Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"You've nothing to apologize for. I said we care about you.. and it wasn't just to cheer you up. Here.. take the Orange Juice. You'll feel a lot better. I promise." She smiled at the girl, arm holding a curtain of hair back to properly talk to Cady.
Cady took the orange juice and hesitated slightly, taking a small sip, a tear slid down her cheek. She smiled gratefully up at Rita.
"How's that? A little better..?" She looked at the other with concern, but warmth. She was used to this. She didn't like that she was, but it came in handy to calmly help a friend. "Just take it easy until you feel fine again.
Adrian nodded no to Cady before writing in his notebook 'my little sister used to get Panic Attacks all the time it's fine.' He showed Cady and wrote something else 'I'm happy you're alright'
"I-I'm feeling better." She smiled at Rita.

Cady smiled shyly at Adrian. "It's been happening for three years." She surprised herself slightly at the lack of stutter.

"Oh n-no, no food, I'm good thank you." She told Apollo. "Th-thanks anyway." She stopped herself from cringing at the mention of the word.
"So did my mother when I lived with her." She said to Adrian as though it was a funny coincidence. She looked over towards her bag. "I have some donuts, if you you get hungry. Anyone here can take one." Personally, she didnt eat them, they were for the club.
Cady nodded. "This i-i-is the f-f-first time I've done something other than lessons though, I haven't r-r-r-eally spoken to anyone. Do you?"
Adrian looked at Apollo nodding no to him, he lived with his foster parents since no one would most likely want a dorm with him.
"My-dorm mate is n-never in though so-i-i-i have the room to myself." She took a deep breath. "My p-p-parents thought it'd be g-g-good for me t-to live on cam-campus"
Rita had been looking down at the ground for a while after that question. She smiled, nodded, and walked back to her clay. "My aunt brought me here. I live alone as well."
Apollo wondered what it was like to live in a dorm with others, he was very curious his surroundings were very different.
Cady smiled and picked up her paintbrush again, she was still shaking slightly, but she was smiling softly. She started to paint again, a small warm happy feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Rita was close to being finished with everything but the hair, when she decided it wasn't good enough, frowning a little, she smashed its face, taking off some features. It had a smile, but the grin was lopsided and didn't carry to the eyes. It was painful to look at such a mistake. Nobody would buy such a sad, half hearted expression. Maybe it was because she cut her hand? She was probably favoring it without thinking and it messed her up.
Adrian looked from Cady to Rita with confusion, he stared as she smeared the clays face. His hand slightly moved wanting her to stop ruining a great creation but just watched.
Cadys eyes bore into the canvas, as she concentrated on her painting, she felt Adrians eyes on her and turned to look at him, smiling softly. She turned back to the painting, and started mixing her colours with precision.
Apollo leaned towards Adrian and whispered "You did great earlier, you should be proud." nodding his head to him with approval.
Adrian looked at Apollo his mouth slightly agape from the praise before nodding at him shyly in thanks.
She began sculpting again with pieces she tore off. Her hands worked like machines and her brows were furrowed. "We should um.." She multitasked by speaking to them. "We should go get dinner.. leave campus. Sound good?"
Cady stayed quiet, sure she wasn't talking to her. Just the boys. The thought of eating, eating in front of other people made her slightly nauseous.

She picked her canvas up and walked over to Adrian, showing it to him shyly.

The canvas was taken up by an intricate painting of a wolf. Underneath she'd written neatly: Thank you - Cady.

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