[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

Ah, you'll get it in your statecraft in a jiffy! Either before or after dinner, depending on how fast they deliver my pizza. :P
Wrong, all my men are Humanoids, not humans. :P

[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Yes it is.

Perfect, but in asking that I revealed my Master Plan <_<
[QUOTE="Commissar Gaunt]Perfect, but in asking that I revealed my Master Plan <_<

Well maybe you should've sent me a PM then! :cool:
Yes, darn it all. Later today I will finish that thing, so it has been written so it shall be done!. Ya... sounds good. xD Sleep time. xD
Ohh for the love of god! I give ideas on how to better me technology in tech craft and it is wrong and gets deleted. I fucking hate that, I hate editing and deleting posts. If the post has a IC mistake on it, let them know in IC, rather then just right up deleting it! I spent time and effort on to that post ya know!
Freeman said:
Ohh for the love of god! I give ideas on how to better me technology in tech craft and it is wrong and gets deleted. I fucking hate that, I hate editing and deleting posts. If the post has a IC mistake on it, let them know in IC, rather then just right up deleting it! I spent time and effort on to that post ya know!
Why would you bring it here? I thought we settled this via MSN.
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Why would you bring it here? I thought we settled this via MSN.

Well you deleted my post man... Give me a warning at least I thought we still were but it disapred and I had to leave. Look I'm sorry for always arguing with you. You are the grate and mighty mod god... But I do like to defend m effort and my train of thought. It's all for the more important detail.
Freeman said:
Well you deleted my post man... Give me a warning at least I thought we still were but it disapred and I had to leave. Look I'm sorry for always arguing with you. You are the grate and mighty mod god... But I do like to defend m effort and my train of thought. It's all for the more important detail.
The problem isn't you defending your own ideas, it's that you defend them when you don't even need to.
H.. hey.. Hey guys, hey.. hey, hey guess what.. guys? Guys, guess what, hey- hey guys, hey! :(

Update-type stuffs! Tomorrow! To one and all, even except you Belial. :eek: Because of things, my posting here has been delayed and my roleplay-inspiration has been all but gone - But tomorrow I'll post, even if it kills me! Hopefully it won't, though :D
Could all nation-type players, list five to ten major cities on their home planet (indicating their capital), please thank you.
More People got to start join this game... I need a better challenge then AIs NPCs....
So many stuffs to consider, I'm still rewriting how I want my nation/sector to be. I might even use the new tab tag seems like it would be perfect for this game.
RetroCity said:
So many stuffs to consider, I'm still rewriting how I want my nation/sector to be. I might even use the new tab tag seems like it would be perfect for this game.
For purposes of simplicity, I'd rather you separate your nation's profile into posts as instructed in the guide. ;) Plus, that way I can't inadvertently screw something up in your formatting (or worse, accidentally divide your profile by zero), whilst approving your nation. (After all, they did say that the tabs are no where near perfect yet, so things might break easily.)

Though I agree, the tab function is awesome and perfect for Astrum. I've already thought of several uses for it, and especially in Frontier and War threads, it'll come extremely useful. :D
RetroCity said:
So many stuffs to consider, I'm still rewriting how I want my nation/sector to be. I might even use the new tab tag seems like it would be perfect for this game.
My friend look in to the deep depths of Sci-Fi and pick and chose what you want. Everyone has picked something form a different area of a different universe of a different multiverse, all in the collective wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that is our sci-fi narrative.

So to make it easy on your self take your favorite sci-fi show/book take all of the factions, alien races, ect ect. Place them on a dart bored and let a rip. Which ever one it lands on you make a story out of.

Also note, we have enough Humans as it is, I mean I all ready meet Earth. And in this reality the Man-Kzin wars will be different.
Honestly, I'd prefer if there'd be more custom races and civilizations, but of course if you can't come up with something, feel free to tap into the vast genre that is Scifi. Just don't copy+paste your entire profile, even if you borrow a race from somewhere else, make it your own! ;)
[QUOTE="Hálian]E5 for the Safirian Empire, please.

Good to see you on bored Halian. If you have any trouble on to how Nation Building RPs work please feel free to ask in the General Discussion. Or feel free to PM me or Lareo.
Well its for Astrum sure... But if its for something that you can't tell like how do I or what should I do for Research ask me.
While I won't outright say "do this and that" (which you shouldn't either) - I can provide guidance and hints, in the direction one should go in the matters of research and development. Other than certain story-related things, there really isn't anything I can't answer. ;)
True, but I see that is the number one problem when it comes to NBRP is technology R&D and Unit build up. While Unit build up is simple some don't do it, or see the importance of it. Second as for R&Ding its not all well that explained, let alone standardized. I write books on technology, I don't know if anyone has the same tactics of finesses that I do.

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