Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady smiled politely at Apollos conversation, pushing all of the bad thoughts out of her mind. She sighed quietly. It was going to be one of those days, where her mind battled everything the world had to offer. She looked down at her drawing properly for the first time and gasped in surprise at what she drew. She scrunched it up and threw it in the bin quickly.
"I'll come. I like watching Baseball a lot. I played softball a while back, myself.. so it should be um..." She paused, rubbing temples for a moment to clear her head. It felt like it was full of cotton balls. Breakfast. She reminded and reprimanded herself for forgetting. "Yeah. It sounds like fun." She grabbed a bottle of OJ, as she usually bring and took some. She smiled at him, trying to show her interest.
Adrian's hearing picked up when he heard the word baseball and stepped towards Apollo with a child like stare full of wonder before writing in his notebook, 'you play baseball?' He flipped the notebook so show him with a goofy grin on his face.
"Yes, it's a lot of fun, I'm enjoy competitive sports. You and Cady should come too." He said happily, he was delighted to be among his friends.

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Cady's head shot up at the mention of her name. Her face felt hot, she was furiously holding back tears and she just didn't feel right. "Oh. I-uh-uh." She stammered
Adrian nodded enthusiastically before writing another sentence 'I've never watched real baseball before, it's right after school?' He flipped his notebook towards Apollo but lowered it when he heard Cady begin to stutter terribly.
"Yeah it's right after school I.." Apollo stopped to look over to Cady as well "Everything alright?" He asked concerned.

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Rita rested her head on the table and watched them, grinning serenely. "Mm.. Cady, I mean, it would be nicer if you came, but if you don't want to be surrounded by people, nobody would hold it against you." She shrugged as to say "Nobody minds it". She looked at the bust, with no more motivation. Crashing now would be a waste of time though, and she had class after this, so she sipped at the juice. "It would still be fun with everyone though."
Apollo smiled and said "Good Cady I hope you guys can make it, let's hope the weather isn't bad".

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Cady could feel her heart physically sink, swallowing a lump in her throat. A tear leaked over onto her drawing, smudging it slightly. No one saw though. She didn't want to go, there would be so many people. But if she didn't they'd all think she's a giant baby, if they actually liked having her around and didn't just feel sorry for her.
Apollo thought for a second, he looked over to Cady and told her "Hey, if you don't feel it it's alright. I'm not a big fan of crowds either, don't worry.".

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Adrian held his notebook to his chest noticing a new painting on the wall, one he hadn't seen before. It was of two people a man and a women and it immediately reminded Adrian of the picture in Apollos home. At this observant he stepped towards it absently. He forgot about the others his mind occupied by the painting, you could tell it wasn't the same picture but the women and man looked much like Apollos parents had. And it interested Adrian deeply.
Apollo noticed Adrian looking at a painting on the wall and looked up at it in awe and surprise " Who-who did this?" He said enamored by it.

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Adrian was lost in his thoughts as he gripped the edges of the painting and removed it from the wall without hesitation. He carried it to a table and stood over it examining it, for a signature anywhere.
Rita noticed the painting Adrian seemed absorbed in and made her way over to it, attempting to inspect it for herself. "Maybe its the same artist... the people are similar, aren't they Adrian? You picked this picture out fairly quickly."
Adrian jumped at Rita's voice he had been stuck in his own mind, but soon he looked back at the picture before writing in his notebook 'it's the same artist, the strokes and mixture of colors are the same. But I don't see a name.' He examined the painting with never ending interest.
Apollo just wondered to himself, wondering who it could've been. He wondered if Cady may have known. He turned, not seeing her and left the room to look for her without a word.

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Adrian stepped towards the door as Apollo left wondering why until he saw Cady had disappeared. at he observation Adrian looked at Rita with confusion clear in his eyes though they where partly hidden behind his black bangs.
"Hey Cady? Where are you? Please come out, Im sorry. Tell us whats wrong?" She said, figuring the girl didn't slip off for no reason. She opened a couple doors, seeing nothing.
Apollo wondered where she could have went, he hung back as the others looked, slipping back into the room to gaze at the painting once more.

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Adrian stepped through the hallways afraid of the reason she had left. His head whipped from side to side searching any empty class rooms or closest he would pass. And was on the last one when a voice rose behind him suddenly "Ay Mute!" Adrian wasn't in the mood worry thick in his mind as he slowly fell into a jog back to the art room ignoring the teen. And as he turned a corner a figure ran in front of him causing him to bump into them.

"Mute. I want you to come watch me play baseball today." From the outside it sounded like a kind invite but Adrian sensed the cruelness hidden in the teens voice. But he still nodded yes and took off to report back to the to the others.
Rita, who's eyes were dark with sleep and worry, frowned at Adrian. "They have no right to talk to you like that..." She leaned into the door and rubbed her temples. "God.. Anything to make today any more 'eventful'.." she said in a not so great tone, not realizing that it was out loud. "Cady.. please come out?" She asked at the off chance the other could still here her.

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