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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Arianna followed and also stripped. In her drunken stupor she had forgotten why she feared water. She went to step into the pool and as soon as her skin touch the water she screamed in pain. Jumping out of the water on her leg was a angry red burn mark.
Micheal turned to Ariana and ran over to her, "holy crap are you okay," he said, the scream temporarily bringing him out of his drunken state.
Light ran to Arianna as soon as she started to scream. He took her hand. "Are you okay Arianna?" He sees her red burn on her leg. "Oh my gd your leg Arianna!"
Stella looked at the beer bottle. She hadn't followed the others and was still at the boys dorm. She sat down and took out one of the throwing knives she had taken with her. She smiled as she fiddled with it. "I miss you dad." Stella took out one of the leather bags. She opened it and took some dust from a small pile of it. Stella closed the bag and looked at the dust. She proceeded to put the dust one her face. Stella was lured into sleep. As Stella woke up in her dream she smiled as she saw her father standing in front of her. "How are you?"
Light takes Arianna in his arms and put her in a chair. "Let me help with the pain." Light used his magic to heal Arianna's leg
Arianna sighed as he healed her. Then she noticed that he could see all of the hundreds of burn scars that covered her body. she frown and reached for her t-shirt and pulled it on.
as he continued to heal her he said. "You don't have to hide your scars in front of me." As soon as he finished heling her leg he remove his shirt and turned for Arianna to see his back. He was covered in scars. "See? I know what it's like to have scars." he says while smiling
((Idk if I can keep up with this. Every time I go to sleep, I come back to 50 or more notifications. Sorry, guys.))
[QUOTE="Deathrattle BB]((Idk if I can keep up with this. Every time I go to sleep, I come back to 50 or more notifications. Sorry, guys.))

((That happens to me too. I look at the rp then do something for a minute or two and then everyone's at a different place.))
zon had honestly become drunk at the first sip of his beer and still had half of it left. he had never had alcohol before but it had seemed to lull him into and extremely mellow state. he had followed the others to the pool as quiet as a mouse. simply watching the events that occurred .
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Arianna smiled grimly at him "Thanks Light. Just dont tell Gargoyle about them ok? If he has noticed them yet I would prefer him not knowing." She looked down at her lg that she knew would end up as another scar.
(Okay see here is a good place to pause it until @Dapper Charmer gets back) (also just so you all know im leaving wifi for a whole four days so i wont be on. Obviously go on with out me but i will need to be caught up when i get back.)

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