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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

"I think fire is an amazing power to have," he said as he looked into her eyes, "I actually always found fire to be quite beautiful and elegant. And personally I could do without the stone skin. What I really love however is the wings. Flying is the most amazing feeling I've ever felt in my life." He smiled at her, "if you wanted to I could take you up flying with me sometime."

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Arianna perked up at his offer. "I would love that! I have always wanted to fly. It sounds amazing! I guess i have always seen fire as fierce and bright which pretty much describes me. I just wish I knew how I got the powers, where they came from." She wound a lock of hair around a finger absentmindedly.

@Dapper Charmer
Dark hummed under his breath quietly, watching the other students in the gym. "I think you are both lucky. You are not some shadow monster. While I am not ashamed of who I m, it does makes life more... difficult." He said, his tone shifting to be slightly more sad. "But when it is not all bad. At least most people are not brave enough to even think of messing with the guy who is made of pure darkness." He paused and look at Arianna and Gargoyle. "Do not get hit by an airplane. They hurt."
Darkhan crosses his arms on his chest and look at Dark. "Oh shut up with your problems will you? Everyone here has problem. You have people to talk to, you have powers, you're something okay? So please don't be depressed and be a man." He says before looking at Arianna. "I want to fight with you" He tells her with a smile

@Firebright @Deathrattle BB
Darkhan looks at them. "Are you really gonna fight? I'm looking at you and him and I don't think you will use all your energy to fight him. If you fight me instead I can make you better, I can help you get better and use all your power." He gets closer to her. "Never fight someone you love, you can't fight for real."

Arianna looked conflicted as she stared at Darkhan. "He has stone skin, I can fight him full force without causing him much harm." Then she blushed slightly and looked down "besides I just meet him and while I am falling hard for him I can not yet say that I love him. i promised him this fight and he is going to get it."

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He looks at her. "Come on, I know that you'll try not to hurt him. Are you that scared to fight me?" I look at him "Hey bro, can I fight with your girlfriend for a bit?"

Her purple eyes became brighter. "Do not accuse me of fear of you. You dont scare me. If you insist on fighting me then I suppose I could practice fight you. However I will fight with Gargoyle in arena."
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My smile becomes bigger. "A fight is all I'm asking for. Come on!" I take a step back and start to concentrate. I close my eyes, and when I open them they are completly black. "Are you ready to fight?" I ask her

She stands and steps forward to meet him. Arianna called fire into her hands and grinned madly as she felt her power course through her veins. "I'm ready"
Darkhan vanish and reappear behind her punching her head. "Look here!" He then vanish again to reappear in front of her. "I see you control fire. Well I could say that you're really hot." Darkhan start to laugh like he's not taking the fight seriously.
Dark narrowed his eyes in annoyance at Darkhan. Who was this moron to come and start being rude to them anyways? He manipulated the shadows and grabbed Darkhan, flinging him upwards to the ceiling. "Instead of being an egotistical dumbass, maybe you should make good use of your miserable life and die in a hole." He stated in a monotone. "At least then you would be more useful dead than alive."
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Her eyes turn from purple to crimson red as she threw a white hot bolt of flame at him. Then she rushed at him and roundhouse kicked him in the head. "Take that twit!"
"Woah!" Darkhan says. "2 versus 1 is not fair guys!" Darkhan got on the ground where he recieved the arrow. "Hey! Could you just wait? I just want to fight her for the moment okay Dark?" He then take a look at Arianna "That was'nt all bad. Next time try to aim better." He remove her bow from her hands with shadows. He then grab her and he threw her over the gym.

@Deathrattle BB @Firebright
Arianna yelped as she was thrown into the air. She slammed into the wall and felt several of her ribs crack and break. "Ouchy" she whimpered and she picked herself up from the ground ignoring the pain and walked back over to where the other were. Scowling she glared at Darkhan as she tasted blood welling up in her mouth. Then she sent another flaming bolt at him.
Darkhan recieved the bolt right on his arm. It burns his skin. "Gah! that burns!" He run toward her and punch her right in her ribs. "You still wanna fight? Do you want to give up? You can't give up!" He tells her while taking a step back.

She cried out in pain at his punch in her already broken ribs. She fell to her knees but slowly stood up and grit her teeth. "Of course that burned idiot it was fire" She ran right at him, leaped into the air and wrapped her legs around his torso. This flipped him over onto his back and she spun around and straddled his chest. She the repeatedly punched him in the face with flaming hot fists.

"Woah!" He falls on the ground and tries to stop her from punching him in the face. "Wait!" He push her on the wall again and use his dark energy to crush her chest. "Never underestimate me!"

Dark growled. "Enough!" He yelled. He forced his will on the shadows, removing them from Arianna and pushing Darkhan backwards. He shook his head and put his hand on the back of his hood, groaning. "Cut it out. There really is no reason to be seriously trying to harm each other." Then he turned to Darkhan. "And you, fuck off for a few minutes."
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He looks at Dark. "Come on dude we're just trying to have some fun here!" He take a step towards Arianna "Still wanna fight?"
Dark's eyea flashed red. "I really, really do jot care, Darkhan. Your definition of 'fun' is shoddy at best." He crossed his arma over his chest and stood between him and Arianna. "I'm not letting his go on any further. You're going to have to go through me."

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