[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]No, you found humans- Not Earth or even the Sol system. ;)

Well eventually it be mine :mad:
Why Do I get the feeling that either every one was enslaved or attacked by the same race that my people were fighting when they arived in this system, or I am that race..... <.<
Belial said:
Why Do I get the feeling that either every one was enslaved or attacked by the same race that my people were fighting when they arived in this system, or I am that race..... <.<
I can safely say the bad guys your people chased into this Galaxy, aren't around anymore, whoever they were. They were scared away by the people who inhabited the Milky Way all those years ago.
Oh ok so What ever it was I Irritated them and they were the ones who blew my empire back to the stone ages the third time around.
Psh, all I need is the combined playlist of Mass Effect 1-3 soundtracks and Battlestar Galactica (S 1-4) soundtracks, to get me all into Astrum-RPing mood.
I don't need crappy Youtube for it though, I have it all on my PC and I'm listening to it right now.
If I had a no-vocals version of this, this would be the national anthem of the FWR.


Because I'm a nerrrrrrd

United World Reich


Anthem of the Reich

"Our Strength, Forever"

Fuhrer of the United World

'Old Man' Hans Wichtig



Facist State

The 10 'Stadts' each have 10 Reichstags that represent 1/10 of the world. Then, each Stadt has 50 Reichsrat as well. The Reichstag focuses on preparation of their Stadt's military forces and political allegiance, while the Reichsrat deals with financial policy and domestic issues. The Reichstag may propose advisers and officers to the Fuhrer, and on occasion the Reichstag members are granted direct authority. The Reichsrag are often responsible for ensuring that their Fuhrer's orders are executed through whatever means necessary. The Fuhrer is usually a close adviser, rising politician, or successful military officer that is chosen by their predecessor, and formalized by the Reichstag. Most Fuhrer' reigns last about 30 years, and by the end of those 30 years, the power of their successor is usually firmly established. The Sondergericht has 10 members, which are selected from 10 suggestions of each Stadt's Meister. The Fuhrer selects the 10 best, who are formalized by the Reichstag. Appointments to the Planetary Court are for life.

Important Officials

Fuhrer Hans Wichtig

Vice Chancellor Nikole Nachwuchs

Reichsmeister Heiner 'Serious' Begruber

General Karl Morden

Presider of the Reichstag Haupt Wilder

Speaker of the Reichsrat Barbel Prugel

Chief Justice Wahrer Gerecht

Secret Agent Ruoberht

Secret Agent Stefan

Economic System

Government-Financed Capitalist: The Reich controls most businesses throughout the country, which will compete with each other for the favor of the government. Those businesses that gain favor gain the rights to control a portion of the market.

Economic Tier



The Gold Mark: Although technically not beheld to the Gold Standard, the Gold Mark is the currency that the government forces businesses to use, and conducts all of its business with. Because the Gold Mark is the currency that the government forces businesses to pay their taxes with, all businesses use the Gold Mark. Technically, however, no business is beheld to use the Gold Mark, or accept it from customers.


Humans are a primate-like race spawning from a planet known as Terra or Earth, in the system Sol. Nobody is quite sure where Sol is, but the humans have thusfar proved quite...Fruitful.

Bounce right back: Human populations bounce back quickly, and recover population after a while following a major hit.

Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere: Humans are inherently curious and have a strong desire to explore and colonize. Humans can settle any planet types without penalty unless there is a technological need to do so.


The people of Unity are a people that value their ideals: Attentiveness, Industriousness, Loyalty, Cohesion, Seriousness, and Solidarity. These six tenants of their culture often determine how they define themselves and their lives. They have spent a lot of time trying to learn to remain together, and these six virtues are closest to their hearts, since it is what brought greatness and unity to their planet.

People on Unity are expected to conform to what is expected of them. Deviation is often seen as rebellion, though there is a confusing distinction here. The difference between 'deviation' and 'innovation' is success. If something works, it is seen as being innovative, and the attempt to make it the status quo is made. If it fails, then it is because the perpetrator is a rule-breaker, seeking to disrupt the unity of the Reich. In the workplace, workers have little say in what they do, but upward mobility is possible through 'innovation,' though 'deviation' is severely punished. New projects created at the whim of workers is usually closely monitored by the manager after the work day is completed.

