Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady held onto him as she climbed back up, hiding back her own smile. She took his coat off, handing it back to him. "Th-thank you"
Before he took the cardigan he raised his eyebrows making sure she wasn't going to be cold before jumping off the edge of the trucks bed and meeting with Apollo and Rita.
Cady sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her legs over, slipping over the edge and landing on her tiptoes, folding her hands into her sleeves. She shrugged at Apollos question. "I-I-I-I've never been here before..."
"ummm.. a restaurant.." She answered dumbly, but tried to redeem herself. "I-I mean.. what restaurant looks good to you guys?"
Apollo looked around a said "I suppose we can walk until we see a place. If any of you see anything you'd like just say so."
Adrian looked down the street as they walked slipping his lanky arms into the sleeves of his cardigan. He stared at each restaurant they passed everyone being something he hadn't heard of until his gaze fell on a familiar restaurant titled 'Pockets.' At the sight of it Adrian tapped on whoever was closest to him which was Rita and pointed towards it.
Cady walked behind the three of them, looking around the unfamiliar surroundings. She looked at each food place, feeling a pang of anxiety at each one. She was going to have to sit there, and eat in front of these new people.
Adrian stepped next to Apollo and looked into the window of the usually popular restaurant. But tonight only a couple of the tables where occupied, he turned from the window and looked at the others with a questioning look. He was fine with any place so he wouldn't mind if they didn't want to come here.
"Mm.. good choice Adrian, this place looks good." She said, noticing the look. She smiled politely and addressed a waiter, but paused. "This seem alright Cady?" She as seemed nervous since they arrived. Rita figured it had to do with the mentioning of food earlier that day.
Cady looked in, the lack of people reassured her and made her feel less anxious.

Looks good to me she signed to Adrian. She nodded to the others.
Adrian stepped in nodding a thank you to Apollo as he passed him and stood awkwardly with everyone rubbing his arms for heat.
Rita sat down and reached for her pocket. Not finding what she was looking for, she searched much more frantically. Her hands "Ticked" A couple times and she was thankful they were under the table. It would have otherwise been noticeable that time. She, instead, looked at a menu. However, she wasn't incredibly focused on that. Her drawing pad wasn't anywhere around her.

"What seems good?"
Apollo walked in after letting them in as the waiter began to ask "Are you Apollo Barrett? To which Apollo replied "No. You must be mistaken.".
Adrian listened to what the women asked and gave a questioning look to Apollo when he answered. Slightly confused Adrian stayed near him hoping to get an answer.
Rita eyed Apollo, then leaned in and whispered. "Whats up with that...?" She didn't say his name or that the waiter knew him, but figured he understood the question. She tapped her fingers on the table, not looking at him, but waiting for a reply of some sort.
Cady sat down next to Rita and picked up a menu, staring blankly at it. She skimmed the calories trying to find something - anything remotley healthy.
Apollo looked around almost embarrassed, and quickly tried to change the obvious subject of everyone's thoughts "So, what're you guys ordering?"
Adrian sat a crossed from Rita leaning over the table with his hands pinched between his thighs for heat. His eyes scanned the menus but once in awhile he would glance up at everyone, he waited for an answer from Apollo his curiosity eating at him.
Cady looked around the table at everyone, chewing her lip she stared through the menu, not really seeing anything.
Rita skimmed the menu for something she could pick at a bit. Something that wouldn't end up going home in a to go box because she spent the entire dinner talking or thinking about something, or drawing, if she had her sketch pad. "Sandwich." She said, searching her pockets again, as if it reappeared. "Um.. theres a good one with sun dried tomatoes, basil and mozzarella."

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