, Flagships are designed by the players of nations as they make them, though! ;)

Too bad you can't join us as a nation, though! :(
Why not, Command the Enterprise HDL, i am sure Lareo needs something to keep his hands busy.
Well, technically the "player" would design the flagship... it just might happen to be exactly how I design it to be and function :)
And here youd have made a great admiral or my mangkr... To bad I got bored with them... Oh well
Belial said:
And here youd have made a great admiral or my mangkr... To bad I got bored with them... Oh well
Note to self, create Antimony tipped bullets to deal with Silicon based Xenomorphs.
Fine I shall develop arsenic blades O,O!

Besides you have to have an idea i exist....

Why do I get the feeling Ima have to slay me some Prometheans.... <.<
ok just letting you know. Though you'd prolly have more fun as like a warrior or something.
If I was working with Bel, that wouldn't screw him over... though if I'm tasked with filling one of those roles... this could get messy for somebody xD
well if he took on the roll of a queen he wouldn't have much interaction with the environment, hed be hanging out in a hole some where dictating orders and receiving information from the battle field and operations.

And I dont see how im screwed? did you suddenly decide you were gona decote all your resources to killing a group no one really knows exists? Besides Xenomorphs have a tendency to die like any one else does, shoot them.... Shooting them with specialised Antimony bullets wouldn't do any more good then a simple solid shot round, hell Solid shot might be better, atleast then you can punch threw its shell, poisons are great if you need to kill something but have time to wait.. Having the opposing element isnt going to instantly cause their armored hide to hop out of the way or make it any less dense. Your better off just making high caliber ap rounds and stoughing them into a machine guns it would kill them faster. Now the Antimony would probably help with larger breeds that can take more hits, but the standard warrior or drone, witch is what you would most likely be fighting any ways isnt gonna care what you shoot it with, when it take a hit its gona start spraying acidic goo all over the place...

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