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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Dark frowned in annoyance at him, his darkness twitching slightly and growing more solid. "Then be very well aware that nobody here is required to abide by your demands, you have no place to demand things from anyone. If you cannot prepare for a battle with the loud noise of the room then I have a few choice words." He leaned in closer, staring the other boy in the eyes. "Get over it or be prepared to make them stop. I won't say the noise doesn't annoy me a little but you should learn to be able to deal with it."
Darkhan, once again, Is thrown against the wall by the beam. "Hey! This things burn alot stupid girl!" He then slowly tries to get up on his feet. "It wasn't funny at all." He says as he gets closer to her. "Excuse yourself to me." Darkhan ask her

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She punched him hard, using her light abilities to strengthen the punch. "Hell no! I'm of higher status than you!" She yelled, creating a ball of light in her hands, just in case he tried attacking again.

Dark let out a loud groan, flaring at the two of them. "Oh for the love of--knock it off! Seriously, save it until when you're actually supposed to be fighting!" He yelled, pointing at them both. "We honestly don't need you both causing a riot or something because you landed on somebody else."
Raya sighed, and the ball of light disappeared. "I'm sorry..." She muttered. "But when I'm attacked, I must attack as well!" She protested. "And he tried to break my beautiful face!" She exaggerated. She glared at Darkhan. "Watch out."
Arianna jumped up at the sudden commotion. Fire flaring to life in her hands. "Watch it people or i will fry you." She looked at Dark, "everything cool here?"

@Deathrattle BB
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Dark nodded at Arianna. "I think everything ia okay now." He glanced at Raya. "Juat try to keep a cool head."
"You know the way you made your hand catch fire just then was pretty hot," Michael said with a slight chuckle as he put and arm around Ariana, "no pun intended,"
Dark looked unamused. No pun intended? Bull. Shit. "You so intended that pun and you know it." However, he shook his head and glanced at Raya. "That light stuff you were doing looked pretty cool. Were you born with those powers?"
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"Yep, I was born with them!" She said."And I was just defending myself!" She shot back at Ariana. Attention seeking brat! Raya thought angrily.
Dark smirked. "That's pretty neat. I was born as this... um... whatever I am." He looked at himself. "Dunno how or why. Just happened." He tapped his hood in thought. "I've always wondered if the opposite version of me existed. Like, I mean, whatever species I am. Something made entirely of living light."
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"It's okay! So, are you all new here too?" She asked the group. This was Raya's first year at this school, though she had misses around 2 years of education, and therefore was behind her age group. "I hope this place turns out to be fun, and not just all work!" She exclaimed.
Arianna nodded, "yeah its my first year too. I have gotten schooling at my old orphanages and foster homes. This was just a way for them to get rid of me."
Arianna absentmindedly began to bite her lip as she leaned onto Michael and gave a quirky smile to Raya.
"Yeah, I'm new here, too. I never got schooling though, I just kind of... 'knoe,' I guess." Dark replied solemnly, sitting down next to Arianna in criss cross position on the ground. "My first year. This will be intereating."
She shifted a bit closer to Michael, "Gargoyle, when ever we do fight dont take anything i do personally because i wont be holding back. I dont want to hurt you but i might have to"

@Dapper Charmer
"I wouldn't want you to hold back," Micheal said happily as he pulled Ariana a bit closer to him, "i don't mean to boast but you'll probably have to go full force to hurt me,"

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She smiled softly, "I assumed so, I probably cant beat your stone skin but sure as heck can try. I dont want you to be afraid to go hard on me either. I may be more fragile than you but...lets just say im a lot tougher than i look. Any wounds i gain will always heal with time"

@Dapper Charmer
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Arianna found herself looking right into Michael's bright eyes. She tore her gaze away and focused on his arm around her shoulder. She noticed that he had pulled her against his side almost protectively and she smiled at the thought. Arianna tried desperately to think of something else to say to the handsome boy as she began to trace patterns on the back of her hand. "So...uh...who came up with the nickname Gargoyle?"

@Dapper Charmer
"It was actually a friend of mine who came up with the name," Michael said with a smile, happy that Ariana was interested in his nickname, "it was around the time I first development my appearance. I fell into a bit of a depression. Luckily I had a friend to cheer me up. This is when we were both obsessed with super heroes, so my friend said I was like one of the X-men. He then said my mutants name should be Gargoyle and it just stuck." He blushed a bit, "sorry I'm probably boring you with that story."

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Arianna grined at his obvious eagerness to tell her the story. "No you aren't boring me at all. I actually really like that story. Friends are good to have in tough times." She lightly traced a finger over his hard stone skin. "you are really lucky that you get the gift of invincibility. I just got fire."

@Dapper Charmer
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