Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Vineres finally looked up, having been completely lost in her strings. Only faintly aware was she of someone paying any bit of a mid attention to her.

"Where did you learn to play?" She asked, once again twirling the light blue pick against the dark reddish-brown body of the guitar. Odin was very talented and she was sure he must've had a teacher. He knew the exact places to pick up on her loss, even though they couldn't have been more than a couple lines in. For such a quiet boy Vi started to wonder how often he played music with other people as well as a possible teacher.
She looked down at her lap for the entirety of his speech. Eyes downcast. So that was in life? She felt bad for complaining, bad for telling him to cheer up. Still she smiled on his behalf, for being as strong as he is and coming out of it okay. "I can't help but think now I haven't been as appreciative, but it's alright. He's really strong, but everyone needs someone, right?"
"You're certainly right, and as far as I'm concerned if you're a friend of his you're a friend of mine" said Zedric reassuringly. Apollo returned with a trey "I've got tea for everyone" he said, sitting down the trey and sitting on the couch near Adrian. " I do hope he wakes up soon".
Adrian laid asleep peacefully until his dream began to darken, everyone was slowly disappearing fading away as the sky darkened along wit the rest of his surroundings. Soon in his dream it was just him in a black void.

Adrian's body curled up tighter on the couch as this happened, shaking as memories began to reappear like they would normally do on the dark vast surface.
Apollo looked over to Adrian, and saw him shaking. He rushed to his side and began to talk to him "Adrian. Are you alright Adrian?".
When Rita saw Apollo, her eyes swept away, more so than her usual not wanting to make eye contact, though she smiled. She took a cup, lifting it to take a drink, but ticked, almost spilling her drink. She found this a bit less frightening and embarrassing and let out a short laugh, quickly stopped by seeing Adrian. "Hey... wake up, Adrian." She shook him gently.
"I'll fetch him some water for when he wakes up" Zedric said darting out of the room to get it. Apollo began to shake him gently as well "Come on. Everything's alright. Just wake up. We're here. Adrian? Adrian?" he said his tone becoming more increasingly worried with each word.
Sweat formed on his brow and his breath picked up, and he was silent until he sat up and shouted "stop!" His hands clamped into his hair gripping large clumps of it and his eyes scrunched shut. His voice echoed in the silent room, Adrian barely recognizing it as his own. His body shook uncontrollably as he formed into a ball again, his throat hurt using his voice had felt so unnatural.
Apollo pushed his hair back, and gathered his thoughts. He was completely surprised "Are you alright?" he asked. Apollo then smiled a bit not wanting to and said "You. You spoke. Is that good? I think it might be good?" he looked over to Rita "What do you think?" he asked her.
Rita was taken aback. "Adrian.. shh.. we've got you. You're alright. You're with friends.... come on.. it's okay. I don't know, from his use of words... I'd say he always could. Now he's just scared.. or maybe in wrong, but it doesn't seem that great. . "
At the sound of their voices Adrian's head snapped up and looked at them his face full of fear, they heard him speak. He looked away from them not wanting to make eye contact, he didn't know what to do so he just gripped his legs closer to him.
"She's right everything's going to be great" Apollo reassured Adrian. Zedric then walked in with a glass of water offering it to Adrian saying "It's alright young master, I can assure it will be, take this water and breathe" he reached over with the glass of water and touched his shoulder. "No need to worry about speaking lad, you're among good friends, it's perfectly alright I promise" said Zedric.
Rita smiled only slightly at him. "You're in a good place. We won't do anything to hurt you or make you feel bad. Just.. take some deep breaths please." She raised a worried brow at him
Adrian looked at Zedric and Rita before gripping the cool glass, he didn't know if he could convince himself to speak again. The thought of how speaking was painful and useless once again came to mind, he nodded to Rita indecisive on whether or not to speak. He scooted to the arm of the chair and took a small sip of water thinking to himself.
Rita took notice of his silence and became more casual. "You spoke on accident, right? You don't need to do it again, if silence is comfortable and feels better to you. Nobody here's going to criticize you."
Apollo knelt down, looked at Adrian and said,"I know something has to bothering, I'm not sure what it is, I'm not going to make you tell me, I wouldn't make you. Just know, whatever it is, I'll help you however I can. It doesn't matter what it is, I will help you" he had a serious look in his eyes, a determined look, he wanted to help him more than anything. Though he was too stubborn to ever show it, he knew what pain was, he knew how it felt, and was willing to do anything to make sure someone else doesn't feel it.
Adrian looked at Rita and Apollo, he had met them just earlier today and they where talking and comforting him like they had known him forever. Their kindness caused tears to burn the back of his eyes and he looked away and tried to blink them away.
"Oh, Adrian!" Rita suddenly exclaimed, "the art here is absolutely gorgeous, come on, I bet you'd appreciate this stuff, if you like the art room."
Adrian placed his glass on the table next to the couch and followed Rita while he waited for Apollo to point out his favorite art work.
He walked them into the library wing, and pointed to a large oil portrait on the wall of a woman with long, wavy, brown hair, features that resembled Apollo's, and a man with short blonde hair, a strong jaw that resembled his, and a kind smile. He looked up at it with a proud smile "I'm not sure who exactly did the painting, but it's my mother, and father. She was always great to me and everyone she met. She was beautiful. And that was my father, he was a strong brave man, who stood to his convictions always did what's right. " He looked up at it, in his eyes you could see vaguely he was fighting back pain, but he smiled and said "I'm sure it isn't the best painting in the world, but I love it.".
Adrian stared at the portrait the details precise and enchanting, the more his eyes stared upon it the more the picture would grow in beauty. He tore his gaze from the picture and looked at Apollo mouthing the single word 'they seem amazing.'
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(I'm back)

Cady drove to Apollos house. She had agreed to go, but she had to run some errands first. She parked up in the massive driveway and tried the unlocked door, walking inside. She wandered through a few rooms before finding the others. Joining the group silently.

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