Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian tore his gaze from the photo and looked at Rita when she began to speak and nodded in agreement before finding a seat in a small circle of chairs and taking it. The room was full of so much personality he found himself zoning into each photo again wanting to know more about every one.
"It's a... project. Of sorts." He picked up his notebook and hugged it to his chest, avoiding Cady's eyes.
Rita nodded, fading back into her peace for a hard part. Mouth and expression. "..Um yeah.. there's music too."
Apollo, thought for a moment, nodding his head with interest, wondering what his next move should be. He looked over to Adrian and whispered "What do you think of this?".
Adrian snapped out of his trance and looked at Apollo for a moment in thought before writing 'it sounds different, fun. What do you think?' He flipped the notebook trying to hide it from the others while trying to show Apollo, a small smile hidden behind his scarf.
Cady smiled more "oh, awesome!" oblivious to his body language. She picked up the paint brush again and began painting, proud of herself for talking to him.
Rita thought for a moment about what the others were saying, eyes still glued to her project at hand, and gave them a thumbs up. "Welcome to the club. We don't have an official person who allowed people in.. and artists are usually introverts, so feel free to come and work whenever you would like."
Adrian began to feel giddy at the thought of the club. His fingers began to tap his notebooks surface as he wrote something down before showing Apollo 'what do you wanna do?'
"I'll join if you do." said Apollo, he was beginning to think this place would be an excellent fit for the two of them.
Adrian nodded almost immediately after he was asked if he'd like to join a couple strands of his hair falling over his eyes. The place just seemed so welcoming and comforting, a place to escape to.
Apollo ran his hand through his hair, looked over to Rita, and said,"My friend and I would be delighted to join this club." he began to smile, it felt wonderful to call someone friend.
Cady heard noises in the other room and popped her head around the door. She heard people talking about 'joining a club' and her face flushed bright red. She knew she wasn't meant to be in here, she knew she'd get in trouble if they saw her trespassing. She tried to sneak out without being caught.
Rita barely had to look up t notice the mouse like shy girl. Before she could run away, Rita put a hand up in recognition. "Wait. How are you going to meet new people if you run away before a proper conversation can be made?" She asked, gently enough to not scare her more than she already seems to be.
Adrian stared upwards at Apollo when he addressed him as a friend, it made his chest feel light the thought of someone welcoming him into their lives. He pressed his pencil onto the surface of his notebook about to write something when Rita addressed the girl who had nearly scurried a crossed the open door. Seeing the other girl Adrian wondered who else was in such a club, how many where in it as well.
Cadys head shot up at the sudden attention, flushing a darker red, she stammered a few times before getting her words out. "I-i-i-i-i-i-i"

She took a deep breath. "Wasn't sure i-i-if I was all-l-lowed i-i-in here." She looked down at the floor humiliated at her lack of communication skills, they were going to think she was an idiot.
Apollo walked towards the girl Rita had addressed. He reached his hand out, "She's right you know, my names Apollo, what's yours?" He looked her in the eyes whose saying those words, as if to assure her he meant no harm.
Rita gave her one of her warmest smiles, she reserved to make people feel better when they were upset or make someone happy. She didn't mind the stammer, heck, there was already someone in the room who doesn't talk at all. "Yeah. You're allowed in any of these rooms. Nobodies gonna get on you about it, I promise. Im Rita by the way. What do you go by?"
Cady wiped her clammy hand on her jeans before holding it out to Apollo "I-I-I'm Cady." She answered meekly, smiling faintly at him. She turned to Rita. "I-I-I just saw these rooms, and they-they-they seemed quiet so I thought I c-c-c-ould paint, what's your names?"
"Come in and grab some supplies. This rooms pretty dreary, but it would be nice if you'd like to join us." She pointed to the cabinet with most of the fresh, non expired supplies. It was strange. about 5 people today who haven't found her overbearing yet, or heard from somebody that she is.
Adrian sat idly by watching the shy nervous girl by the name of Cady. He wanted to introduce himself so he stood and stepped closer. Adrians hair swayed with each of his steps until he stopped next to Apollo and wrote in his notebook, 'i'm Adrian'. He flipped the notebook so she could see his small print and smiled softly.
Cady smiled widely "Thank you so much, really, thank you." She turned to Adrian. "Hey," She said quietly, smiling softly back "I really like your handwriting."
Adrians eyebrows rised at her compliment slightly taken back, in fact he almost chuckled at the odd compliment. But his smile only grew more and nodded thanking her.
"You're very kind Rita, It isn't everyday, or at all you meet someone like you," Apollo said looking at her with great admiration.

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