Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita, turning away from the Portrait saw Cady wandering through the halls. She offered a small wave, not talking in fear that she would be upset by the way Rita treated her before.
Adrian looked over his shoulder when Rita began to wave and when he saw Cady he turned to Rita and tapped her shoulder. His expression was full of worry as he nodded his head from side to side hoping she'd understand what he was saying. Adrian wanted everyone to forget what had happened in the last hour because he had decided he was going to stay in silence so he didn't want Rita or Apollo to tell her.
Rita's own nervous look turned into a smile and she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "She doesn't need to know.. its all good"
Adrian gave a sad smile before turning to Cady and beckoning her towards them. He wasn't going to speak, not even to these people because it was painful, and useless.
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Cady looked up at the group and walked over to them, eyeing Adrian up, she chewed her lip in worry at the expression on his face.
Cady smiled "I-i-it's really nice. They s-s-s-eem like lovely p-p-people" she stared down at her hands playing with her sleeves nervously.
Rita bit her lip and waved lightly. "Hey um.. Cady. Im sorry I made you upset earlier. I was just really embarrassed, and it had nothing to do with looking inside the Note Pad."
Rita blushed lightly. "It's fine. It didn't matter... I did something and I overreacted, thinking you would notice. You didn't do anything wrong.. Its my own issue. I was really scared that I said something that offended you, haha.." She gave a nervous laugh and ticked again, spilling a bit of her tea. "Oh, Im sorry.. where are napkins?"
Zedric coincidentally swooped in, napkin in hand, as Apollo gestured to the door,"Come on, let's all have a seat in the living room" he said with a wave.
Rita turned, hesitant, giving Zedric a mouthed "Thank you" and sat back down on a couch, placing her cup back on the table and doodling. Her eyes were on Apollo now, and she was attempting a couple life sketches. "This place is really awesome. Every part of it, just really nice. Your parents were very lovely. That painting held a lot of love in it."
"This was my family's home for 2 generations, they were great people." he quickly changed the subject "I'm assuming the club will be meeting tomorrow?".
Adrian just stood idly by in his own silence, fiddling with his cuffs. He suddenly felt very out of place, like he had been lying to them all for the whole day. He stared downwards at his floral vans his laces untied but he paid no mind leaving them the way they where as he listened intently to the others conversations.
Cady walked up to Adrian, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. She looked at him intently, silently asking him if he was okay. She turned to Apollo "It-it's a nice place."
Adrian nodded yes to both Apollo and Cadys question, eyeing her hand on his sleeve. He planted a smile on his face and continued to listen.
"Thank you, I'm really glad you came" Apollo said with a smile. 
"It's getting late, does everyone need a ride home?" Asked Apollo, while looking around the room.
"How about you Adrian?" Apollo then scribbled on slips of paper, "Here's my number if anyone wants to contact me".
Rita smiled gently at Cady and shook her head. "Walking homes really nice for me.. if it's all the same with you. And you'll all be at the club, right?" She took a slip and walked towards the door.
Rita looked away from all of them and shrugged. "Meh.. maybe. I don't pay attention to who's in my class, so I might see one of you." She did a quick salute and smiled at them all. "G'night!" With that, she left, arms wrapped around a notepad and to go box, backpack over one shoulder. She wasn't tired at all, so she figured it would be a night she would wait out as usual. Maybe sketch or paint during that time. Too late to go take some clay. She walked at a leisurely pace, no rush to go home or sleep, just enjoying the street lights and stars.

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