Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"You guys wanna go anywhere?" Apollo asked. "There's no need to sit out in this rain all day, just name a fun place".

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Adrian's usually semi curly hair hung off his head straight and drenched from the rain and thought for a moment thinking of a fun place but not coming up with anything.
Rita nodded, laughs dying down, as well as the adrenalin of what had happened. She rubbed her face, thinking to herself, 'not yet. I just want to have some fun with them first.. I cant be crashing.' "W-what would you want to do? I cant think of anything."
"Let's go to town and find something interesting"he said as they walked to his truck "We'll have to squeeze in"he laughed

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Adrian's wet bangs covered his eyes making it nearly impossible to see them as he thought of a place they could go to in the pouring rain. He thought for a moment patting his hair down as he stepped off the bleachers.
Apollo looked at Adrian, soaking wet with his cap on backwards, his long hair tied in the back and told him "Hey, I'm glad we're friends.". A small yet meaningful sentence.

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Rita looked back to see Adrian still by the bleachers. "Come on! Here, you have an idea?" She asked, expecting him to catch up as they got to the car. She felt her brain go cloudy though and the rain seemed to fade out, as well as any noise. She stopped for a moment.
Apollo took off his soaking wet cap and stuck it on Rita's head. He looked at her with a warm smile afterwards while cranking the truck.

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Adrian flipped his bangs back and over his head revealing his eyes which where staring at Apollo with pure joy at the sentence and nodded in agreement. Adrian then thought for a moment thinking one last time for something to do.
Rita seemed frozen in place, trying to register what was going on. The felt the hat on her head, but it was a while before she could acknowledge it as Apollos or say something back. "It's mine now, right?" She joked, finally getting a grip and getting in the car, in the middle.
" Why not?" He said smiling. He had forgotten all that went wrong that day in that little moment.

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She laughed. "I was joking but... just know, once you lose something to me, you will never get it back" she said with the slightest hint of mischief in her voice.
Adrian slipped into the truck behind Rita and shut the door behind him making sure she would have enough room. He smiled at their conversations and ran his fingers through his rain drenched hair.
"You can have it, it's yours. By the way I never got anyone's phone number myself. What's yours?"

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Adrian looked outside the window the raindrops dotting its surface as they drove. He sat there beginning to get lost in his own thoughts until he suddenly sneezed his upper body launching forward with it.
Rita looked straight ahead for a moment, but tried to snap herself out. She quickly typed up the number and tested him. "Don't get sick Adrian.. I mean it." She said in a mock serious tone. Her lids got heavy. The last time the feeling of having a cloudy head didn't disappear, but she did her best to sound awake.
Adrian sniffled before nodding his head from side to side and mouthing ''no way.' He wanted to stay with them and have fun.
Rita looked back at him, giving him a quick inspection. "If you feel bad, let us know. Alright?" 'Hypocrite' she thought to herself. Waiting out the night would be fun though, with them. She wished Cady would have joined them, but it was still nice like this. "Adrian, did you have an idea of where to go?"
"Let's go to the mall, it shouldn't be wet there at least, so why not?" Apollo thought it may be nice to go somewhere big, and indoors.

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Adrian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly he hadn't come up with a place to go. But then he looked at Apollo when he mentioned the mall and nodded giving Rita questioning look to see if she had any objections.
"Um.. to the mall than! Haven't been there in a really long time." She said with a hopeful smile. "All the lovely stores and people and super greasy food places."

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