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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Arianna turned too look at Misty, "how can you tell he is counting?" she asked as she smiled up at the boy. Misty was right, he was very young looking.
Avery was starting to get frustrated because people kept moving around too much. He had started over about three times now and it was starting to get tiring. He lowered himself down from the support beam and landed on the ground huffing angrily.

Joe watched as Avery flew down from the support beam. "He has the potential to become very strong...if we play our cards right." He glanced at Alex, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Knowing that cunning old fox, he probably already has a plan laid out." He laughed quietly, continuing to watch over the student's. "Welp, they always say fighting tells more than words."
Dark went silent and observed what the two girls were looking at. Was there something special about the boy hanging out on the beams above everybody? Nevertheless, he did not care enough to try and 'stand out' among everybody, it wasn't worth the effort. "While you go do that, I'm going to stay right over here." He muttered. "I've met enough people for one day."
Avery out a hand in his hip using the other to point towards the ground and shake it a couple of times as if addressing a bad child, muttering something about people moving to much. He wasn't particularly talking to anyone he was just saying something to say it.

Micheal walked over to Dark and smiled at him, "so what do you think of Misty? Pretty cute right," said Michael, who was randomly shipping out if boredom "you're gonna ask her out right? I mean she's vampire you're darkness. Perfect couple."
Dark looked at Michael, bewildered. "What...? I do not believe I am capable of such things. Besides," he looked away, eyes lowering. "Nobody would like me like that anyways. I'm not even a solid being."
[QUOTE="Deathrattle BB]Dark looked at Michael, bewildered. "What...? I do not believe I am capable of such things. Besides," he looked away, eyes lowering. "Nobody would like me like that anyways. I'm not even a solid being."

Michael frowned he didn't mean to make Dark upset like this. " Hey everyone's capable of love," he said comfortingly, "and I'm sure there's someone who finds shadows super hot. Hell I once knew a guy who dated a cloud."
Arianna's attention was drawn away from the fairy boy when she heard what Michael and Dark were talking about. Giving one last glance to the small boy she walked over to where Dark and Michael were talking. "I agree with Michael. Dark, it wouldn't hurt to ask her out. The least she would do is say no. Besides i think it would be good for the two of you"

@Deathrattle BB @Dapper Charmer
"Its pretty simple. I'll show you," said Michael who had gone from casual shipper to full on match maker. He turned to Ariana and looked her in the eyes. He had a soft smile, "I know someone as pretty as you probably has plans but if you don't maybe you'd like to see a movie with me."

@Deathrattle BB

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Dark looked between them, flustered, but shook his head. "M-maybe down the road? I just met her 30 minutes ago. I would like to get to know Misty better before I... we... go that far." He stated. Then shuffled his feet and looked down. "Though I will keep what you said and your example in mind..."
[QUOTE="Deathrattle BB]Dark looked between them, flustered, but shook his head. "M-maybe down the road? I just met her 30 minutes ago. I would like to get to know Misty better before I... we... go that far." He stated. Then shuffled his feet and looked down. "Though I will keep what you said and your example in mind..."

Arianna does her best to give Dark a hug. "We are jut trying to help the two of you out. However your idea is a good one." She released Dark with a smile.
Dark completely froze up from the sudden contact, paralyzed. He barely even registered the fact when she released, only muttering a small 'uh-huh' in response before coming back to his senses, looking confused. "Uh, right. First time one of my ideas has been considered 'good.'" He paused and looked up, his hood managing to stay firmly in place due to his darkness holding it in place. "How do you know you like somebody, though? I once heard it described as a sort of... warm, fuzzy feeling when they were close?"
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"I suppose that's probably the feeling,"said Michael casualy, " although I think its more angsius and flustered. Like you want to impress her more than anything. You feel both happiness and terror at the same time." Michael chuckled, "it sure is a strange feeling."
Arissa nods her head thoughtfully. "I get kind of both at once. All fuzzy, warm but flustered and some times confused. Its strangely wonderful." Arianna purposefully didnt look at Michael. Instead she focus her attention on a stray piece of hair in her braid.
Dark peered closely at the two before laughing--it sounded terrifying. "Wow. You two are perfect for each other." He teased lightly. "I shall press into this new knowledge further, and see if I share this similar feeling around Misty. Though I doubt it may happen immediately, perhaps given time though... who knows?" He shrugged at the end for emphasis.
She blushed a bright red at Darks comment about her and Michael. she still couldn't get up the nerve to look at Michael. She nodded at Dark. "sounds like a good plan. Its always good to make sure you like some one before you ask them out."
"I don't know about that," Michael interjected, "personally i think that if you like the look of a girl then you should ask them out. If you have a connection great but if not just try again."
Arianna worriedly twisted her rings around on her fingers. "That is a good way to break hearts,Gargoyle". His comment worried her, she didnt feel like getting hurt...not again.
"Sadly I guess that can be the case sometimes. But not everyone is so lucky as to find their soul mate on the first try," said Michael, now worrying that he may have come off as in sensitive, "all i'm trying to say is dont wait to long and sometimes you just gotta go for it."
Arianna nods trying to keep in open mind. "yeah it makes sense not to wait too long but its also good to get to know the person a bit first." She shrugged off her answer and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her studded jacket.
When do you guys think we are supposed to fight each other? Arianna asked curiously turning her attention back to the fights.
Dark shrugged. "I am sure that when the time is right we will find ourselves to each other if it is along the paths we walk." He said cryptically. He did figure that if they would become 'boyfriend and girlfriend,' it would simply happen naturally than forced. "But... I do not know. Perhaps we should ask the instructor for more information?"

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