Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo went off to class. His mind still fixated on the painting, along with his game that would come later, hoping it wouldn't rain. He anticipated it greatly. He looked forward to his friends being there as opposed to "friendly" strangers to him.

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Adrian just waved his head dismissing the conversation on him, and smiled at her comment on the days. He took out his phone as they walked and noticed that lunch was nearly over and showed Rita.
She nodded to Adrian. The bell rang and Rita sighed deeply. "If she's coming, she's coming.. either way, its too late to wander though here." She looked up from the door and felt the fog come back in her brain. Her knees let out and she fell flat. The drop left her dizzy for a few moments, before she shook her head lightly to clear her mind. 'I tripped..' she told herself.
Adrian crouched down next to her as soon as he saw her fall. He gripped her shoulder and stared at her with worry bright in his eyes. And he mouthed the words 'you okay?'
Rita opened her eyes wide after they cleared and nodded, a tad bit shaky. Though the ground seemed to tilt slightly, she wasn't as foggy. "...I just tripped... sorry."
Adrian picked up his notebook and wrote inside before showing her 'you don't look alright.' After showing his notebook he wrapped an arm around Rita's shoulders.
Apollo sat in class, beginning to feel bad for his unceremonious exit, worried about Cady, yet excited he would see his friends that evening.

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Rita less than gracefully stood back up, half leaning on the wall so she wouldn't "trip" Again. "Im sorry.. I think we have to get to class. Its fine." She said with a small smile.
Apollo anticipated the final bell and it finally came. He rushed to find Rita and the rest before he had to be ready for the game.

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Adrian stepped out of his class and was immediately met with a harsh hand to the shoulder which yanked him out of the doorway and down the hallway causing Adrian to drop his notebook and binder. Adrian tried to stop and get away from the rude teen but the boy just pulled him more roughly down the hallway. Adrian stumbled over his own feet and bumped into people as he tried to get away from the boy. And this was all that happened until the boy walked out one of the schools exits, "Mute, I want you to help me practice before the game."
Rita was walking through the hallway when she saw Adrian getting messed with. She was at her wits end for the day. She had at least three times when she was too far gone to hear the teacher call her name. Cady ran off, and now these kids were picking on a friend. She followed out the door. (Excuse the language) "Hey dipshit, what do you think your doing? You even know his name?" She said in reference to "mute".
Adrian's eyes widened and turned around in unison with the other boy. He saw a fire of anger light in his eyes and Just as he took a step froward Adrian pressed his hands onto the boys chest to try and stop him from walking and shook his head from from side to side repeatedly hoping to stop them.
"Adrian, please get away from him.. he's been picking on you, right?" Rita "ticked" a couple times nervously, an angry frown on her mouth.
Apollo turned the corner to see what was going on. He could immediately tell it was trouble. He walked straight towards them and looked at Rita and Adrian with a determined look in his eyes "You two get out of here" he said almost through his teeth. Clenching his fist. He looked to the boy "We're going to have a talk understand?" He said angrily.

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Adrian held his ground and turned around shaking his hands frantically telling them to stop every once in awhile turning to look at he boy.

"Oh, alright Barrett." The boy spoke cockily as he tried to get around Adrian, but just as he attempted Adrian stepped in front of him. He didn't want help he was fine with it all, it had been happening for so long it didn't even hurt anymore.
"If you touch him, I promise you're going to regret it" Apollo said staring the bully down. He then looked back to Rita "Just go ahead to the art room, don't sorry about coming to the game, this guy won't be there" his eyes were the most serious they had seen.

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"Come on, Adrian.." She shot Apollo a worried glance. "Sorry Apollo..." She said looking down. He was strong enough, but it was trouble.
Adrian shook his head from side to side when Rita beckoned him over his black hair a fluffy mess. He didn't want to leave these two together. The boy behind Adrian then leaned forward and whispered into his ear so only Adrian could hear "I wonder if they'll react if I pretend to whisper something threatening." Near the end of the sentence the boys mouth stretched into a smile then set a hand on his shoulder and spoke. "I want this little guy to help me practice."
"You won't be going to the game" Apollo said stepping closer. "Adrian's brave to step up to a bully like you, but if you even whisper another word to my friend you're going to be in a world of trouble." He said stepping right behind Adrian.

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Rita just waited, turned defensively towards Adrian and the kid harassing him. Fists balled, ticking every few seconds. She knew she could at least help if the kid tried anything funny.
Apollo just looked back to Rita "Don't worry about this thug, I don't want you to get hurt" he had the same angry look in his eyes and it only grew more protective.

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The boy smirked and stepped in between Adrian and Apollo slightly taller then Apollo.

"You must think your pretty tough, huh?" Adrian tried to get in between them as well but the boy held out an arm to block him not looking away from Apollo.

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