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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

zon was sitting in a corner in a cris-cross formation with his hands on his ankles.he was staring up at the ceiling with a blank look on his face. in truth he had fallen asleep with his eyes open.
Raya wandered the hallways, bored. "Ughh. I came here to have some fun!" She sighed, frustrated. "All I did was get boring crap.. And competition from that Ariana girl.." She scowled. "I hate competition.. Especially in the beauty department.." Her hands started glowing, a result of her anger. Quickly calming herself down, she continued on her walk.
Dark eventually crawled his lazy butt out of bed and left the dorm, feeling as if he had plenty of time to recuperate after many stressful social encounters. None of which he wanted a repeat of. As he was absorbed in his thoughts he accidentally bumped into Raya, making him stumble backwards. Luckily, a bump with him felt like walking into a pillow. "Oops, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" He said, shocked, but did a double take when he recognized the person. "Huh? Aren't you the one who was fighting with Darkhan? He... uh, decided to pick a fight with you."
Luna arrives at the gates of Ashfallen Academy with a bored expression on her face. Defender was on her right side, and the school building looks rather fancy. "So this is Ashfallen... looks like a drag to be quite honest." Luna thought looking at the place with no amazement in her eyes. "Whatever... might as well go inside the campus. Got nothing better to do." She then took her first steps into the academy, looking at the students as she walk by.
"Yeah.." Raya said nervously. Hiding her glowing hand behind her back, she smiled radiantly. "And I have a name.." She said, fluffing out her blonde hair. "So. How long have you been at this school?"
Taking her things out of the taxi, Lilith paid the driver, his well deserved money for getting her there. "Keep the change", she said and turned around towards the school gates. Walking inside, she took a few minutes to take it all in. She was a bundle of nerves at moment since it was her first time being miles and miles away from her home in Ireland. Yet, she was a bit excited to see thing she knew she wouldn't be able to find her her small hometown. So, after those few minutes contamplating the vastness of the Ashfallen Academy, she started walking away, heading to the Main Office, so she could get her dorm number and her key copy. She also needed to pick up her schedule. "Like Gandalf would say, "Who is ready for an adventure?" Lilith quoted the famous wizard to herself out loud and started to walk towards her destination, a calm and collected expression, despite the conflicting emotions she was feeling at the moment.
"Dad says to get an dorm room key from the main office... does he really want me to live here!?" Luna says as she walks through the crowd inside the main building. "If that's the case, i've would have brought my stuff with me instead of the Defender!" She makes it into the main office, rubbing the back of her head as she walks in. Luna looks at the office attendent, who looks like a middle-aged woman at all account. The lady was doing some work on the opposite side of the counter. Clearing her throat, she places her hands on the counter and looks at the lady. "Heyo! New student here and all... got my dorm room key?"
Light went away. "Sorry I have people to see I'll come back." He went to see Lilith. As soon as she entered in the school Light came to her and told her:" Welcome to Ashfallen! What's your name sweetie?"
"Welcome to Ashfallen! What's your name sweetie?" Lilith blinked a few times in response, a bit surprised by the male sudden apparition. She looked around for a moment, just to see if he was talking to someone else, yet the only person there was her and him at the moment. So blinking her stupor away, she decided to tell the strange man her name. "Hello...Um..My name is Lilith Takawa...and you would be..??" Her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked at the strange guy waiting for a response, she knew it was a bit rude, yet him calling her sweetie annoyed a little. She didn't who he was!
Stella woke up in the hallway. She stood up at looked around. Letting out a small yawn she took her leather bag and throwing knife. She noticed two people standing and talking. One of them was the boy made of pure darkness. The other one was a girl that she hadn't seen before. The girl appeared to have a glowing hand behind her back. Stella decided not to disturb them and went back to her dormitory.
Light laughed a little. He took a moment to look at Lillith. "I'm sorry for calling you sweetie. It was rude." He gave her her room key. "Follow me I'll show you your room. Oh and by the way my name is Light. I'm the school president." He then started to walk towards the dormitories
The school attendent just stare at Luna before handing her the dorm room key. Luna takes the key from the attendent, and walks out of the main office. "Huh... that was strange. No welcome or anything." Luna thought as she walks to the dormitories. Looking at her room key, it was labelled 207. "Room 207... alrighty then." She says out loud.