This policy of regimentation with innovation allows for a 'Glacial' society, as it has been called, one that hardly does not change shape, but will carve great marks into the earth. Revolutionary ideas that seek to change the fundamentals of their society are usually punished without remorse, and often go through a painful process of being torn apart before anything useful is ever adapted from it. Dissidence is unacceptable, but innovation is encouraged. While revolution is not encouraged, boldness is. If something is found to be successful, it will be embraced, but failure is equated with disloyalty.

Throughout a person’s life on Unity, children are expected to learn and obey, while searching for their role in society. As they mature, they ‘Hone in’ on what it is they want to do, and find the proper ways to learn it. More often than not, this is vocational in nature, allowing for a well-trained and educated workforce. Professionals usually dedicate themselves to something in its entirety. In all cases, it is common for people to work beyond what is mandatory to experiment and find new ways to innovate for the betterment of their industry. If they don’t, most people also double as artists, usually to assist with the local press in propaganda.

Dogs play an important role in Unity's culture. Being called a 'Dog' is to be described as someone who is loyal, attentive, serious, industrious, cohesive, and supportive. Humans adore their dogs, and most families have at least one. It is believed that when the Humans were planted on Unity, the dogs found ways to travel across the stars to join their Human partners.


How the humans of Unity got there, they aren’t sure. They know that they didn’t evolve on Unity, and the only other creature to come from the same place as the humans of Unity are their dogs, and no respectful Reichsmensch would be caught without one. However the humans arrived on Unity, it is believed that they began constructing relatively primitive cities after being scattered about the surface, though it is known that the humans of yore on Unity had technology such as primitive computers. Not knowing there were other humans elsewhere on the planet, the different cities started building and exploring.

When two cities finally encountered one another, contact was alleviating, and the cities began forming pacts with one another. These alliances grew until all the cities were in contact with one another, but conflict was inevitable once one human identified as something other than his neighbor. The alliances competed for resources and expansion, and, eventually, started fighting with each other. These early wars were intense, as the early humans of Unity had some kind of wisdom about themselves that the humans of today only know in their hearts: If man is unable to unite, all mankind loses. And so, as quickly as the fighting began, dictators and leaders were being chosen.

However, the conflict quickly turned to peace not among mankind, but against the Uniters, an alien race that came quickly and brought the leaders together. The Uniters attempted to streamline Unity's resources and bring the humans together in harmony, so that the two races could walk side by side. For a time, life was without war or conflict, and the humans lived in a state of bliss under the Uniters. Most humans merely accepted their arrangement as being for the best. After all, it was all they knew. There was no change and no innovation.

Some say, however, that while the humans were blinded, the dogs remained wise, and roamed the planet searching for aware humans to call their friends. When the dogs realized that no humans were truly coherent, it was time to release them from their stasis, and a pack of dogs appeared to a man trying to make arrangements for his son. The man realized that the dogs saw something that he didn't, and neither did mankind, and so he started living outside of the standards of the Uniters. And he spread word of his wisdom to his friends, and soon, a coup was afoot.

It was slow. It didn’t happen overnight. It started with a handful of islands and a couple of continents. The humans would create artistic works, but they did not bring their works to the Uniters. When the Uniters came to observe, the humans ambushed them with their dogs and, not foreseeing coordinated attacks from these peaceful people, the Uniters would be overwhelmed, until the humans grabbed the Uniters’ technology, and truly aware parts of the world came into existence. These allied nations formed large societies, now known as the Ten Stagt, all of them in the skeletons of once great, now destroyed cities. And the humans rebuilt their cities.

The ten Stagts gathered armies, and adapted the Uniters’ technology for themselves. With their Dogs, the humans led a long campaign against the Uniters, and eventually infiltrated the Uniters’ mothership, and set it to explode, ending the veil of ignorance, and leaving the rest of them stranded. Without support or communications, the ten Stagts’ armies continued to march to victory, locating and exterminating the last of the Uniters until finally their planet was completely rid of the aliens. Now, with all this technology and their nations restored, the people of Unity began to rebuild their world. This time, however, they would stand together against any threats they were to face, and remained steadfast against any threats.

About eight years [before the start of the game] there was a number of protests against the Fuhrer's government, which was totally unacceptable and reviled in the UWR. Even after so much time after the Uniters, there were problems with social cohesion and solidarity. Eventually, repression of these movements became secessionist and revolutionary. The dissidents launched a series of terrorist attacks against the UWR military and law enforcement, which responded in complete, devastating force. Policies were made to maintain the people as being loyal and diligent as possible. These events, which lasted six years, created a generation of military veterans.

