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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Dark shrugged. He used the darkness and Darkhan simply warped back a few feet, having to walk the distance again. "Perhaps, if you ask nicely and quit your insolence. But unless you want me to send you to the hospital, listen up."
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Dark groaned. "First of all, knock your ego down a few notches. You're going to pick a fight with the wrong kind of person and end up getting killed. That's just friendly advice, take it how you will." He paused, thinking. "But I think you should be more careful about what you do with your powers. Of course, you can do whatever you want with them, its a free country; but perhaps show a little... I don't know, restraint? People with our abilities are extremely dangerous. People with the opposite of our abilities, light magic or whatever, are also extremely dangerous." He gestured to himself and Darkhan for emphasis. "Do you see what I'm getting at here? We can hurt people very easily and I don't want to see that happening. You seem okay but I'm just asking you dial it down a notch or two. You're not bad, but we can all still do better. I can do way better and I could have handled the situation back there better, too."
He gets close to Dark's face "Why should I be more careful? I'm a monster I like to hurt people. Sure I feel regret after, but when I hurt them god it's so much fun seeing pain in their eyes." He look directly into Dark's eyes. "If you want me to change you've lost. I can't change! Either kill me or leave me alone!" Darkhan slowly started to walks away again. "Don't try to stop me now or i'll hurt you for real."
Dark narrowed his eyes and shrugged. "Suit yourself." He willed the darkness to move and they wrapped around Darkhan like a cocoon. He kept his full will upon it, not allowing Darkhan to break free. "You see, I don't really need to kill you, honestly. You wanna know what else, too? I'm stronger than you. I've been part of the darkness since before I was even alive." He stepped around the cocoon to where the front of it would be, his tone dripping with venom. "So, let me make this clear; you fuck up, I am going to kill you and parade your stupid head around the school. Keep yourself together and stop being an idiot, we're all fine and dandy, hopscotch. You think you're the monster here? You better think again because no matter what you think there is ALWAYS a bigger fish." He released Darkhan and walked away, however, stopped mid-step. "Oh, do not think I will not know when you hurt someone. I can feel it when the darkness moves." He continued and disappeared, warping back to Arianna and Michael.

"Sorry about that, guys. Just had to go say something to Darkhan." He said, sitting down once more. "How are you feeling, Arianna?"
Darkhan stood in the hallway without moving a finger. "That bastard..." Darkhan felt his rage grow inside of him. "I... I can't do this.." He ran to the gym and didn't gave Dark the time to say another sentence and crushed him enough that Dark couldn't stop it with his dark force. "Never underestimate me!"
Unfortunately for Darkhan, he only crushed a dummy of Dark. The shadows easily crumpled up under the force. Dark stepped out from the hallway and into the gym, whistling. He paused at the scene in front of him. "Oh. Yeah, nice job, idiot. You killed a dummy. Congratulations, you win." His focused his will and took control of all the darkness in the area, bending it all to his command only. "Anyways... you want to try that again? I am more than willing to turn you into a bloody stain on the floor."
Darkhan eyes turns red as he says "Okay" He takes control of the darkness that Dark took over the room and use it to push Dark on the wall and make him unable to move any muscle. "You're annoying me!" He ran towards him and punched him in the head with the shadows.
Also unfortunately for Darkhan, he did not have muscles. The darkness simply rushed by Dark without actually doing anything to him physically except making his clothes flap in the wind torrent. He sidestepped Darkhan, extending his leg out and tripping him, disappearing into the shadows where Darkhan was originally standing. "Ok." He said in a dull tone. "So... you actually gonna put up a fight now or what? Did you actually think you were going to hit me with darkness when I'm made of the stuff? You're funny."
Raya had observed the group in silence. They were all very powerful. A good group to stand by. "Could you stop please?" Raya said, turning to Darkhan.
He quickly turns his face to Raya. "Why should I stop? I almost killed you. I deserve pain." Darkhan then turns his face towards Dark. "Hurt me, I deserve it."
Micheal smiled, glad to see that she was okay. "Hey Ariana," he said happily, "are you okay? You took a bit of a beating back there,"
She smiled up at his cheerful face and sat up. "Yeah fighting that guy was not the brightest idea I have ever had. I'm okay now though. Dark healed me."
"Remind me to give him a massive hug next time I see him," he chuckled with a big smile, "I'm just glad that you're okay. You had me worried for a bit,"
Arianna smiled, "sorry for worrying you, I do think I gave him quite a burn. Though I got hurt pretty bad when he threw me." She scooted closer to Gargoyle and leaned on him.
"You don't have to apologise," he said as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him, "just try not to agree to fights with jackasses like that." Micheal gave a slight chuckle.
She giggled, "ah yes I shall remember that." She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Im gonna get hurt even worse when I fight you so it was good practice. Plus i have high pain tolerance,"
Darkhan turns his head and look at Arianna "Arianna! I'm sorry for hitting you that hard." He then gets down on his knees. "You can do what you want."
She looked at Michael and shrugged "im not one to drag out a fight after it haas ended. As for you Darkhan I agreed to fight just like anybody else. I just wasnt up to the task."

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