Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian loved the idea of getting to know these people over dinner and began to write 'sounds fun but I don't have any money..' He showed everyone shrugging slightly. But once he was shown the painting he looked in awe at both the painting Cady.
Apollo smiled to Rita brightly and said "That sounds like a wonderful idea". He then looked to Adrian and replied to him "Don't worry, I'll cover you.", then to Cady "Will you be joining us as well?".
Cady's eyes widened at the invitation, but she nodded, smiling. She knew she needed to get out of her comfort zone, and the pressure of ordering food might be an incentive for her to eat. Her stomach grumbled and for once she didn't want to ignore it. She handed the canvas to Adrian.
Rita finished a new face fairly quickly. The expression was stranger than the first. Eyes downcast, a larger smile, but it looked like a sad laugh or a happy crying. Whichever, she couldn't tell. She grinned at Caddy, glad she accepted the offer in particular. Something told her she needed it. She put her hand over its face, ready to wipe it clean, but paused.
Adrian gripped the canvas in surprise and looked at Cady raising his eyebrows to make sure age was sure of giving it to him.
Cady nodded and smiled encouragingly to him. She turned to Rita "Do-don't. It's good." She gestured to the face.
Rita pulled away, hand twitching ever so slightly. She called it a tick she felt when her hands weren't occupied. And quickly grabbed a small note pad and pen and started doodling. No reason for doing it. It was just so she could draw, she supposed.
"Oh! Let's go to the town and walk around. See where to stop. Or.. Do any of you know a good place?" She said, standing up, walking to the doorway and leaning against it.
Adrian stared at the photo lost in his own thoughts. the brush strokes patterned on the canvas beautifully. He found hhimself mouthing the words 'amazing' over and over.
Cady smiled behind her hand at Adrians reaction, she walked over to the wall and picked up her bag, swinging it over her shoulder "I-I-I don't mind where we go."
Rita look up at Apollo making almost eye contact, a surprised look on her face. "You drive?" She nodded. "Sorry to suddenly force everyone to leave, but you guys want to?"
"Yes, Zedric taught me." he said enthusiastically, then looking to the floor realizing they didn't have a clue who he was talking about. " I would be happy to take all of you".
"Alright!" Rita all but shouted, smiling at the others. It was her first time out in a while and the first time going out to hang out with friends or people she knew since she was a kid. She threw her backpack over her shoulder. If anyone needed help with paying, she could provide.
Adrian finally looked from the painting and up at everyone. Who knew that people could be so welcoming and nice, it caused a smile to play on his lips as he stood.
Cady jumped at the sudden rise in Ritas voice she smiled at everyone, holding her bag. She'd never been off of Campus in the time she'd been here.
"I'll pull up here and you guys can hop in" he said, he went out, and pulled up to the front in his old black Chevrolet pick up. His old truck was very dear to him, and he loved going for rides in it, as it cleared his head. He cranked the engine and heard it growl. He then thought of the fact it only had two seats and hoped no one minded riding in the bed.
Cady jumped up into the bed. It reminded her of the times when she'd ride in the back with her dogs when she and her parents went out.
Adrian stepped into the bed next to Cady silently his cheeks pink from the evening wind.
"Nice truck." Rita said, taking she seat, as it seemed the others already chose their place. She looked at Apollo for a moment, then looked away. She "ticked" a couple more times, nervously. She had no reason to though. He's been nothing but nice. She looked away and doodled a bit more. "Thank you."
Cady shifted in the bed to get comfortable, hand brushing against Adrians, she pulled away, bright red. She thought for a moment and turned to him curiously. "" she stammered. She sighed and gave up, relaxing into the comfortable silence between the two of them.
"It's not much, but I certainly love it. Today's certainly been eventful hasn't it." he said to Rita, hand on the wheel driving off campus.
Adrian placed the canvas next to him protectively before bringing his knees close to his chest. When Cadys fingers brushed his hand he felt his cheeks heat up and looked at the horizon anxiously.

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