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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

zon was sitting outside in the courtyard sewing back on his arm, a stray dog had chased him and gotten a hold of it tearing it off quite easily. zon sighed. "im going to need more fabric to cover the bite marks..." he said taking a look in to his satchel where he kept his sewing supplies. he was out of the usual cloth squares he would keep to patch his wounds seeing as they would not heal.
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(I started playing another person so ignore Darkhan from now on)

Light gets up on the stage to talk to everyone, He looked really confident, Like he knew what he will be talking about. He take a step and talk in the mic. "Hello new students! My name is Light, I'm your school president. This year is gonna be special, because all of you are there." He take a moment to look at everyone. "I think this year will be fun!"
Arianna smiled at Gargoyle, "ah right well im pretty sure its true." She noticed Light on the stage, "well this should be interesting".
He take a quick look at Arianna and Gargoyle. "I see that people already started to know each other. I"ll give you some infos about your dorms. Girls have theirs and boys have theirs. Only two person in a room. You better start getting friends or else you'll have to sleep in my room and I warn you boys I can work till 2 am easily."
zon heard the distant sound of a voice coming through a microphone speaker system. he closed his satchel remembering that everyone was supposed to be gathered at the gym. he thought about going there but the thought of confronting anyone made him nervous he decided to scope it our before entering. he moved quietly over to the gym entrance and peeked his head int through the door hoping not to be noticed as he observed the group that was already there.
Arianna bit her lip. She had been hoping Gargoyle could be her room mate but that didnt look to be the case. She wondered what girl would be willing to be her room mate. As she was thinking this she noticed a boy peeking his head in through the door. Smiling Arianna waved him in.

@Dapper Charmer @Zon dexan @Darkhan
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Light noticed Zon. "Hey new student! Come in! I was just starting to tell the school infos." He then takes the mic back. "This is gonna be a tough rule, but you can't go out of the school ground you all understand me? If you dare get out of the school area we're gonna chase you down and lock you somewhere. The school area is big, you have everything you need here." He then takes a serious look at everybody and then smile. "Okay now who wants to be the vice-president of the school?"
he noticed the someone spotted him and was now waving his way trying to get him to come in . he flinched and not knowing what to do slightly hid behind the door. he slowly squeezed his way into the door trying to be as quiet as possible. as he did his right arm fell back off hitting the ground with a thud. he really hoped nobody else noticed him as he slowly bent down to pick up his arm. sewing with his left hand had proved to be too hard. then he heard the person on the stage call a 'new student' which was most likely refereeing to him. his face turned bright red as he was now most likely noticed by all.
He turns his head towards Arianna. "Yes Arianna I can force you to stay here. People outside treats us like monsters. you're safe here."
She got up and took the new boy by the (good) arm. "come here and I can help you sew that on" She said as she gestured to his other arm. She broguht the obviously shy boy over to sit by her and Gargoyle. Then turned her attention back to Light, "how do you know my name?"
"I'm the school president it's my job to know students of this school. I also know your blood type. You're O+. I know all of the students. Now I ask again, who wants to be vice-president of the school?"
zon was still blushing he was happy that she could sew his arm back on but not sure how he felt about being dragged along. but it wasent like he was going to say anything about it anyway. he sat holding his right arm. whenever his limbs became detached he could still sorta feel and move them. he was unconsciously tapping his dismembered arms fingers on his leg.
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Arianna took his sewing needle and some red thread from him and began to sew his arm back on. trying to ignore that he was tapping his fingers. "So what is your name?"
"z-zon" he stuttered looking in the opposite direction. he glanced at her hands as she was sewing, she seemed to know what she was doing.
"nice to meet you Zon." she said smiling as she finished up the last stitch and and tied off the thread. After breaking off the from the needle she handed the needle back to Zon. "all better"
"thank you" he said shyly taking the needle. he was not used to speaking with others but he decided to try his best"so..um...where did you learn to sow?"
She smiles, "In the orphanages I was usually the only one who would mend the younger girls things if they ripped, because if our clothes or blankets got torn some how we werent allowed new ones." she leaned back against Gargoyle. "how old are you Zon?"

@Dapper Charmer @Zon dexan
"1-17...you also went to an orphanage?" it was slowly becoming easier to talk to her but he was still reluctant to look her way
"i-I've only ever been to one seeing as i was an orphan at birth and died for the first time in eighth grade..."he tilted his head recalling his old orphanage
Micheal reached out his hand to Zon, "hey there newbie," he said in a friendly manner, "my names Micheal but everyone just calls me Gargoyle,"
"o-okay...' he said taking the so called gargoyle's hand. he had a hard time dealing with the overly friendly types"n-nice to meet you..."

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