[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

Freeman said:
Well, we were pets once, want to know what happened to them? There deaf, dumb, and blind, and with a side of butter lunch. :cool:
Perhaps we can reach a cooperative, mutually beneficial dominion :D

Anyway I think I've created pretty much everything that I was supposed to. And not a moment too soon, as I was just about to cross that fine line between amusement and annoyance. These NBRPs are like a*al s*x - you either love it or hate it, and I can could still go either way...
I'd like to say there's enough galaxy to go around... but I know NBRP's all too well. No such thing as enough space ;)
highdarklord said:
I'd like to say there's enough galaxy to go around... but I know NBRP's all too well. No such thing as enough space ;)
That really only applies for NBRPs situated on Earth or another confined space, since there's literally 1,000+ explorable and/or colonizable solar systems in Astrum. Y'all ain't gonna run out of space any time too soon! :P
Okay, I put everything together for the Murinaic Holopylyl in their thread. Can you look that over and let me know if it looks okay. Only thing I would like to do is add a few more "important officials" to the list, but nothing major.

I have started putting up the Leader and will get to the Admiral in the next few days. Hopefully, an idea for the diplomat will come along soon.
solyrflair said:
Okay, I put everything together for the Murinaic Holopylyl in their thread. Can you look that over and let me know if it looks okay. Only thing I would like to do is add a few more "important officials" to the list, but nothing major.
I have started putting up the Leader and will get to the Admiral in the next few days. Hopefully, an idea for the diplomat will come along soon.
You're actually not supposed to make any of those threads, until after you've been approved. In order to avoid any inconveniences, in the case of you needing to change something history or culture wise, that might affect your profiles and such.
Just a FYI. I'm a little busy so my leader and Admiral will be up by friday. I'll post to my post as soon as I can. (hopefully tomorrow er today...)
Everyone waiting for posts and such (which pretty much covers all of you), you'll probably have to wait until Wednesday, as tomorrow is unfortunately the time of year when us Nebulae age and I will likely be too busy to post or even check RPDom. I know there's been a delay, but have patience and brace yourselves! The posts are coming. :P

Only about 8 more weeks before I leave Arizona and go back to civilization with real, fast internet 24/7!!!

(Because we ain't got nothing better to discuss... except the interwebz!)
So an update. I'm not dropping but I am delaying. Life has become a little bumpy so I'll be diverting time to ... unkind life. I will post sometime Sunday. Hopefully. Unless life throws another lemon at me.
Well, My planet, race and system are pretty much done. Once that is approved, I can move on to creating my leaders.
First post of Signup Thread needs updating. At least the Nation Index, if not the Galaxy Map as well.

I'm just a sucker for details *bark*
kk, so I'm working on my leaders. Just so I can have some reference when I send Fleet Zero out there. Doing so today. Top priority.
So for the first time since I started I noticed the chara sections have things only for DoWs. Now... what are DoWs? xD

I got my Admiral Up, a fun write up. xD

I'll get my Empress' write up later today.
I filled out what I wanted and ignored the stuff I didn't know about. Mainly used Freeman's and HighDarkLord's templates for reference.

Figured if someone complains, I make changes. If not, all the better.
Yeeeeessss.. None of you see any effort in making your character profiles.. It won't matter.. at all..

..not at all...

..heh..heh..heh.. :cool:
Myllinnia said:
So for the first time since I started I noticed the chara sections have things only for DoWs. Now... what are DoWs? xD
I got my Admiral Up, a fun write up. xD

I'll get my Empress' write up later today.
DoW, is your "Dog of War"- S/He is a sort of 'special agent' of your nation, their 'go to' guy/gal in all situations military and espionage. S/He's the one they send in, when things get real messy or when the ordinary agents and soldiers, just aren't enough to resolve whatever the situation is.
Like James Bond... maybe we should rename them to 007s.

I am ready to continue, I just need to know if my world is viable before I get into making characters. No answer from my PM.
Sorry for the delays, everyone. I've been struggling with some IRL-type stuff lately, which has put a strain on both my time and ability to post. Y'all can expect posts and updates starting from tomorrow though! :)

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