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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Agni checked the crumpled piece of paper on her hand, she looked at the imposing dark metal gate and the silver plaque "Ashfallen Academy", she whispered to herself with a faint smile on her lips, remembering what the homeless man who pointed her the direction said: "believe me, you won't miss it". The girl tossed her lightly-packed bag on her back, her eyes glowing as she looked at the perfect garden in front of the main building, she googled pictures of Ashfallen and was astonished, but in person it was a whole new level of beauty.

The woman behind the desk sighed as she saw the girl entering the reception. "For pity's sake, these teens keep popping up from nowhere.", she cursed as she turned her phone off, "Room?", she asked restlessly opening a drawer on her desk.

"Yes, please.", Agni smiled, looking at the fancy ceiling and harmonious decoration of the place. "Ah, how the classes and stuff work around here?", she asked shyly.

"You got admitted into Ashfallen and you don't know how things work?", the lady lowered her glasses to the tip of her nose, "Really?".

"I... I didn't quite had the time to-"

"Yeah, yeah, excuses.", she waved Agni away like if she was a bug. "Your room is on complex C."

Agni just walked to the door, looking around "Where the hell is complex C?", she sighed walking without a clue where she was going, too afraid of the receptionist to ask any other information. "Okay, can't be that hard, I just have to find a big building with a plaque saying 'complex C', right?".
As she walked in the school, Light came to her saying "Welcome to Ashfallen Agni!" He smiled at her. "My name is Light, I'm the school president. Nice to meet you." He took a moment to look at her. "Yup I think we're gonna have fun in here!"
Agni halted in surprise, almost bumping into the guy who appeared in front of her. "H-hi... Light?", she said analysing him, "Wait a second, have we met before? I mean... you know my name and I don't remember you so... I'm confused."
Light laughed a bit "I always seems to forget that. In here, we all have a gift. My gift is healing people and read and/or control people mind." He look at her in the eyes "So yeah I have read your mind sorry." He continues to walk towards her room.
"That's quite... invasive.", she said awkwardly, trying to keep up the pace with her short legs. "I know about the gifts, I'm here looking for guidance to control mine."
"Hum I see! What's your gift?" He asked her while oppening her room. "Here is your room. For the moment, you don't have any roommate, but you will get one eventually."
"I'm a phoenix.", Agni said excited. Light looked down to meet her intense amber eyes staring right through him, she smiled, her fire ombre fringe falling on her freckled cheeks, "She looks like a child.", he thought. "And I'm looking forward for a room mate!"
"As soon as a new girl arrives she'll be with you in your room! If you excuse me I have work left to do at my own room." He went away in the hallway. "See ya later!" he went working in his room
"Thank you, Light, see you around!", she waved as he walked down the hallway.

Agni walked into the room curiously, putting her bag under the bed. She jumped into the fluffy mattress and hugged the soft eiderdown, breathing in the lavender scent "cozy", she thought smiling. Her heart beating fast against her chest, everything she always dreamed to find was finally there, a place where she could meet gifted people, make friends and above all: learn how to control the fire within.
Light moved discretly towards Stella and said. "Follow me." He took her to another hallway. "Sorry, I had to. They can't see me. Anyway, I don't think I had to introduce myself to you. My name is Light. Welcome to Ashfallen Stella!"
"Nice to meet you Light." Stella smiled friendly and seemed unaffected by the fact that he knew her name. "I saw you with Arianna and some others earlier... Where were you heading to?.. And why did you have beer bottles?.. Of all people I didn't expect the school president to get drunk... On school grounds even."
"Oh, me? No I didn't drink. I only gave people some beer for them to have some fun. We were headed for the pool." He then start to walk. "If you want, we can continue this conversation in my room, I have work to do."
Stella quickly followed behind Light. "But you are still aware that were people drinking on school ground right?"
"Yeah I know they were drinking in school, but why do I always have to watch people? They can have fun, they don't hurt anyone am I right?" He arrived at his room and let Stella get in first. "Ladies first."
Stella quickly went inside the room. "Thank you." She stood up as she didn't want to sit on the wrong bed/chair. "Drunkenness has let to disasters where I used to live... And the one causing it were just normal human beings." Stella began sounding frustrated.
"Humans are monsters" he says in an angry tone. "But anyway, sit where you want." Light grabbed his laptop and continued his project
Stella let out a quiet sigh of relief like she somehow had lifted a small weight on her shoulders. She sat down on a bed and looked around. After a bit of silence Stella asked "So what are you working on? It's alright if you want to keep it secret."
"Light turns his laptop for Stella to see. "It's just a bit of school stuff, nothing really important."
"I love you!" Lilith couldn't believe she said that and put a hand on her mouth. 'What the..!?' Lowering her hand, she apologized to Luna. "I'm sorry! Those were not my words!" Lilith could feel the bright blush rising to her cheeks. 'What a way to make a first impression Lilith!' She just hoped the other girl didn't get weirded out by it, yet, she was sure that scoundrel of a principal had something to do with it. "Anyways..um..you are right. We should get inside and do whatever teen girls do in their new dorm..?" (@Darkhan ) (@Angelostar4 )
"This is going to be one weird school life..." Luna dismiss the I love you with a simple handwave. "Agreed. The sooner we settle in our new place, the sooner we can relax" She says to Lilith. Luna began to walk on ahead, turning her head back to see if Lilith was following her. "Though... I wouldn't mind a girl like her to love me." When she realize she was thinking of that, Luna quickly shakes her head, a faint blush on her face. "Jeez... i'm not that desperate... or anything."

(@Airam Juvie)
Nodding at Luna's words, Lilith followed her inside. Besides, she was eager to put her things away, already she was starting to feel how exhausted her limbs were from carrying a small luggage bag, her guitar and a small backpack. Though it seem as if she brought a lot of things, that was not the case at all. She brought a small amount of clothes inside her luggage bag, her guitar was something she always brought with her wherever she went, and inside her small backpack were some personal things, like some family pictures and gifts to make her feel like she was at home. Picking one of the small beds in the room, she settled her things on the floor and started unpacking her stuff. Looking at the other girl, Lilith noticed that the only thing she carried was a sword. "Um...where are your things if I may ask?" Lilith she wasn't imprudent with her question.
Stella skimmed the screen and nodded. "So where were you going anyways? Before we began talking and headed back here."
[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]Nodding at Luna's words, Lilith followed her inside. Besides, she was eager to put her things away, already she was starting to feel how exhausted her limbs were from carrying a small luggage bag, her guitar and a small backpack. Though it seem as if she brought a lot of things, that was not the case at all. She brought a small amount of clothes inside her luggage bag, her guitar was something she always brought with her wherever she went, and inside her small backpack were some personal things, like some family pictures and gifts to make her feel like she was at home. Picking one of the small beds in the room, she settled her things on the floor and started unpacking her stuff. Looking at the other girl, Lilith noticed that the only thing she carried was a sword. "Um...where are your things if I may ask?" Lilith she wasn't imprudent with her question.

Upon going inside the dorm room, Luna quickly jumps on to the bed that was available, letting her back hit the bed. She looks to her left and her expression changed to that of annoyance. "Well... my dad didn't tell me I was going to be living here, so I left them all at home." She says. "Which sucks because that means I left my laptop... all of my games on that."

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