[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

highdarklord said:
I would like to point out that Freeman does have over a full years head start on the us though Wolf ;)
Well ya since no one else wanted to play!!!!
Freeman's 'head start', only really puts him ahead in Frontier missions. And he has a larger military than any of you. And laser weapons. So not really a head start at all!

He's explored alot more space, vastly outnumbers us in military strength, has the technological advantage, and obviously a penchant for this game.

No big advantages, really. We'll just backdoor a few worlds and even the odds :D *howl*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]He's explored alot more space, vastly outnumbers us in military strength, has the technological advantage, and obviously a penchant for this game.
No big advantages, really. We'll just backdoor a few worlds and even the odds :D *howl*

Well compared to the NPCs around me I am nothing
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]we're all gonna die aren't we

If we screw up bad enough ya...
highdarklord said:
If by "we" you mean "Everybody but me" then yes, "we" are going to all die terrible, horrible, gruesome deaths :D
You say that now until I blow up the massive black hole in the center of our galaxy.
Or, if you just want black holes, you don't even have to go that far.

Just follow the trail of black holes, asteroid belts, and other catastrophe results my fleet will be leaving behind....

All we wanted was a piece of technology, and what happened? The planet it was on went to hell :rolleyes:
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Or, if you just want black holes, you don't even have to go that far.
Just follow the trail of black holes, asteroid belts, and other catastrophe results my fleet will be leaving behind....

All we wanted was a piece of technology, and what happened? The planet it was on went to hell :rolleyes:

15 Megaton nuclear explosion + unstable distortion in the fabric of space-time = Planet goes to hell.

Astrophysics 101 :cool:
Yes, I assumed that a breakdown of a time warp field might have dire ramifications... Guess we're better off without that tech then.

Though it would have been awesome. Oh, well... maybe at the center of the galaxy! *howl*

p.s. is this game reminding anyone else of SPORE except me?
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Yes, I assumed that a breakdown of a time warp field might have dire ramifications... Guess we're better off without that tech then.
Though it would have been awesome. Oh, well... maybe at the center of the galaxy! *howl*

p.s. is this game reminding anyone else of SPORE except me?

Who said anything about technology? ;)

- - -

And.. It is very much like spore, actually. I may or may not have been playing quite a bit of Spore, prior to Astrum's creation. :P
I remember when I first played that game, it was at a friend's place on his PC. You don't have to believe me this, but... When I started I remember looking out the window and seeing the Sun set. When I looked up again it was still there, and I was puzzled for a brief moment until I realized it's rising :o

And then came the sensation of stiffness in my neck, shoulders and back. Aw God. I played through the whole damn game and a good deal of the space stage without blinking. Those were the times. Me and my Dragonbird empire! *rawrrr*
Bwhahahaha, I know that feeling...

And remember... this is still an RPG... Lareo won't COMPLETELY screw because you jacked some shit up. Smart money is on some soldier grabbed something or another that's pretty cool. Or something got studied closely. Something happened in your favor though.
highdarklord said:
Something happened in your favor though.
Survivors made it off-world. If my fleet can collect them and jump to safety before everything gets sucked in a back hole, I'm calling that a happening in my favor. Anything beyond I don't dare hope for :D
Hmmm... all about how you capitilize. And a few hundred people in a population of billions is pretty insignificant if you want to be totally honest.
Rev'mar are creatures of the pack, by their wolfish legacy. All that "no one gets left behind" and stuff. Of course, coupled with politics and military orders from the brass, it can sometimes go entirely the other way. But it's in their nature to dislike losing their own, more than the average species would, that is.

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