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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

// Is it too late to join? I have a few character to join as, I'll give some links to them once I have an answer.
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Stella chuckled a bit. "Sure. Maybe I'll get to use mine too." Stella stood up, walked to the door and waited for Light. She opened it and said "Gentlemen first." A child like smile formed.

((It's not too late to join. Just write the characters in the character sign-up and join since the one who hosted it isn't here anymore.))
Tiagirl001 said:
Stella chuckled a bit. "Sure. Maybe I'll get to use mine too." Stella stood up, walked to the door and waited for Light. She opened it and said "Gentlemen first." A child like smile formed.
((It's not too late to join. Just write the characters in the character sign-up and join since the one who hosted it isn't here anymore.))
// I'm new here, and haven't done much browsing other than for RPs. Where is the character sign-up?
"Okay!" Said light in an excited tone. He slowly got closer to Luna and Lillith's room. he took a quick look at Stella. "Look at this." He controlled Lillith's mind to make her kiss Luna. "And now we wait for a reaction."
Stella chuckled quietly and looked at the two girls while hidden.

Terminal said:
// I'm new here, and haven't done much browsing other than for RPs. Where is the character sign-up?
((Just under the name of the RP you will see different "tabs" with different names on them. One will be called Character sign-up. Press and you will be led to a part of the roleplay where you write about your characters. To get back here after writing your characters you simple press the tab called Main.
Tiagirl001 said:
Stella chuckled quietly and looked at the two girls while hidden.
((Just under the name of the RP you will see different "tabs" with different names on them. One will be called Character sign-up. Press and you will be led to a part of the roleplay where you write about your characters. To get back here after writing your characters you simple press the tab called Main.

// Alright. I've posted my three shadow brothers. They may, or may not be interesting to you. But I worked hard on them. Anyways, hope you like them!
"BORING", Agni sighed rolling her eyes. She knew she had to rest a little after the one week long trip to get on Ashfallen, but was way to excited to know more about the place and the people in it.

The phoenix jumped out of bed, living her room unlocked behind her. She sat down on the garden, drawing on the dirt with a stick and enjoying the sunlight, nothing better to restore her energy.
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"Well. I'm Raya.." She said. "Nice to meet you, Dark!" She said, winking. With that, she turned around and walked off. "Where do you get your dorm rooms here?" She wondered aloud. As she turned the corner, she bumped into two students snickerin outside a dorm room. She caught the male say something about a reaction. "What about a reaction?" She asked them

@Deathrattle BB @Darkhan @Tiagirl001
Agni sighed heavily, the place looked rather quiet, not what she expected at all. She walked on the building, looking for Light to ask when she could start her training. She spots him surrounded by girls, all hidden in a corner watching something interesting judging by their faces.

"Uh, Light?"

"Shh!", he signed for her to be quiet.

"What are you all doing?", Agni whispers.

''By the way..'' She said, turning to Light. ''When will I get my Dorm information?'' She asked him. ''You better give me a room with a full length mirror.. or else!'' She warned
As Lilith unpacked her things and placed them on her side of the room, she suddenly had the urge to do something unnaturally for her. 'You should kiss her..' Lilith heard the subtle whisper of command in her head, and soon her vision started to cloud and her eyes became a bit glazed. She stopped what she was doing and turned around towards Luna, she felt her body moving withou permission.

'What the
heck is going on!!?' Lilith started to fight off whatever it was controlling her, while on the other hand, her body kept moving closer towards the other girl in the room. 'NO! Stop...Stop!' She started to become panicked and at some point that intense fear turned into anger, and not being able to control it, her elemental powers flared up.

She felt her powers surround her mind and thoughts and like a switch turned of, the mind control was gone. She felt as if a cord in her mind was melted away, and it hurt like hell. If the its how she felt, she didn't want to know how the person doing the controlling felt, yet she hoped that who ever it was, felt horrible They diserved it. However, her thoughts were snapped back towards Luna.

Lilith realized she was in front of the grl's bed, looking down at her as she lay there. Suddenly a bright red blush appeared on her face. "Sorry! I, um, don't know what came over me..."
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''Your mind control is a lot like my Glamour ability...'' Raya commented, watching Lillith walk across the room.
[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]As Lilith unpacked her things and placed them on her side of the room, she suddenly had the urge to do something unnaturally for her. 'You should kiss her..' Lilith heard the subtle whisper of command in her head, and soon her vision started to cloud and her eyes became a bit glazed. She stopped what she was doing and turned around towards Luna, she felt her body moving withou permission.

'What the
heck is going on!!?' Lilith started to fight off whatever it was controlling her, while on the other hand, her body kept moving closer towards the other girl in the room. 'NO! Stop...Stop!' She started to become panicked and at some point that intense fear turned into anger, and not being able to control it, her elemental powers flared up.

She felt her powers surround her mind and thoughts and like a switch turned of, the mind control was gone. She felt as if a cord in her mind was melted away, and it hurt like hell. If the its how she felt, she didn't want to know how the person doing the controlling felt, yet she hoped that who ever it was, felt horrible They diserved it. However, her thoughts were snapped back towards Luna.

Lilith realized she was in front of the grl's bed, looking down at her as she lay there. Suddenly a bright red blush appeared on her face. "Sorry! I, um, don't know what came over me..."

Luna looked at Lilith who was standing over her. She now suspects that someone must be messing with this girl's head... but whatever. Luna simply continues to lay on her bed and just stare at the girl with a huge blush on her face. "It's all good..." Luna says half-heartedly "Anyways... need help with any of your stuff? It'll be quite hard to do it on your own." She was doing her absolute best to keep this from getting any more weird than it already is.
Light' head started to hurt. "Ouch!" he exclaimed himself in the hallway. "This girl is strong." He said to himself.
Lilith nodded at Luna and thanked her for the help. "Sure. Thanks. Um..if you ever need anything don't be afraid to use anything of mine. I'm not one of those girls that are crazy protective of her things. Just be sure to tell me, ok?" Giving Luna a smile, she went back to unpacking her things.
Luna gets out of her bed and went over to Lilith's side to unpack her things. "Oh? That's good to know... even though you're like the first girl I ever heard say that" She says as she helps unpack. "Me on the other hand, I just go with the flow sort of speak."
Light entered the room without knocking and clapped his hands. "Lillith you really are special! You stopped me from controlling your mind. That's impressive."
Hearing the Principal's voice and words, Lilith turned around so fast she was lucky to not be dizzy because of it. "SO IT WAS YOU! I knew it! What is your problem!? You don't go around controlling people's mind, that is invasion of their privacy and space." Lilith couldn't help the sudden outburst of anger and soon the room was shacking due to her earth powers going out of control. "What kind of principal are you!?" Suddenly te earth stopped shacking and everything calmed down for a bit.
Light stood there silent for a moment. He then started to laugh hard. "Wait, you thought I was the school principal? I'm the student council president!" He laughed so hard he fell on the ground

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