Now, as a single nation, the people of Unity have formed a mighty Reich that operates their formidable and advanced space program. The United World Reich and its people stand ready to seize the stars, for industry! The Reich! And! Unity!

Nation Bonus

The Glacial Society: The UWE's citizens can innovate to improve their station. Whenever their terrain changes, or they settle somewhere new, they create cities that are nearly identical to what they are used to back on Freedom, with new technologies and methods developed for their new environments, allowing them to be comfortable without having to concede.

Nation Goals

Analyze 10 Inhabitable Worlds



Home System Coordinates

Galactic Sector O-11

Subsector H-5

Celestial Bodies

Reichstern is the name of its star, a normal-sized lonesome star.

  • Vigilance: A molten rock ball closest to Reichstern
  • Industry: A gas-filled but rocky planet almost the same size as Freedom. Possibly inhabitable.
  • Unity: FWR's homeworld.
  • Security: A smaller world, probably inhabitable.
  • Consistence: A gas giant, with an asteroid belt between it and Security
  • Loyalty: Another gas giant at the edge of the solar system

Neighboring Systems




Colonized Systems






1st United Army Group

10 Scout Divisions (1,000 Health)

10 Medic Divisions (1,000 Health)

15 Soldier Divisions (225,000 Health)

10 Dog Soldier Divisions (1,000 Health)

10 Marine Divisions (100,000 Health)

8 Heavy Divisions (40,000 Health)

1st United Armored Corps

8 Soldier Divisions (120,000 Health)

10 IFV Units (100 Health)

15 APC Units (225 Health)

10 Tank Units (150 Health)

10 AAV Units (100 Health)

Air Force

1st United Air Group

15 Gunship Squadrons (225 Health)

10 Dropship Squadrons (100 Health)

50 Fighter Squadrons (600 Health)

8 Bomber Squadrons (160 Health)

2nd United Air Group

15 Gunship Squadrons (225 Health)

10 Dropship Squadrons (100 Health)

50 Fighter Squadrons (600 Health)

8 Bomber Squadrons (160 Health)

Space Navy

1st UnitedWorld Fleet

1 Flagship [uWRS Vigilance] (1,300 Health)

5 Frigates (2,500 Health)

5 Cruisers (3,750 Health)

3 Destroyers (2,250 Health)

1 Carrier (1,000 Health)

Unique Unit


Dog Soldiers: Dogs have played an important role int he formation of the Reich. It is legend that a pack of dogs inspired the first rebel to realize true wisdom. Since then, dogs of all kinds and breeds ahve been serving in the military, to the point that all soldiers are trained with a canine companion. All UWR infantry have dogs attached to their units, trained for rescue, sniffing, and combat. Not only does this increase the survivability of their soldiers, but it also allows them to withstand more injuries (dogs rescuing soldiers) and UWR infantry can detect some stealth units. (1 Division = 100 Health)


Thor Cruiser

Baldur Destroyer

Bous Frigate

Vidar Bomber

ODIN :rank0:



Armor: 9 (1,300 Health)

Point-Defense Guns: 4

Anti-Ship Guns: 4

Ballistic Missiles: 4

Anti-Ground Guns: 4

Sublight Engines: 5

Aircraft Capacity: 8 (8 Squadrons)


Scanners: 6

Perks: N/A

Uziel said:
If I had a no-vocals version of this, this would be the national anthem of the FWR.

Wish I could spawn guns in my armpits.... <.<
A lot of fun happens when I get no little alerts. ^^

Anyway the work still progresses, but a good part on the first part has been made for my nation.
Myllinnia said:
A lot of fun happens when I get no little alerts. ^^
Anyway the work still progresses, but a good part on the first part has been made for my nation.
Once you're done, remember to separate the various sections into different posts as instructed. ;)
To those of you waiting for R&D times n' such, I'll try to send them to you tomorrow! I apologize for the delay, but at first I hadn't calculated all of the times and once I had, I went ahead and forgot to save the damned text file, which I only realized after I'd forgotten everything I had written down.

Oh well, better luck next time, eh? :P I've jinxed it now, haven't I... Damn it!

Though, here's something to keep you simpletons entertained while you wait!



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