Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo finally stood up, and declared "I'm going in there, girls bathroom or not, I need to see if she's alright in there". He walked toward the bathroom and cautiously opened the door saying her name.
Adrian watched Cadys hands hoping they wouldn't find them rude for communicating without them, once she finished he responded he seems very polite, he only seems strange because he suddenly- Adrian's phone suddenly hummed with vibration causing him to look down, his screen had lit up with a picture of a blonde women and him in front of a waterfall. They looked nothing a like and Adrian was not smiling, it was his foster mother. He sighed wearily his expression full of dread, he lifted the phone to his ear and leaned on his elbow.
Rita made a small sound of recognition, not wanting to look up at Apollo. Wait, Apollo? She looked his direction slightly, almost laughing at this. "You do know this isn't the mens?" She said, a bit quieter than usual.
Cady looked between Adrian on his phone and the eccentric man they'd been stuck with. Add in the smell of the food and her stomach was doing flips. She stretched her legs out, accidentally knocking against Adrians, but left it there, finding some bizzar comfort in the contact.
"I came to make sure you were alright" he said laughing at her joke. " Come back out, I know you feel anxious, but there's nothing to worry about believe me. It's not nearly as bright in there without you" he said touching her shoulder. 
Zedric looked around the table and said "Perhaps after dinner you could come to our home to relax for awhile. I insist that you do. Master Barrett would enjoy that very much. It would be rather good for him if you ask me."
Adrian looked up at her when her foot stuck to his leg and looked at Zedric, he wanted to smile or nod but he suddenly didn't have the energy to do anything when Danielle his foster mother began to loudly speak.

"Adrian? Adrian dear! Where have you been, me and your father have been worried." She spoke so loudly. Adrian knew Cady and Zedric could hear her. Adrian leaned back in his chair his free hand pinching the arch of his nose as he looked at the ceiling, one thing that would cause him to get irritated was when Danielle and Cory would refer to themselves as his parents.
Rita looked up, making full eye contact. "Then.. you don't mind if I tick.. or I stay up all night.. I go long periods of time without eating, not because I don't want to but I forget.. I cant stop fidgeting with things where ever I am..? I mean.. if everyone knew.. It's really weird. I couldn't find my notebook earlier and I started T- I mean twitching I guess.. I figured people would look at me funny. I hurt Cady's feelings too." She rambled on, her eyes showing true worry.
Cady slunk back in her seat, shrugging at the man.

The waiter appeared with everyones food. Cady looked down at her salad, taking a miniscule bite. Feeling repulsed by the food.
"I'm sure she'll understand what's wrong. And don't you worry about any of those things, everyone can see your a good person, and besides normal is boring" he said with a smile. "Now come on, I'm sure everyone wants you back there, let's go".
Rita nodded. and got up, acting a bit stiff and awkward. Subconsciously, her hand grabbed his sleeve. She released quickly. "Im sorry! haha" She used said hand and quickly swept her hair back again. "Thanks.."
Apollo beckoned toward the door. As they made it back to the table as Zedric saw Rita and bowed "You must be this Rita Master Barrett mentioned. I'm Zedric his guardian, pleasure to meet you Madame." He then looked at Apollo eyebrows raised, a smile on his face and said to him "She's quite lovely Master Barrett".
Adrian released the arch of his nose and curled and un-curled his fingers, it was the first sign of irritation on him, a small habit. He closed his eyes and took small breaths as Danielle continued to lecture him on how they needed to know where he was and how long he would be gone. Adrian didn't even notice Rita and Apollo come back.
Apollo looked over to Adrian concerned. He wondered what could be bothering him. He felt compelled to ask, but had to wait.
Rita's eyes widened as she was addressed, however, she returned it just as elegantly, or at least as elegant as she could. She dipped her head gently, hands folded into each other as she attempted to keep herself from doing anything that may make it seem he didn't have her attention. "Yes, I am Rita," She said, after the short bow, a smile gracing her features. "I'm pleased to meet you, sir, and thank you." She really thanked art gallery snobs.
Zedric once again insisted " Master Barrett, I feel that your friends should be guests at our home for the evening" to which Apollo responded "I suppose at this point it couldn't hurt.". Apollo had finished his sandwich, and didn't seem nearly as embarrassed as earlier. He thought the company would be nice. A rare occurence.
Rita smiled to see her sandwich was there, but then that changed as she realized with became cold, as usual. She grabbed a waitress and asked for a to go box. "So, we get to see your place?"
Adrian thought about hanging up but even though he was becoming agitated wouldn't do that kind of thing. But then she spoke a sentence which pushed him over the edge "Me and Cory are your only family and we need to know where you are, your our son Adrian." Then suddenly Adrian opened his eyes and hung up setting the phone on the table rougher then he meant to. He rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes, Adrian had forgotten where he was for a moment thinking he was alone. But one he remembered he slowly lifted his head to see what had been happening.
"Yes, I'll foot the bill, let's get going" Apollo briefly replied as he walked towards the door. Zedric said he would meet him at their home and see the others there.
Rita followed, wanting to protest with the fact she spent money on something she didn't touch, but grabbed her box and followed. "So.. you on good terms with your folks?" She asked, curious as to why he's been so suspicious about his identity up until then.
Apollo looked down for a moment, looked up to her with a slight sadness in his eyes. He looked back up to Rita, and said "Let's get going" as he hopped in his truck.
Adrian sat in silence for a moment before he finally stood and set his rice in a to go box. Once he was finished he grabbed the container and his notebook and pencil. He placed his phone and pencil in his pocket before following Rita and Apollo out the door.
Rita watched to make sure the others followed, looking worriedly at them. She paused for a moment before getting in the car. "What ever you guys are upset about.. its something that can be made better.. right? if not, Im sorry. I don't like to see people sad, so if either of you need something, ever, just say so." With that, she got in the car, slightly pink in her cheeks, either from the whether, or her outburst.
"It's perfectly alright" Apollo said as he started the truck. "You're a truly caring person, that's a difficult quality these days".
Adrian looked up when Rita spoke but nothing really lit up in him this time. She meant well he knew but this was the feeling that had pushed him to be silent before, sadness. It just felt so painful to speak, and so useless. He thought this as he crawled into the bed of the truck sitting by the photo. This was his determination, this feeling. He brought his knees to his chest and stared at the floor in front of him with a dull expression. This feeling had pushed him to do nothing with others and now it felt like it was trying to do the same thing again.
She blushed a bit deeper and looked at him with concern. Her hands "ticked" subconsciously, but she kept them in her lap, as she wanted to she Apollo he had her full attention. "I mean it when I say it. Sorry for bringing it up.. Im worried for Adrian too. I don't really know him well.. but lets try to cheer him up?" (ARG!!! WE NEED CADY!)

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