Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

He raised his eyebrows with a amused grin, but Adrian was becoming extremely white not knowing what to do.

"I feel it's the other way around Berritt." He seemed to the spit the word just as he kicked at Apollos ankle.
Rita saw this movement and as fast as she could, swung her leg at the back of his head, thanking her height and not so feminine strength, also the fact he would have been too busy trying to hit Apollo, and her "crash" seemed to be delayed.
Apollo raised his ankle, spun and responded with an elbow to the bully's face, them grabbed his arm flinging him over his shoulder and onto the ground, Apollo's foot on his back "Let's get a few things straight, that kid you're messing with is my friend. He has a name, it's Adrian. If you or anyone else messes with him they'll get much worse. And you're leaving the team. You'd better agree of I'll snap this arm like a twig".

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Adrian ran towards Apollo after seeing this and grabbed his arm. Once he had a good grip he tugged with all his might to get him off, violence and pain where Adrian's least favorite things. He stared downwards as he tugged at Apollo shaking his head from side to side to make him stop. While this the boy had pressed his palms onto the ground to push himself up taking in deep breaths as he tried to chuckle in response to Apollos words.
Apollo pushed back down "Stay down or I'll break it." He looked over to Rita and to Adrian" it's going to be fine you two get out of here".

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Adrian planted his feet on the ground he didn't plan on leaving, he had to stay here somehow stop all the violence. He was thinking for a moment trying to come up with something when he noticed the boy begin to push himself up and speak, "I'm not afraid of some shit kid like you Barrett." At this Adrian ran in front of Apollo to stop him from what he planned to do, his face pleading him to stop.
Apollo saw Adrian's face, he then decided what to do. He looked at Rita and Adrian and said "turn around" he then

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Rita no longer liked what was going on either. "Hey Apollo... I mean, breaking the shit's arm isn't such a great idea. Isn't there a better way?" She said, knowing turning around wouldn't make the sound less agonizing.
Pulled his arm back, pushed his foot down and dislocated his shoulder saying" It'll hurt like hell, but you'll be able to find someone to pop it back in". He stepped off and touched Adrian's shoulder and said "Come on guys, we're going to a baseball game.

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"I'm just glad you two are alright, come on Adrian, I'm sorry that had to happen" he said remorsefully.

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Adrian just stopped in his tracks as the boy let out a short yell, he couldn't move this is what he was afraid of, people who caused others mental and physical pain. So when Apollo touched his shoulder Adrian jumped from the contact and stepped away and towards the boy. He felt light and empty as if he was there but wasn't truly there, he had dealed with this kind of thing before, dislocated limbs. He didn't like to bring it up though, Adrian crouched next to the boy he had sat up and was against the wall pain in his expression. Adrian then gripped his upper arm and popped it back into it's socket with ease.

"Why the hell did you do that?" The boy questioned almost in anger but Adrian only shrugged and walked towards where he had dropped his items not sharing a glance at anyone. He wasn't really in the mood for baseball anymore.
Adrian just continued to walk and shrugged looking around for where he may have dropped his supples.
She felt her heart drop. Apollo hurt him, though Adrian protested. Is that why he was upset? She picked up a dropped pen and handed it to him. "Hey.. listen, Im sorry about what happened.."
Adrian stared at the pen before pinching it between his thumb and pointer finger. But when Rita spoke he smiled for some odd reason and just nodded. He felt Apollo staring at him and his grin faltered for a moment, never had he imagined he would feel dread when he thought of one of his friends.
Apollo began to feel responsible for making Adrian feel this way and felt as if he disgusted the both of them and they would now ostracize him for doing what he believed to be right. He looked at the two of them, and left immediately to his game. He felt his only friends he had made were now gone, as he hurried away.

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Rita put a gentle hand on Adrians arm. "Please don't be afraid of him. He.. both of us were just really worried for you. We would never hurt you... but I think he's upset for what he's done right now." Her smile turned to a tired frown and she sighed. "If he apologizes and promises not to hurt anyone, you think it will be alright?"
Adrian felt like he was being spoken to like a child but didn't take offense as he looked at where Apollo had been standing and back at Rita. He didn't want him to apologize he didn't want him to apologize but him promising to not hurt anyone else sounded reassuring so Adrian nodded shyly.
Apollo was still on the baseball field, it was pouring down rain, he was the only one there. He was throwing up balls, and hitting them continuously. He couldn't help but feel terrible losing his friends in such a way. He was hurt, he felt he had lost too much already. The rain only became harder, but he didn't care. He felt it was almost nature sympathizing with him. As the rain poured, and he stood alone.

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Rita took his hand lightly. "I hope you don't mind getting wet." She sprinted with him to the bleachers, standing on one and cheering for the only guy in the field, clapping like a fool.
Adrian let her drag him into the pouring rain, his hands where tucked in his sleeves as he covered his mouth trying to stifle a laugh but failed letting out a short quiet chuckle at Rita cheering. He looked from Rita down to where Apollo stood and began to clap as well joining Rita in their embarrassing cheering.
He looked up to them. Wondering what they were even doing there after that. He walked to the two of them "Adrian. I'm sorry for that I really am, but I won't let anyone like that hurt you. You have to understand that. I was worried for the both of you, and if I can protect someone, anyhow I will".

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Adrian stopped clapping slowly his smile fading as he stared at Apollo for a moment. He looked like he was looking for something in Apollos expression until he suddenly raised his hand and flopped it onto Apollo soaked head. He then rubbed his hand over his head messing Apollos hair, a smile growing on his face until he stopped and just shrugged before mouthing 'thank you'.
Rita's hair, usually orange, hung heavy and was more crimson, but the rain was nice. She was tired and it was cool and refreshing. A bit of something that felt alive bubbled in her stomach and she started laughing. Not because it was funny. She was just glad to see them happy.

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