[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina


*swooshes cape*

I was heavily inspired by a mix of PSO and Star Ocean, as well as Uziel's nation. I think I might have stretched out the timespan, but I'll fix that up soon. Can't wait.
Oh boy, guys, when you're thinking about how many of what units to build, keep in mind that the health of a division/unit/ship is the representation of the people/crew within that unit. So, say you want to train 40 Soldier Divisions- This would be a bad idea, because 40 Soldier Divisions = 600,000 Soldiers (1 S Division = 15,000 * 40 = 600,000)! It would take forever for you to finish producing them. :D
To all those it might concern I added my races mating habits, like marriage and that sort of thing, not how they reproduce.
People without Frontier threads/stuff to do- I'll be posting things for you tomorrow, as well as (possibly) starting the first batch of 'official Statecraft'. I didn't do all that yesterday, because I spent half of the day away from home and I've been feeling a little under the weather (if I catch another cold in the middle of damned summer, I'll damn all diseases to oblivion!!) in the past few days, and lacking energy (probably because I spent most of last week working solely on Astrum related things! (On here and behind the scenes, adding stuff to my magical "Astrum" folder!! :eek:)). Just wanted to say that, to let y'all know I haven't forgotten about you, or any such nonsense! :P

Though! If I have to do bank robbing (jk)-related IRL things tomorrow (I don't know yet), expect all of the above on Saturday/Sunday!

Oh, and as a note for the future; Players begin with technology around the level you see in Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009 one), though of course with stuff like tablet computers and other nifty things, you don't see in BSG.
Gods no one will be doing mutch diplomacy with me any time soon, The closest things to me are Cthulhu hippie peace mongers witch are 7 blocks over and 4 up and the crazed geneticist hate mongers that are 12 blocks down, and 2 over, and then the Barbaric rabid pussy cats that are 9 blocks over and 10 down <.<

Also those of you trying to figure out where earth is, its a core system, so your probably best looking around N8-12, h-M7-13, and g8-12. I personally dont know the exact roation, and this map doesnt exactly have proper markings for it, blah blah blah. its kinda random but yea, that where it would be in Real life. if it still exists in game.
Belial said:
Gods no one will be doing mutch diplomacy with me any time soon, The closest things to me are Cthulhu hippie peace mongers witch are 7 blocks over and 4 up and the crazed geneticist hate mongers that are 12 blocks down, and 2 over, and then the Barbaric rabid pussy cats that are 9 blocks over and 10 down <.<
Also those of you trying to figure out where earth is, its a core system, so your probably best looking around N8-12, h-M7-13, and g8-12. I personally dont know the exact roation, and this map doesnt exactly have proper markings for it, blah blah blah. its kinda random but yea, that where it would be in Real life. if it still exists in game.
No one will be doing much diplomacy with anyone, it's meant to be a rather long process :P

Also, the coordinates you guessed don't even exist on the map? And even if they did, you're way off. :D
Um those coordinates are all on the map <.< I just listed them short hand, that was n8 THREW n12, H threw m 17 threw 13, and g8 threw 12.

ANd no, Im rather close to where earth is, But as stated earlier that is in real life, you may or may not have changed it from where it is in real life Either way thats roughly where its stationed. If you changed it to where you wanted it to be then it could be right next door to me for all any one knows. This also assumes we are in the OUR galaxy.
What your near earth? He changed it, the Humans are about 28 days away form my own Sector. So there close to me, I think about two sectors north of me really, but some were in that radius.

Belial said:
Gods no one will be doing mutch diplomacy with me any time soon, The closest things to me are Cthulhu hippie peace mongers witch are 7 blocks over and 4 up and the crazed geneticist hate mongers that are 12 blocks down, and 2 over, and then the Barbaric rabid pussy cats that are 9 blocks over and 10 down <.<
Wait, rabid pussy cats? Is that me?
Belial said:
Um those coordinates are all on the map <.< I just listed them short hand, that was n8 THREW n12, H threw m 17 threw 13, and g8 threw 12.
ANd no, Im rather close to where earth is, But as stated earlier that is in real life, you may or may not have changed it from where it is in real life Either way thats roughly where its stationed. If you changed it to where you wanted it to be then it could be right next door to me for all any one knows. This also assumes we are in the OUR galaxy.
Earth's location is based on other Milky Way coordinate maps I compared mine to, and those comparisons put it nowhere near your guesses. :cool:

