[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

Ehhhh... you underestimate the surprises and capabilities I had in waiting, along with what Freeman had and the Americans had.
You underestimate my shear desire to make the world burn and all the shit I had.... Even if all I did was nuke Asia into a glass parking lot, the fallout from that alone would have killed you guys eventually, or at least make earth not worth inhabiting. Im not saying Id have come out on top of this battle but you guys wouldn't have a very fun day afterwords.
Hmm... I don't know. My people had some pretty crazy shit up their sleeves when it comes to cleaning stuff up, and with you out of the picture Yaweh's forces, the Dragons, myself, and Freeman would have been able to probably pull some crazy shit out of our asses to clean stuff up.
I already had Rad-away and RadX since, well I focused heavily on Nuclear Tech, that and both my robots and power armor were running on nuclear batteries. Had to make something to get the people not sick when they were working, and in them. That and I already had a vault network connecting Moscow and St.Pettersburg. I was ready and waiting for the world to become like Metro 2033. Honeslty enough I was going to blow it up first, till I learned, Gas is much more effecting on everything that breaths. Angles, Demons, Cthulhu's Fish people.
I had underwater city's, as well as olfactory filters that were meant to filter out toxic gass witch were becoming a standard augmentation. I had a rather impressive submersible navy.
Rome, Sicily, the Alps, and a good chunk of Greece were inpenetrable fortresses capable of rather effortlessly repelling all but the most powerful of assaults from a super-power level assault for extended periods of time. In fact, I would venture that the Alps were the most powerful defensive position in the world.

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