Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady chewed her lip before making up her mind. She turned to Adrian and signed something to him on the off chance he'd know sign language.

Do you understand what I'm signing? she signed, hands shaking.
Getting a bit more comfortable, she grins and nods. "It started off sort of bad.. but when it ends like this, there's no way you could call it a bad day, hm? I mean, you guys were definitely the highlight. Cady is a sweet girl, who's shy, but you can tell she tries hard. Adrian is just a really kind and gentle soul... And you-" She paused, a bit embarrassed again. She couldn't find a reason to be, so she laughed for a moment and continued. "You are really friendly and outwardly caring. You say the right thing when you need to and opened Adrian up to us."
Cady smiled her first fully genuine smile in a long time. Her nose wrinkled slightly and the corners of her eyes crinkled.

Thank you for helping me out earlier today, I really appreciated it.
Adrian nodded before signing back I wouldn't have been able to just watch. He was a little rusty in sign language but it still should have made sense. His foster parents forced him to go to sign language with them so they could 'communicate like a family.'
Cady smiled at him gratefully, pushing her hair out of her face. I thought this might be a little easier than you writing things down all the time, it must hurt your hands after a while huh? She leant back in the bed, looking up at the sky, the light was fading and the first few stars were out. She shivered slightly.
"It's no trouble to help others. I've had great people to teach me that. I would love to know more about you. Tell me more about you." he said looking over to her, his hair blowing with the wind of his half cracked window.
Adrian shrugged before leaning back and signing this is the first time I've actually talked to people so not really.
She turned to look at him, just making out his features in the light. Really? Well, I feel honoured. I avoid talking as much as possible because of my stuttering, it's horrible.
Adrian smiled and looked at her it'll get better, I don't mind it anyway. Adrian stared into her eyes the passing lights making them sparkle.
Rita looked him in the eyes for a millisecond, before laughing and tugging her hair behind an ear. It always made its way to cover her face. "Well.. I lived with my mom for a while I guess, took care of her. This was before I liked art. Well.. I don't have much to say about that, but I ended up with my aunt. She was a really nice lady, and a sculptor. She taught me everything I knew and would let me practice every day with her. I lived with my mom in the country, so when I moved into a very closed apartment.. it was hard to adjust. But, I made a lot of money off of some of my pieces, I didn't really care but my aunt really loved the income and I loved the making. I'm sorry.. thats really boring." Tilted her head to the side and laughed. "But I was told that um.." She didn't want to say there was something wrong with her. Not in front of anyone. "The stress of helping her with income was wearing me a bit thin, so I came here. How about you?"
Cady smiled slightly, chewing her lip. I don't mind not talking though, it makes it easier to listen to people. Although it gets a bit frustrating when I can't get something out, I feel like I'm trapped in my mind she looked him back in the eyes, blushing slightly.
Apollo wondered what to even say, he finally decided "Well I've lived around here for a long time, I've always enjoyed writing, it's my passion, acting as well. I also enjoy playing most sports, and such. I've just started school here. To be honest I'm not sure I feel to great about the way I've been treated thus far" he said seeming discouraged at the end.
Adrian watched her hands motions unable to see her pink cheeks, he brushed his bangs from his eyes before answering that sadly makes sense.
Rita frowned. It would seem unfitting on her, though she was worried for him. "What do you mean..? Have people been rude to you?" How could someone be mean to Apollo? He seemed so kind.
Although, when I spoke to you earlier, that was the first time I haven't stuttered in a long time. And talking like this makes it easier I guess. She shivered in the evening chill.
"The contrary, they've approved of me, hailed me, fawned over me, but for the wrong reasons. Wether it be looks, sports, or anything. It seems superficial to be honest".
Adrian was about to respond when he noticed her shiver and sat up. He slipped his arms out from his brown cardigan and held it out to her, small white lines marked his arms but they where impossible to see in the dark.
"Well.. They haven't looked deep enough to see you for you then. And feel sorry for them, because if accomplishments are all they can see in a person, they will not get much out of life. Or at least, not as much as somebody who sees someone for all they are." She found herself rambling and turned pink. "Or yeah.. Its just, you only have to know you're a good person. Others might agree, but its okay if they don't know the true reasons."
Cady took it gratefully and smiled at him thank you she slid it on over her top, careful not to let the sleeves roll up, her marks were red and raw.
Adrian watched her pull it on and sat back in his short sleeved shirt his arms crossed over his chest holding his notebook to his chest silently wondering where they where even going.
Apollo just looked at Rita and smiled. He pulled into a parking spot downtown, stopped, and caught himself still sitting and smiling. He looked over to Rita, realized he would seem as if he was staring "Well we're here, now let's find out where to go." He said to Rita with a grin.
Cady fell backwards at the abrupt stop, smacking her head against the back of the truck. She sat up groaning. "Ow." She turned to Adrian laughing. "Well, we're here." Her eyes widened at the lack of stutter again.
Rita nodded and jumped out of the car, joyfully. Apollo had a way of making her even happier, yet it was too early to admit that. They just met, but he seemed like someone she could talk to with ease, a good friend sort of. All the awkwardness seemed to melt away, yet she left her drawing pad in the car. "Land hoo!" She shouted in a joking manner, but not loud enough to draw attention. Just to gather the other two.
Adrian smiled into his hand despite the fear he had on whether she was alright, he had swayed to a stop gripping the edge of the painting. His arms and cheeks where a bright pink from the wind which had been pushing into him the whole ride. He stood and repositioned his scarf around his neck before reaching down to Cady his notebook in his other arm.

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