Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo drove until they finally arrived. He pulled up to the front to let the others out, and find a parking spot. "I'll be right with you guys, go ahead" he said gesturing to the front entrance

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Adrian nodded and waited for Rita before running to the entrance trying not to get more wet.
Rita grinned excitedly at the two, got out of the car and gestured for Adrian, going inside. as soon as she hurried inside, the world seemed to slip out from underneath her again. She was glad she was at least inside, not in the rain.
Adrian let out a shaky breath rubbing his upper arms to warm up a smile on his face. It was so much warmer inside.
Following Adrian inside, running, she falls forward again, head spinning just from running. She wished she had remembered to get a lunch before the art room, but it was a little late. She 'tripped' again. Then she got hungry. That is what she'd say.
Apollo walked through the parking lot. He was in no hurry, he enjoyed the rain. He didn't know why, he couldn't tell you if you asked.

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Rita closed her eyes tightly, hitting the ground, full body and all. She was expecting it to be hard, but she really didn't feel anything. Her head kept buzzing and she felt herself pass out, or that's what she assumed happens.
Apollo arrived at the door at that moment, and picked her up. Looking down to her in his arms he said "it's me, Apollo, I think you might just need a bite so I didn't want to cause too much of a fuss. Everything's alright, I'll get you something don't worry."

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Rita's eyes opened again, and she caught the second half of what Apollo said. ".. tripped..." She mumbled half hearted, a bit embarrassed by the fact he was there.
"Don't worry about a thing, I guess while we're on the subject, what sounds good to you?" He asked still carrying her, looking for a place to sit.

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She mumbled something that sounded like "anything." Not being able to think of a food she didn't like. Then, added a quiet "mmsorry"
Apollo looked down to her and whispered "it's alright" as he found them a seat, and sat her down. He looked to Adrian "make sure she's alright, I'll grab some food, what would you like?".

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He took off to grab food for them. He came back with a box of doughnuts. "I couldn't think of what to get, but everyone loves doughnuts" he said smiling.

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Rita made a small grin. "Mm.. gotta love the greasy mall food.." She said taking one and taking small bites, rubbing her eyes with the hand that's not occupied. The buzzing in her head slowly went away. 
She blushed after looking at the two one last time. "I'm really sorry..." She said, still sounding drowsy. She didn't like the awkwardness of what had happened.
"Really it's alright, just eat and feel better, it's no bother at all".

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Adrian picked up one of the donuts and took a small bite out of it. Looking at the mall around them before remembering something. He then wrote in his notebook, 'who do you think painted that picture?' He pushed the notebook into the middle of the table so everyone could read it.
Apollo had almost forgotten the painting, "I have no clue, I just wonder how it got there. It's such a strange thing. Tomorrow we should definitely figure out".

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Rita turned her attention to Apollo. "It might be someone who knows your family.. but then, why is there one at the school too?" She asked, setting down a half eaten donut. She closed her eyes for a moment to remember what it looked llike exactly. "You guys want to check this place out, now that we can cross mall food off of our to do list?"

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