Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita laughed. "I think Adrian is a secret detective." She took the other half of her donut and got up slowly, not wanting to fall over again. She was slightly shaky, but it was from the embarrassment of what happened. "Um.. malls.. Lets just walk. Go into the first place that seems fun"
"Keep your eyes peeled, any things good for me, how about you Sherlock?" He asked Adrian jokingly

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His smile grew even larger at the nickname but nodded no when asked if he had any preferences.
"I guess if you see a place just say so, in the meantime, let's walk" Apollo said with a smile

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Rita took another bite and looked at the stores, but couldn't help noticing the funny looks they received from some of the people. "Huh... maybe theres some place that has music.."
Apollo looked over to her and asked "There definitely should be a place. What do you have in mind?".

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Rita shook her head, not wanting to share her musical tastes. "I just like to listen to some where they have samples. I haven't been here in so long I forgot what they have I guess." She looked at the rest of the sweet donut and through it away. There wasn't much left and her stomach wasn't leaving her with many options. She reached up, adjusting the hat Apollo put on her.
"Let's hope we can find the place" he noticed her adjusting the hat and couldn't help but smile.

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Adrian's moccasins squeaked every step he took a crossed the floor. His eyes grazed each store until it fell upon a music store and pointed at it subtly.
Rita grinned at Adrian. "See, a genius." Rita follows, happily as to see everything. She quietly snuck away to find a section with some old guns and roses, then to a station with head phones, sampling a song from said cd.
Apollo found some Nirvana and was content, they were always his favorite.

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Adrian rubbed the back of his neck as they entered, he noticed Rita and Apollo step to a section on the other side of the store. He noticed more acoustic songs like Chase Coy and found himself drawn over there.
Compiling a few Cds she liked, genres fairly different, she snuck to the cash register, hiding them from any curious friend, but smiling to herself about her finds.
Apollo continued to listen, he closed his eyes and stood, enjoying every note.

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Adrian picked up headphones and placed them over his still wet hair. He tapped a cd and began to listen to a small piece closing his eyes.
Apollo them saw a cd he definitely had to listen to, it was Elvis Presley: Best Of cd. He didn't quite know what they would think but listened to it gladly. Reminiscing all the while.

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Rita smiled, seeing the other two still enjoying their music. She walked out, but in plain sight from the store and sat out against a wall, taking out her sketchpad. Unlike most people seemed to be, that she met anyways, she liked to see a lot of people. She would sketch a group if they were still, and remember faces well.
Enjoying the music Apollo forgot everything around him and just began to think of the people he was with. He smiled, thinking of the memories he already had with them.

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Adrian stood in silence his mind blank and only thinking of the words until the picture once again came to his mind. The strokes in both photos where the same and looked familiar. He recalled the feeling of that canvas, it felt worn and the hook it hung to the wall on felt aged. So even though it had appeared between the times they where there it still was old. Adrian sighed scrunching his eyebrows in thought. The schools curfew was 10 pm to 5 am and the art room couldn't have been occupied in the night since they left fairly late so it must had been set up before they returned to the room at lunch. Once he finished the thought he noticed that the song he had been listening to had ended.
Rita watched as some people walked by. It was the first time in a ling time she could say she had a tiring day, but it was nice. She was in the middle of sketching a random group when she noticed the time. It was barely at 7 and she was already tired. Laughing to herself, she continued working. The two inside seem to be in deep concentration, she noticed.
Apollo walked over to Rita after listening to music so intently. "You look a little tired? I am too, believe me".

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She nodded. "Yeah... that obvious? Once again.. I'm really sorry.. it doesn't happen too often , I guess, but it's awkward." She blushed, hand touched her hair, then the hat.

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