Freeman said:
What your near earth? He changed it, the Humans are about 28 days away form my own Sector. So there close to me, I think about two sectors north of me really, but some were in that radius.
Two sectors 'north' of you, would put Earth in the Galactic Core, so no. Also, the 28 days thing was only the human Colonel saying, they had last seen the Jotoki 28 days ago. Who knows where they had gone after that? ;)
actually i thought freeman was right on the sector Sol would be in, at least thats what i got from comparison of other milky way maps i've looked at *shrug*
Freeman said:
What your near earth? He changed it, the Humans are about 28 days away form my own Sector. So there close to me, I think about two sectors north of me really, but some were in that radius.
Really man <.< Really <.<

My words were "If you changed it to where you wanted it to be then it could be right next door to me for all any one knows. This also assumes we are in the OUR galaxy" <.<

And on the topic of where earth is, As he seems adamant on Soul not being a core system that means he obviously isnt using an Actual star map but rather a fantastical one, Ergo, Id suggest looking to Maps such as Battle star gallactica or Mass effect as both are universes he as made clear he was obsessed with in the past.
Belial said:
And on the topic of where earth is, As he seems adamant on Soul not being a core system that means he obviously isnt using an Actual star map but rather a fantastical one, Ergo, Id suggest looking to Maps such as Battle star gallactica or Mass effect as both are universes he as made clear he was obsessed with in the past.
What do you mean, I'm "adamant on Sol not being a core system"? When have I said anything like that?- Sol and Earth are a "core" NPC to some players and in certain plots, but they're not the center or rulers of the galaxy or anything like that. I told Freeman "Two sectors 'north' of you, would put Earth in the Galactic Core, so no.", because nothing could survive in the Galactic Core, anyone with a basic understanding of a Galaxy would know, that it's core is nothing but collapsing stars and black holes.

And the Galaxy Map for Astrum isn't made up, it's not "fantastical" - I didn't draw it out of my head or anything. Just because you don't know where Sol is, doesn't mean the map I use isn't accurate and/or real (as I've said multiple times, this is the Milky Way, not some made up Galaxy that somehow is very identical to our own).

And I'm sorry, but when the hell, have I ever implied I am or have ever been obsessed with Battlestar Galactica or Mass Effect? And neither have anything to do with where Earth is in Astrum, I've used other (real) Milky Way maps for that.. I've only taken some ideas from things like Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica and Stargate (as well as a few other Scifi things), which I've then altered and applied to Astrum. Though I can admit I love all of those franchises (they are pretty awesome after all), it doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them, in any shape or form. :P
For the record, I have used that galaxy map for games in the past. It is an actual map of the Milky Way.
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]What do you mean, I'm "adamant on Sol not being a core system"? When have I said anything like that?- Sol and Earth are a "core" NPC to some players and in certain plots, but they're not the center or rulers of the galaxy or anything like that. I told Freeman "Two sectors 'north' of you, would put Earth in the Galactic Core, so no.", because nothing could survive in the Galactic Core, anyone with a basic understanding of a Galaxy would know, that it's core is nothing but collapsing stars and black holes.
And the Galaxy Map for Astrum isn't made up, it's not "fantastical" - I didn't draw it out of my head or anything. Just because you don't know where Sol is, doesn't mean the map I use isn't accurate and/or real (as I've said multiple times, this is the Milky Way, not some made up Galaxy that somehow is very identical to our own).

And I'm sorry, but when the hell, have I ever implied I am or have ever been obsessed with Battlestar Galactica or Mass Effect? And neither have anything to do with where Earth is in Astrum, I've used other (real) Milky Way maps for that.. I've only taken some ideas from things like Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica and Stargate (as well as a few other Scifi things), which I've then altered and applied to Astrum. Though I can admit I love all of those franchises (they are pretty awesome after all), it doesn't mean I'm obsessed with them, in any shape or form. :P

What in the bloody hell are you babbling about?

