[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

yea because every one starts with those.... I was more so refering to the stuff EVERY one has and can easily make..

If we are going into weapons we COULD develop to use, black hole gun would be the most efective way of getting rid of them... Just make them some one elses problem....
We werent stating what could and could not be aloud simply what would most likely be effective. AND YOU JUST GAVE A DUDE A STARGATE! I CAN TOTALLY WEAPONIZE THAT! Then again i can weaponise anything so it doesn't matter....

Ya just some metal ring, that dose lord knows what. And now I am in the process of making a new slave race.
Well it either enslave them, or send the fleet in and destroy every single last one of them from orbital bombardment. But these are just hypotheticals.
yea, because that ALWAYS works in the movies...... Xenomorphs are the turd that wont flush, by the time you realise you have an infestation the only thing you can do is glass your own planet.
Or rally the real space marines and kick their asses back to hell ;) there's always a way Bel when the thinking gets creative enough.
Well your not approved just yet, so i don't have to worry about it. You still have to appease Lareo
Space marines never actually "Deal" with nids, they only ever show up on a nid infested planet to take something strategic, and then exterminatus bomb the hell out o it afterwords, and even then orks still have a habit of surviving sometimes.... those are the guys you really need to worry about
Not disrespecting but... Just going to leave this here...

[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Don't start again Freeman, this is your first and last warning.

It was a joke...
Freeman said:
It was a joke...
Joke? Joke? In MY ROLEPLAY?! I DON'T THINK SO MISTER! *Banhammer* :mad:

... I know it was a joke, but I didn't get it.. At all. >_>
I laughed, since I figured this would eventually be a plot arc for ya lol

Since you give no shits for any continuity.
Freeman said:
I laughed, since I figured this would eventually be a plot arc for ya lol
Since you give no shits for any continuity.
What are you talking about? How do I give "no shits" for any continuity? :P
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]What are you talking about? How do I give "no shits" for any continuity? :P

Okay let me explain it to you in this way. This RP was made for a Dalek to come out of a Stargate. There is a plot, but a utter lack and disregard for all SCI-FI consistency!!!

Well that, and thats how the game was made and its a shining point in anything to throw a dart at your favorite sci-fi genera and pick what it lands on.
Freeman said:
Okay let me explain it to you in this way. This RP was made for a Dalek to come out of a Stargate. There is a plot, but a utter lack and disregard for all SCI-FI consistency!!!
Well that, and thats how the game was made and its a shining point in anything to throw a dart at your favorite sci-fi genera and pick what it lands on.
I still don't understand what you're talking about, at all. You're making no sense.
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]I still don't understand what you're talking about, at all. You're making no sense.

You make no sense
Freeman said:
You make no sense
How is there an "utter lack and disregard for sci-fi consistency"? Do you in fact, know each and every story within Astrum- Because I don't recall giving you the text files I've written on the NPCs, events and other things.

Frankly, your continuing disrespect for my hard work and effort towards making Astrum a good game, and creating all these stories etc within the game universe, is beginning to irritate me.
Um i think he was reffering to the crossover thing... Its continuity, and yes there technically would be some inconsistency with it, but its a Scifi rp designed to encompass what ever people pull in, so its ok...

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