Lilith mouth opened a bit in surprise as she took the key and watch the boy turn and walk towards the dormitories without even looking to see if she was following. 'This guy is the School President!!?' To say it was a shock was an understatement, he didn't look that much older than her. Surely it was a joke or she was pranked, yet the way he held himself, as if owned the place, told her otherwise. Seeing no other option, she quickly took her belongings and sprinted towards his direction, not wanting to lose him and get lost. The school was humongous and she was sure that if she got lost, she would die of starvation or thirst before she was able to comeback around. As she caught up to him, she walked by the boy's side in silence, not knowing what type of conversation she should start with him or if he liked to talk at all. However, like they say curiosity killed the cat. "How did you know I was going to be at the entrance?, and How did you appear out of nowhere?, oh! and How could you possibly knew that I was heading inside to get a dorm room key?" Lilith couldn't help the rush of questions that fell out of her mouth and she blushed a bit in embarassment as she instantly closed her mouth to stop anymore questions to pop out.
"Okay... how the hell am I going to find the dorm rooms?" As she says that out loud, she saw two individuals walking pass her. "Those two look like they know where the crap their going... i'll just follow them!" With that thought in her mind, she starts to trail the two. One seems to be a girl carrying lot of things and the other was a boy who seem to know his crap around the place. And here is Luna, having nothing on her except her family sword... and a room key. "I swear dad... i'll get you for this, and i'll make you pay... somehow."
Light continued walking and told Lillith with a smile. "You see, everyone here a a special gift right? My gift is that I can see and control people's mind. What's your gift?" He continued walking and Light sudendly said: "Oh and by the way Luna follow me you'll share a room with Lillith."
"What the hell!?" Luna looks at the boy with a very surprised look on her face. "This guy... knows my name? Well..." Her expression changes ever so slightly, raising an eyebrow at him. "I don't know how the heck you know my name... but at least I don't have to introduce myself." She flashes a grin at the both of them before walking up to them to close distance. Luna looks over to her supposes it roommate, and lord and behold, it's the girl carrying alot of stuff. "Hmmm... it's cool to meet ya." Luna says towards the girl.
"WHAT!?" Lilith halted completely to a stop. 'He can control my mind...! How do I know he is not doing it right now..!?' Yet, something told her that was not the case, she was still suspicious of the guy but she would still answer his question. "Well... I'm a siren and my powers are, well....you know, what sirens are used to do." 'Great Lilith. You don't even know your own powers.' She mentally facepalmed herself, but then she heard the guy calling another name. 'Luna? Who the heck is that?' However, before she could ask that, she saw someone following them with the corner of her eye. Looking back, she saw a girl with brown hair and a sword behind them. 'Oh..she has a sword...I feel like I'm going to be the first person to die on this place..', deciding to leave those brooding, negatives thoughts aside, she gave the girl a small wave and an awkward smile. Yet, Lilith didn't sa anything towards her.
"My name is Light. Nice to meet you Luna." He turned his head towards Lillith. .Don't worry I won't control your mind. Well at least for now..." He then laughed hard "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." he opens the door with his key. "Well girls time for the two of you to become friends!." He then leaved and got back to his own room to work again
Lilith stood there for a few minutes, watching the man walk away. "Okay, I know I don't know you but tell me that you also thought that guy is weird." She felt some goosebumps rise up on her body as she waited for Luna to reply. "I mean, he actually said, "for now..""
He saw the boy now named Light leave their presence. "Great... now we're all by ourselves." Luna says as she looks at the girl. "So um... are you going to sit there and not say anything?" She awkwardly rubs the back of her head. "Or we going to chat and get a move on?" In all honesty, Luna was slightly nervous. I mean first impression are everything... and she is going to spend time with this girl for her school days. "As long as I don't do anything stupid around her... i'll be good." Her thoughts were interrupted as the girl said if that Light was weird. "Eh... I don't really care. He does his stuff, I do mine."
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While he was working, Light got bored and decided to have some fun with the new students. He got into the hallway and went close to their room. he controled Lillith's mind to make her say "I love you" to Luna
Dark shrugged. "Not very long. This is technically my first day here still, I think." He paused and glanced to the side. Being one from he darkness, he could detect light easily. He didn't press the matter though. "What's your name, though? I'm Dark or Monster. Use whichever pleases you."
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