I never said earth was THE CORE, I never said that the map was false. Mearly that your placement or location of things were fantastical. Soul IS in real life a core system. you have made it verry clear multiple times, IE Adamant, that earth was not a core system, or rather that it was no where near the coordinates i mentioned witch all covered EVERY core system. It was a freaking ring around the core of the universe.

You stated that non of my guess's were correct, ass I guessed every core system, that means earth isnt a core system in your gallaxy, (or you just didnt read my post) ergo your map Is fatnastical. Nothing wrong with that, Its mearly stating a fact.

AND YOU ALLWAYS REFFER TO BATTLE STAR GALACTICA OR MASS EFFECT! your allways saying something about it, once again hinting to an obsession. <.<

Im not trying to make any derogatory comments about your game, Im stating that if Soul isnt a core system, that in itself makes this map, witch all your using it for is little more then a place set, Fantastical. As im positive you arent mapping every single planet and system within the galaxy. And i realise its a map of the milky way, but unless he going to go threw the unessisary effort of naming, mapping, and labeling every single star, planet, rock, and system without altering anything for the sake of story, that makes this a fantastical map. Its basically nothing more then a bunch of neat colors resembling a gallaxy we are existing in. Its cool, and Im not saying its bad.
We need to chill. A lot.

And updates should be er'ry whar. D;
Well that escalated quickly, i think we all need to step it down a notch O.o its all good guys :P

besides, as it has been previously stated, the sol system would be around where freeman's sector is, no one is playing earth, and earth hasnt been located yet if it does get located so why does it matter anyways? lets just enjoy the game and have fun :P
Or we could just let the DM tell us where Earth is at his leisure. ;)

Business as usual.
Contrition003 said:
Well that escalated quickly, i think we all need to step it down a notch O.o its all good guys :P
besides, as it has been previously stated, the sol system would be around where freeman's sector is, no one is playing earth, and earth hasnt been located yet if it does get located so why does it matter anyways? lets just enjoy the game and have fun :P
Quite. Its not everyday that the Administration has to come down and look at a game's OOC thread for moderation.

Please remember guys, keep it fun and civil. After all this thing is just a game!

However also keep in mind that while every player has the right to question a Storyteller or point our inconsistencies in a game, Storytellers always have supreme authority over their specific roleplay. As the Site Rules state, a debate between a Storyteller and a Player over actions or lore within a roleplay will always end in the Storyteller's favor.

Game Breaker! –
The game creator is the Dungeon Master, or the Game Master. They’re number one, in control, the head honcho. They’re always right about the rules of their roleplay, and can request you edit your posts because of errors in the plot or setting. You may question them, but they have final say. This is especially true in chat based games! They are superior to the rule books! If they choose to break a rule for the sake of the game and progression, it is not your place to complain.
Its understandable that some of you might have disagreements with your Storyteller/DM, however you ether accept his/her judgements, and peacefully make your opinions know to him/her, or quit the game to make your own. After all, if you make your own roleplay you will have as much authority as any other Storyteller over your own game.

Keep it classy...

~ Miz
Miz said:
Quite. Its not everyday that the Administration has to come down and look at a game's OOC thread for moderation.
~ Miz
Well honestly to say, thats just Belial as well him self...
Attention! I have added the following to the Main Guide, under 'Projects';

[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]
R&D Capacity
There is a max. amount of research that you can do, depending on your Economic Tier, this is the chart (starting from the lowest)

EC Tier 6 - 1 Technology at a time.

EC Tier 5 - 2 Technologies at a time.

EC Tier 4 - 3 Technologies at a time.

EC Tier 3 - 6 Technologies at a time.

EC Tier 2 - 9 Technologies at a time.

EC Tier 1 - 12 Technologies at a time.

I only now realized I'd forgotten to put that in, when writing the guide- But I've now edited and added it.
[QUOTE="Commissar Gaunt]Also, is it possible for a Fleet to conquer a World, than settle it and become a Nation?

Yes it is.

Freeman said:
Ohh so many Humans to little time...
What? :eek:

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